Blogs from Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, Africa


Africa » Zimbabwe » Victoria Falls June 7th 2022

Although we had a brutal travel schedule in front of us, we could not resist a 5:30 AM wake up call to visit the falls one last time, to view the sun rising behind the Devil's Cataract. Quickly washing our faces, brushing our teeth, and putting on the clothes we had laid out the night before, at 6 AM we boarded the van that would take us back to the entrance of the park, quiet and deserted this time around, although the small market across the street was beginning to stir with the vendors beginning to set up their stalls. We were the only ones there for this viewing and, thankfully, although we once again donned the heavy raincoats, the wind was calm and the spray was not as strong and furious as the day before. ... read more
Victoria Falls Park
Victoria Falls Park
Falls Sunrise

Africa » Zimbabwe » Victoria Falls June 6th 2022

After another excellent breakfast buffet looking out over the watering hole, and with a full view of the beautiful pool area, our day started with a morning tour of Victoria Falls. We were complaining a bit about why we had to get up early to go if we had all morning, but we realized later on that we had been lucky to have the falls all to ourselves when we saw how many people were coming in, as we were getting ready to leave. When we got to the park, the market across the street was in full swing. By then, I was becoming used to be called Mamma by the vendors peddling their wares. Active also were the resident baboons, already busy tearing at and turning over garbage cans. We were given a brief description ... read more

Africa » Zimbabwe » Victoria Falls June 5th 2022

Another morning flight took us to our much anticipated visit to Victoria Falls. Because of the instability of the airlines, our original flights to Victoria Falls had fallen through, and we had been rebooked on an Airlink flight to Livingston in Zambia, which required a land border crossing into Zimbabwe. This detour required some additional time and also additional cost for a Kaza visa to be able to cross the border multiple times. Those who had been proactive and had obtained a visa ahead of time had to eat that cost, and pay the additional $50 for the Kaza visa. But at least we made it. We had spent a couple of days wondering if we were going to be able to get to Victoria Falls at all. The airplane was a smaller aircraft with only ... read more

Africa » Zimbabwe » Victoria Falls July 20th 2021

Victoria Falls Victoria Falls is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World and the major waterfall on the Zambezi River. The African people who live around the falls call it Mosi-oa-Tunya which means "smoke that thunders". The water makes a roaring noise as it falls over the cliff and down into the Zambezi River below. A cloud of water vapor is always seen around the falls. Dr David Livingstone was the first European to see the falls in 1855. The Scottish missionary and explorer had heard many tales of the thundering, smoke like waters on the Zambezi. Livingston stood on a small outcrop on the edge of the falls and named them Victoria Falls in honour of Queen Victoria. Victoria Falls is located on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. It was interesting to ... read more

Africa » Zimbabwe » Victoria Falls September 27th 2019

Busy day today, started with a short bus ride to the entrance to the Victoria Falls National Park, then we "walked the falls" with our Zimbabwean tour guide, Mike, and our Scenic tour director, Katia. It is a 3km loop with many view points to see the falls. Also a statue of David Livingstone. Initially walked through rainforest, (complete with rain - spray from the falls), branching out to the viewpoints, some had dubious fencing, and got a little wet. Because it is the end of the dry season in Zimbabwe, the first part of the falls were flowing, (they are 1.7km wide), but the second part were dry. Walked to the viewpoint for the Victoria Falls bridge (the border with Zambia) and then completed the loop back to the entrance (and the shop and the ... read more
First part of the falls
Main falls
Another part

Africa » Zimbabwe » Victoria Falls September 25th 2019

Yet another early morning for our flight from Johannesburg to Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. (And they keep giving us wake up calls when we don't want them!). A short flight then through the very long immigration process at Victoria Falls airport. (Think we were in the queue longer than we were in the air!) There were some traditional dancers outside when we finally exited. In Victoria Falls, we are only 75km from the spot where the borders of four countries meet - Zimbabawe, Zambia, Botswana and Namibia. A short drive to the Victoria Falls Hotel, a beautiful old colonial hotel built in 1904 by the British, where we are staying for the last three nights of our trip. A quick visit to our room (which you need a map to find) and then back on a ... read more
Champagne on the sunset cruise
Cocktails on the sunset cruise

Africa » Zimbabwe » Victoria Falls August 27th 2019

Day off from driving today but we headed east into Zimbabwe to see Victoria Falls. Nice later start, picked up by a guide at 7:30 before heading to the border. Another interesting experience and you realise that actually getting into Botswana wasn't as interesting as it felt at the time when you compare it to Zim. The visa fee for us is $55US each (ironically the only peolple who it's dearer for is the Candians but everyone else pays 30. I only had Pula so the conversation went along the lines of how much is that in Pula? The imigration guy thought about it, got out a calculator, chatted to two of his mates then looked blankly at me. So I merely "suggested" I could pay by credit card and his eyes lit up and said ... read more

Africa » Zimbabwe » Victoria Falls August 16th 2019

Today we woke up at 6am to get ready for a white water rafting trip down the rapids in the Zambezi River, but we didn’t know if it would actually happen. We were told that Yehoshua was too young. We had breakfast and at 7 the guide came to “assess” Yehoshua. He wasn’t sure so he took us all to the rafting place to ask his boss. The answer was no. And none of us wanted to go without him. So, they drove us back (my mom did not go with us, she wanted to enjoy a quiet time alone). As we descended from the Jeep (open and freezing in the morning weather) a man came up to us and told us he’s from a different rafting company and they take kids. It’s a matter of ... read more
Us with the wonderful men who guided us, MD in the blue, Morton, in the hat, and Spasho, my guardian angel next to me.
MD, our amazing river guide, pointing to Oblivion. ?

Africa » Zimbabwe » Victoria Falls July 23rd 2019

Hello readers. We are happy to report that today was our last early wake up. We're glad we did it, though, as departing from our lodge at 6:00 meant we had the opportunity to spend some time with orphan elephants. The reserve we visited was home to ten elephants who had been orphaned. Most of their mothers died during Zimbabwe's most recent droughts. We were given information about their care and how they had been saved from certain death, but also that they had lost their fear of people, which meant they could never really succeed in the wild. Trained only with positive reinforcement, they knew their names and each other well. Our ground leader led us on a trail around the reserve and each elephant had a handler/driver who filled us in on the individual ... read more

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