3 More poems

Published: February 10th 2009
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4) Olive

Outside a bar under
A green Heineken umbrella,
An old woman,
Tattered purple coat.
Sunglasses and a gray hat.

I am back in Nyack.
My year in India is over.
So is the covert love affair.
I can't think of India or Sahaya Mary;
I cannot bear their loss.

Up Main Street past the bar and
The drifter alone at the table.
"Come here," she soothes.
"You have a story to tell."

I sit and tell her how
I would have married Sahaya Mary, I
Really would have
And lived in India
And spoken Tamil
And had meaning
And had intensity in my life.

She nodded her head
As if expecting every word.
When I stood up,
I had returned,
I had returned
To America.

5) Wings

It is true,
With you I soar high and crash hard.
But broken wings heal,
While clipped wings stay
Earthbound forever.

6) Indian Democracy

The shy brown boy slides
A piece on the chessboard
I carry with me everywhere.

I move my knight.

He turns to the other orphans
Leaning over the broken stone wall
On which the board sits.

The kids all speak
At the same time.
Then the little boy
With a smile framed
By ten other smiles,
Moves his queen.

What do you think? Take care anyone who reads this and have a great day.


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