How does she do it?

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Africa » Nigeria » Lagos
May 13th 2013
Published: May 13th 2013
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Yesterday while most of you were tucking into your roast potatoes I flew across to West Africa, specifically Lagos, Nigeria. I was questioned on the plane by a rather large Nigerian woman who turned in her seat and shook my arm. “why are you going to Nigeria, we do not see many of you in Nigeria (white women)” I told her I was working there… I could see her mind ticking while she thought, “ohhhh you must have a Nigerian boyfriend then?” I think I said No No NO I have a British boyfriend thank you a bit too fast and strong for her and she gave me a smile and moved away like she didn’t believe me…

The first time I travelled to Lagos, Nigeria the luggage belt broke, I waited 2 hours in 40 degrees heat after a 7 hour flight in the middle of the night for my bag and then had to fight through many angry Nigerians to get my bag, that was 2 years ago. I made a promise to myself from that point onwards – NEVER PUT ANYTHING IN CARGO EVER AGAIN… I will always carry hand luggage which consists of my camera rucksack and a mini cabin size suitcase. The question I always get asked is “how do you go away for 2 weeks with just that bag?” the answer is simple, the art of packing light! I pack for 3 days of work and 2 days of casual and 1 set of gym gear as well as swim stuff, I week off undies gets stuffed into trainers and I roll all clothes very small. I take a pot of travel hand wash and I rewash EVERYTHING. And that is how I do it – Simples.

Today was my first day of 5 days of risk assessment training; I meet a great bunch of service engineers who were fantastic debaters. The one thing I love about training In Nigeria is that Nigerians get very involved, they want to soak up every bit of knowledge and they are extremely clever people. Tomorrow I have a new group.

Tonight I have been very committed and have done 30 minutes of fit camp in my room off for a shower in the lush brown water mmmmm 😊

night all

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13th May 2013

My hat goes off to you Lisa, you are doing an amazing job, people can tell that, you have a heart of gold and your are very positive flying to these other countries like its a simple trip to the coast in the UK, a lot of people could take note from you. Well done buddy, take care and enjoy yourself.
13th May 2013

Thanks Andy
Thanks Andy for your kind words... It pays the bills :) and I do what I can to get the most of this experience ....

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