Blogs from La Digue, Seychelles, Africa


Africa » Seychelles » La Digue February 15th 2020

Here we are exploring the Seychelles again, one week-end at a time, one island each time! Today, we are on a day trip to La Digue. The plan is to spend some quality time on the world famous Anse d'Argent beach. We left home pretty early morning for the ferry terminal on Victoria. There isn't any direct speed ferry from Mahe to La Digue on Saturday, so each way today we are doing a little 15 minutes transfer on the island of Praslin. There is not supposed to be any car on La Digue. Well, I can tell you the place is pretty busy with taxis around. Instead, like most, we rent bicycles for the day. First impression, wow, this place is super crowded. I have to admit we live at the Southern point of the ... read more
Seychelles National flag...
Yes, pretty impressive place...

Africa » Seychelles » La Digue October 31st 2018

Oprah Winfrey once said, “The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” In response we say, “we are giving it our best shot”. Anyone on an airplane who has flipped through the free magazine in the airline pocket has likely seen a photo of Anse Source D’Argent, a beach on La Digue. It is one of the most photographed beaches in the world and with reason. Soft blues and greens of crystal-clear waters and pristine beaches with a back ground of large granite boulders make this landscape unique and breathtaking. We visited three islands on our trip to the Seychelles and each had their own personality. The main reason for our visit was of course MJ’s fascination with these granite laden beaches and of course the opportunity to kick back ... read more
A photographers dream
Amazing granite formations
Red Fody

Africa » Seychelles » La Digue July 28th 2017

July 28, 2017 - This was the last, and earliest, morning of the trip. I woke at 4:30am and decided to step outside to see the stars. I'm glad I did. I could see so many - it's so different from home, without all the light pollution. I even saw a shooting star before I went back in, and I wasn't even watching that long. I tried to sleep again, but no luck. So I watched Reign before heading out one final time to my sunrise beach spot. I also watched it before breakfast, and after breakfast, while I finished packing. 10 am was checkout, and I went back to the outdoor hotel restaurant to wait. My boat left at 12:15 pm, so I had some time. I asked the guy from the hotel to call ... read more
Flea-ridden dog sharing my towel

Africa » Seychelles » La Digue July 27th 2017

July 27, 2017 - I woke up at 5am and watched episode 2 of Reign. Then I left to go back to my same spot to watch the sunrise, and hang with the crabs. A couple of dogs came by and were annoying, so I left a little early. That left me time to watch episode 3 before breakfast. And episode 4 after breakfast. Why didn't I start watching this on day 1 of my vacation? At 10 am, I headed back to that same beach as this morning to spend the day. There was already a couple in the spot I'd scouted earlier, but then I found one that suited me better. It was under a tree and had rocks on both sides, so it was pretty secluded. The only bummer was that the road ... read more
Beach dogs

Africa » Seychelles » La Digue July 26th 2017

July 26, 2017 - Today was a really good day. I woke up early, and thought I may as well try to see the sunrise, rather than staying in bed and trying to sleep again. I dressed quickly and got on my bike, back to the same beach by the art gallery that I visited yesterday afternoon. It was just me and the crabs again. I think they may be my spirit animal. They're just cool. I stayed there until almost 8am, when breakfast starts at the hotel, but when I arrived, a couple had just finished eating. I guess you can eat early. I had the same breakfast as yesterday, but this time put my friend eggs on toast, and enjoyed licking up all the runny yolk that rolled off, my favorite part. The morning ... read more
Big crab
Tiny crab

Africa » Seychelles » La Digue July 25th 2017

July 25, 2017 - Today I got up in the 7 o'clock hour, got ready for my day and then went to have breakfast a little after 8 am. It was quite nice, with a plate of fruit, a fruit smoothie, tea, toast and butter and jam and eggs. I'm already eating more than I have been. Last night I started a new book, so I continued reading it at breakfast. After breakfast, I came back to my room, changed into a bathing suit that I wouldn't use to go in the water, and then headed out on my bike to explore. I started by taking a right turn from the hotel and following the road east until it ended. From there, my plan was to walk a trail to the last beach I visited yesterday, ... read more
The path where I couldn't go
The beach

Africa » Seychelles » La Digue July 24th 2017

July 24, 2017 - This morning I woke up around 6 am, finished packing, internetted, had the remainder of my boring cereal with a mandarin, and chatted a bit with Angelique before I left. It was nice that she woke up early to exchange emails and say good-bye. I had a good day with her yesterday, and it was nice to have the company. I wasn't sure what time to leave for the ferry, since the bus schedule is a mystery. I didn't have to be there so early this time, but I did need to get a boarding pass from my electronic ticket.I left around 8:40 am and it only took about ten minutes for the bus to come. I got to sit in the seat next to the driver, which was pretty cool, and ... read more
Coco de mer nut
Coco de mer nut
My comically large boarding pass

Africa » Seychelles » La Digue June 17th 2016

Yesterday was our last full day on La Digue, we left at noon today and are now back on Mahe, the main island. Such a difference! Yesterday morning we ate our breakfast on the beachfront at LA Digue Island Lodge's one of the three best places on La Digue, and to my mind the best because it's within 2 km of the most beautiful beach ever, Source d'Argent so easy walking distance and it has little chalets right on the beach. They're air conditioned so it's comfy at night and very private, with a large bathroom that is actually open air, enclosed and tasteful but actually outdoors. The food however is not good, or should I say inconsistent. We had the buffet the first night and other than the salads it was not good. ... read more

Africa » Seychelles » La Digue June 16th 2016

It was an epic adventure getting here. First an overnight flight from Paris to Mahe, then we took a 40 minute ferry from Mahe island to Praslin, and barely made the connection to another ferry to La Digue, but we made it. The island is incredibly beautiful but hot and humid. We're getting used to it, taking lots of dips on the beautiful sea. Around here there's a reef just offshore so no waves to speak of, just beautiful clear turquoise water. Yesterdat we got a couple of bikes and explored the northern end of the island and today we'll go sout to see the best beaches. Yesterday we also walked a c pipe of kilometers to A nse Source Argent, which is exactly the beach I have always wanted to see in person. It is ... read more

Africa » Seychelles » La Digue August 31st 2015

The highway from the airport in Mahe is festooned with signs to promote Seychelles. Written in Creole, French, and English the fluttering banners proudly proclaim: I love Seychelles. When I first arrived in the country over a week ago I thought it was a clever marketing ploy, but perhaps a bit forced. Now, however, I don't need any signs to remind me of the beauty and unique feel of these tropical islands near the equator. Cause right about now you can count me as another convert to shout out, I love Seychelles! And I'm sure there are countless other visitors to these beautiful islands who share the same sentiments. The journal left off at the conclusion of my first week in Beau Vallon, and my host recommended a ferry trip out to La Digue to explore ... read more
An Aussie in Seychelles
Cliff top views of La Digue beach
South coast of Mahe

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