Blogs from Senegal, Africa


Africa » Senegal » Saint-Louis Region November 10th 2022

Senegal 11. – 25. Nov. 2022 Freitag, 11.11.2022 Anreise nach Senegal Flug nach Dakar über Lissabon. Hier überbrücken wir die 5 Stunden Wartezeit mit einer U-Bahn Fahrt in die Altstadt „Baixa“. Die hat sich seit unserem letzten Besuch vor 15 Jahren mächtig mit Fußgängerzone, Restaurants etc. herausgeputzt. Die 4 Stunden Flug nach Dakar ziehen sich in der unbequemen TAP-Maschine. Das Essen ist grauslich und die Getränkeversorgung spärlich. Ankunft nach 2 Uhr morgens. Wir warten lange aufs Gepäck und dann stellen wir uns noch langwierig bei der Passkontrolle an. Entgegen den Ankündigungen gibt es keinerlei Corona-Kontrollen. Der Bus und unser Reiseleiter Mamadu Ndiaye erwarten uns schon. Er sollte sich als ein sehr erfahrener und umsichtiger Mann herausstellen, der natürlich mit allen Wassern gewaschen ist, um die Unbilden einer Reise durch diesen urigen Teil Afrikas pro... read more

Africa » Senegal April 19th 2022

Nation number two on the itinerary was much-anticipated, as it began to establish a trend which ran through the year periodically of adding to the 'overall countries visited to date' tally, this time around in the shape of Senegal, a quintessentially African nation with an identity all of its own. A transit stop in Lisbon made it almost look as though I was heading home-wards, but a late-night arrival at Dakar airport rectified that, and the Senegalese episode debuted more or less at the beach resort of Saly which, if I'm honest, I knew really nothing about prior to my arrival. The opening salvo was impressive, and it also went to prove that not knowing what to expect was going to yield experiences which were as fresh and unfamiliar as they could possibly be, perhaps one ... read more
The Pink Lake

Africa » Senegal July 13th 2021

Senegal Kermel market Alioune explained about the Senegal flag that was on his cap today. The flag consisting of three vertical green, yellow and red bands with a five pointed green star at the centre. Adopted in 1960 to replace the flag of the Mali Federation since the country gained independence that year. Senegal retained the green-yellow-red flag but substituted a green star for the kanaga. Green is seen as a symbol of hope and of the country’s major religions, while yellow is for natural riches and the wealth derived from labour. Red recalls the independence struggle, life, and socialism. The Marché Kermel was established in 1910 and one of the first in Dakar. Alioune took us first passed some of the craft stalls with the stall holders wanting to say hello, the carved wooden ... read more

Africa » Senegal July 6th 2021

The little known town of Mbour, Senegal is located on the Western coast of Senegal. Our virtual tour today took us for a stroll through the local fish market. It was colourful, noisy, and full of energy. We made our way to the beach where it was just as colourful and noisy with the local fishermen and their women folk were selling their wares. The ladies of is were so bright and colourful and to watch them balance huge baskets in their heads was fascinating to see. Our guide had many friends, all who wanted to say hello to people from around the world.... read more

Africa » Senegal » Thiès Region » Joal-Fadiouth March 19th 2021 Fadiouth - The Island Of The Shells At the far end of Petite Côte, a stretch of coast in Senegal, lies a sleepy fishing village called Joal-Fadiouth. Joal lies on the mainland, while Fadiouth, linked by a narrow 400-meter wooden foot bridge, lies on an island built entirely of seashells. For more than a century its inhabitants have been harvesting molluscs, scooping the meat out and using the empty shells to make their little island. The seashells have accumulated over many years and held together by the roots of mangroves, reeds and giant baobabs. Heaps of empty shells lie everywhere, on streets and building facades. We saw large swamps with mangroves whose self-propagating roots serve as growth support for young oysters. Fadiouth is known mainly for its cemetery, which is also made out of shells. ... read more

Africa » Senegal » Cape Verde Peninsula » Dakar March 2nd 2021 2nd March - Gorée Island: UNESCO World Heritage Site - Dakar, Senegal The Island of Gorée, lying 3.5 KM off the coast of Dakar, was one of the first places in Africa Europeans occupied. It is well known as the former center of the European slave trade between the 15th and 19th centuries, and is now a pilgrimage destination for the African diaspora around the world. History tells the story that the island was a launching point to the "New World" for captured slaves from all over Africa. Gorée continued to be an important place post-slavery as a space for exchange between The West and Africa. Today it stands as a powerful symbol of history, reconciliation, forgiveness, and love. Alune was our guide and it was very moving listening how the house of slaves, now ... read more

Africa » Senegal » Thiès Region » La Somone January 26th 2020

Ça faisait très longtemps que j'espérais un jour avoir la chance de faire un safari. Je suis comblée. Une réserve naturelle peuplée exclusivement d!herbivores pour la préservation d'espèces menacées. Le tout dans un grand respect des animaux avec Mouamadou notre guide pour la journée.... read more

Africa » Senegal » Cape Verde Peninsula » Dakar January 25th 2020

Visite du Monument de la renaissance africaine, de son musée et de son belvédère en compagnie de deux jeunes volontaires ontariens qui habitent avec moi à la villa Hannah et Elphase. Nous avons terminé la soirée à l'excellent restaurant Le Phare.... read more

Africa » Senegal » Cape Verde Peninsula » Dakar January 21st 2020

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