Blogs from Madikwe Game Reserve, Zeerust, North West, South Africa, Africa


Africa » South Africa » North West » Zeerust » Madikwe Game Reserve September 7th 2012

In life timing is everything and by this time last week, I really needed a break. Luckily the English bank holiday gave me an opportunity to take a long weekend off work and a chance to relax. The one thing I really wanted to do was to go on safari while in South Africa and see the "big five" (Lion, Elephant, Rhino, Leopard and Buffalo). Other people from work have been to the Kruger national park but there is malaria present and the faff of having to take malaria tablets put me off. Closer to Pretoria is Pillensberg, a park which has the big five and you can drive yourself round. However, I have heard that it can be busy. My lonely planet came to the rescue with the suggestion of Madikwe Game Reserve . This ... read more
My room
Donkey Boiler
Elephant Bath

Africa » South Africa » North West » Zeerust » Madikwe Game Reserve August 29th 2012

It has been a dream of mine to see the animals in Africa since I learned that such animals existed in Africa. So it is fair to say that four days spent at Madikwe Safari Reserve nestled in the Madikwe National Park were a dream come true. The rooms were fabulous darling, with our own plunge pool and outdoor shower on the deck where we watched the local wildlife sauntering around. The lodge was incredible, the delicious meals, the cocktails and warm flannels on arrival from evening drives and champagne candle-lit baths were out of this world. And the game viewing wasn't too shabby either! Now, how many trunks does an elephant have? One, right? Wrong! Whilst the female indeed has only one trunk, the male has two and let me tell you now: they're both ... read more
Grazing impala
A pair of hornbills perching
Plains zebra

As we are currently stranded in Namibia and have an ADSL line, thanks Theresa. Its about time for a few updates. Its true getting married does change you, for instance it made me forget all about writing this blog and gave Sandra something to nag me about. It’s been exactly two months since the perfect wedding, I have included a load of pictures so you can see the big day. Obviously the wedding was superb and the service at Madikwe Safari Lodge couldn’t have been better. I won’t bore you with details the photos’ speak for themselves. Also included are some awesome pictures of the animals from Madikwe. After the wedding we headed from the Waterberg with Sandra’s mum, David, Reena, Andrea and Godfrey. Well prepared as ever I took us the scenic route arriving at ... read more
Photo 4
Photo 2
Photo 3

Africa » South Africa » North West » Zeerust » Madikwe Game Reserve November 19th 2008

On our last morning game drive , zebra walk in single file down the main road. Jaco halts the Land Rover so that we can watch as they stop to graze, providing another photographic opportunity. As Jaco turns the vehicle down a side road, Simon spots lion tracks. We follow until they enter a part of the reserve where it is too muddy for us to follow. So, it’s time to search for hippopotamus. On the way, we see wildebeest plus a group of kudu and then later an impala herd. As the vehicle approaches a warthog, he runs across the road, holding his tail high. Arriving at a viewing point on the river bank, Jaco points out a group of hippo that are submerged in the water with only their ears and eyes showing. They ... read more
A pretty cool place to rest my itchy feet
Open wide
Out for a morning stroll

Africa » South Africa » North West » Zeerust » Madikwe Game Reserve November 18th 2008

Last night’s rain leads to a colorful sunrise this morning. Because of the muddy conditions, Jaco is limited to driving the Land Rover on the main roads. A giraffe stops her breakfast to take a look at us as we hurry by. We’re on the hunt for elephants today. And, we find a herd of them, tinged red from their mud bath. Jaco stops the vehicle so that we can observe the mamas and babies crossing the road. One of the younger elephants is still working on his coordination as he trips in front of us. The Land Rover creeps quietly by. Jaco doesn’t want to give the herd a reason to charge us. Finally, we’re able to drive past them only to discover a bull elephant around the corner. He’s in musk, which means his ... read more
Brown hyenas have stripped legs
I'm watching you
Another bird shot

Africa » South Africa » North West » Zeerust » Madikwe Game Reserve November 18th 2008

When we start the nightly game drive , Jaco tells us that conditions are still muddy which means we’ll be staying on the main roads again. But, we’re lucky that a giraffe has chosen to eat dinner very close to the road. Jaco stops the Land Rover so that we can watch as the gangly animal stretches his long neck to taste the leafy branches of a treetop. He moves gracefully from tree to tree as the Land Rover follows along. Later, we see wildebeest and cape buffalo with rhino in the distance. Soon, Jaco drives up a steep incline to a hilltop. Surprise! The url= Madikwe Hills vehicles are meeting other Brown and Keene guests who are staying at Mateya, another lodge ... read more
Time for dinner
Another close-up of the giraffe
One tall giraffe

Africa » South Africa » North West » Zeerust » Madikwe Game Reserve November 17th 2008

Lions have dominated my last few safari posts. I promise you that we are seeing other animals. But, I can’t resist writing about such wonderful sightings. And, so it is again this morning. Once lions are spotted, Jaco drives off-road to follow them. We watch as a female lion displays submissive behavior to a male, cowing down before him. Then, the Land Rover creeps along as the male and female walk towards a small lake where the rest of the pride waits. Suddenly, the lion gives a long roar followed by four short bursts. After the second roaring session, the lioness joins in. According to Jaco, the lion is telling any lion within ten miles that this is his territory. We sit quietly watching two cubs pounce on each other, practicing stalking skills. Wandering away, they ... read more
This elephant lost part of his tusk
This is a dung beetle
The lioness roars too

Africa » South Africa » North West » Zeerust » Madikwe Game Reserve November 17th 2008

Clouds on the horizon promise a stormy afternoon game drive. It seems the rainy weather has followed us from Sabin Sands to Madikwe. But, before the rain falls, we spot wildebeest and impala plus a herd of elephants in the distance. When the Land Rover turns a corner, two white rhino are standing close by. This is our first opportunity to see and photograph them up close. The sky darkens with approaching storm clouds. The wind begins to blow; lightning crackles in the distance while rain pelts the vehicle. We vote to skip the sundowners. Jaco continues to search for lions on the windy, wet drive back to the lodge. The inclement weather doesn’t bother him. Arriving at url= Madikwe... read more
No, I do not know the name of this bird
Here's a wildebeest
Mr. Zebra

Africa » South Africa » North West » Zeerust » Madikwe Game Reserve November 16th 2008

At Skukuza airport, Alan and I catch a small plane for the flight to Federal Air Terminal in Johannesburg where we switch to an even smaller plane for the trip to Madikwe. Our path diverts from stormy weather before circling the dirt landing strip as a giraffe pops her long neck above the trees to check out the new arrivals. We see zebra, kudu and impala roaming the flat valley on the drive to url= Madikwe Hills Where’s a camera when we need one? The lodge is built into the side of a hill among a series of boulders. Alan and I are greeted with a refreshing glass of limewater, then we’re taken to #6, our home for the next three nights. The living area houses a sofa, bar and fireplace. Mosquito netting surrounds the bed, ... read more
The sunset lights up the afternoon sky
Stalking the wildebeest
A scary yawn

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