Blogs from Chefchaouen, Tangier-Tétouan, Morocco, Africa


Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Chefchaouen February 26th 2024

Mja, tatsächlich haben wir hier seit Beginn der Reise keinen Tropfen Alkohol zu uns genommen, ich wegen der Schwangerschaft und Dennis....naja weil es einfach auch keinen gibt und weil er beschlossen hat, dann auch gleich mal Alkohol fasten zu können. Also "leider" sprechen wir hier nur von Häusern ( und Türen und Treppen und Gehsteigen und Moscheen und Brunnen und und und), die blau waren aber dafür war das um so schöner. Chefchaouen, die "blaue Stadt" hoch oben im Rif Gebirge war mein heimlicher Favorit der Reise, wenn auch weit davon entfernt ein Geheimtipp zu sein. Trotzdem besticht der kleine Ort mit nur 60.0000 Einwohnern durch seine malerisch in blau und weiß getünchte Medina und die wunderschöne Lage am Fuß des Djabal Ech Chaouen mit seinen beiden Doppelgipfeln, die wie Schafshörner hinter der Stadt aufragen und ... read more
Brunnen in Chefchaouen

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Chefchaouen October 3rd 2023

We had an early departure from Tangier, since it was going to be a long day of traveling South on our way to Fes. But the early departure gave us an opportunity to observe the beautiful sunrise from the 15th Floor La Kasbah Restaurant at the hotel, the Hilton Tanger City Center. In addition, one of the highlights of the trip was scheduled for that day, the anticipated tour of Chefchaouen, The Blue Pearl, nestled in the Rif Mountains. The early departure meant more time spent exploring this gem. We carefully packed the pastries we had bought the night before so that we didn't have to waste the precious time in the city waiting to be served lunch. Apparently, waiting for a meal can be a lengthy process in Chefchaouen. The name Chefchaouen means "look at ... read more
Drive to Chefchaouen
Drive to Chefchaouen
Drive to Chefchaouen

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Chefchaouen July 23rd 2023

We discover that the activity of choice for young Tangierians at 5am on Sunday mornings is to tear up and down the main drag outside our waterfront hotel with their hands more or less constantly parked on their horns. At least now we don’t need to worry about our alarm clock not going off. And whilst on the subject of clocks and time, what time actually is it? I’ve got three “devices”, and at the moment they‘re displaying three different times. My iPad’s synced to the hotel wifi, so we think that’s probably right. Our phone company doesn’t do roaming in Morocco, but our phones occasionally detect a network across the water in Spain, and when they do they revert to Spanish time, which is an hour ahead ... and my Fitbit … it’s always been ... read more
Discussing the events of the day, Chefchaouen

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Chefchaouen May 10th 2022

“After breakfast, we’ll embark on a tour of the Roman ruins at Volubilis, the largest ancient site of Morocco. UNESCO-listed, the site dates back to AD40 and was once the city that ruled the entire Roman province of Mauritania. We’ll then head on to Chefchaouen for a guided tour this afternoon. High up in the Rif mountains, Chefchaouen boasts a beautiful blue door and white-walled medina that was originally a Berber post. The main square is the heart of Chefchaouen, with the Kasbah (built back in the 18th century), central mosque and cafes with authentic menus. The busy market is a mix of traditional Moroccan and tourist fare. Overnight – Hôtel Madrid, Chefchaouen (Breakfast included).”... read more
Roman Ruins at Volubilis, Morocco
Roman Ruins at Volubilis, Morocco
Roman Ruins at Volubilis, Morocco

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Chefchaouen March 1st 2020

February 26th2020 Chefchouen Morocco “You cannot travel the path until you have become the path itself.” Gautama Buddha “Virtue shuns ease as a companion…It demands a rough and thorny path.” Michel de Montaigne "To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily. To not dare is to lose oneself." Søren Kierkegaard “....there's no need for turning back 'Cause all roads lead to where we stand. And I believe we'll walk them all No matter what we may have planned.” Don McLean From a previous blog ( ) : Chefchaouen (35.1695 -5.2685) was founded in 1471 as a small kasbah fortress to fight off the invading Portuguese. It is 113 km south-east of Tangier and is nestled at the base of the Rif Mountains (bes... read more
Route from my hotel .. clockwise direction once in the gorge
My starting point
Breakfast point looking at the gorge from where I had come

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Chefchaouen January 20th 2020

We arrived yesterday in Chefchaouen to the rain and cold. Having dropped off our bags, we headed in to the beautiful Medina to lose ourselves and eat of course. I am still looking for the beautiful biscuits we ate in Casablanca .... all shortbread and sesame seeds but with oh so much more butter! Chefchaouen is famous for its beautiful blue-washed buildings and streets in the old town. The steep cobbled laneways are slippery to say the least, but it has dried up quickly today thank goodness. In the main square of Place Outa el Hammam is the red walled Kasbah which was a 15th century fortress and dungeon. The views from the top of the tower of the immediate town are stunning, as they are from the Spanish mosque, which is about a 15 minute ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Chefchaouen April 13th 2019

Leaving Spain at the Ceuta border you are greeted by a mass of taxis, but they are not all vying for your business. They seem to have a co-ordinator who takes all the hassle out getting a ride, and there’s no haggling for prices – they are fixed no matter how hard you try! It takes about two hours to travel along the pretty coastline, past Tétouan, and up into the beautiful hills to the blue city of Chefchaouen, all for €50. Not cheap, but we couldn’t be doing with getting a taxi to nearby Fnideq, changing on a bus to Tétouan, and then changing onto another bus to our final destination, all to save a few Euros. We were deposited at the base of the medina where an old man led us up through the ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Chefchaouen April 7th 2019

Though each path is different, there is only one way ~ Moroccan Proverb HE SAID... Today we were travelling north from Fes to Chefchaouen. We enjoyed a late breakfast in the ground floor restaurant of Hotel Olympic, which comprised baguettes, boiled eggs, croissants, jam, orange juice and tea. It was a fairly basic affair, but it was nice enough. With an hour or so up our sleeve, we headed out in the brisk morning air and made our way to nearby Avenue Hassan II, which is affectionately (and somewhat overzealously) known as Fes’ Avenue des Champs-Elysees. We used the morning sun to capture a few photos of Fes in light – the city had been shrouded in cloud the day before, and it had been pouring with rain on the night we arrived. There weren’t many ... read more
streets of chefchaouen
goat's cheese drizzled with prune molasses
view from our balcony

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Chefchaouen March 12th 2019

Chefchaouen, Rif Mountains Morocco February 2019 “Blues is a tonic for whatever ails you. I could play the blues and then not be blue anymore.” B. B. King “No water, no life. No blue, no green.” Sylvia Earle “The birds they sang at the break of day, Start again I heard them say. Don't dwell on what has passed away. Or what is yet to be.” Leonard Cohen, Anthem Chefchaouen (35.1695 -5.2685) was founded in 1471 as a small kasbah fortress to fight off the invading Portuguese. It is 113 km south-east of Tangier and is nestled at the base of the Rif Mountains (best known as for the production of Moroccan hashish). After the 1492 Spanish expulsion, many Jews settled in Chefchaouen. It was also part of Spanish Morocco from 1920 until the independence in ... read more
Bab Suk outside my hotel room on market day
Neighbourhood fountain Chefchaouen medina
Dutch Peter on our trek above Chefchaouen

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Chefchaouen February 10th 2019

Today we say goodbye to Fes and head north to Chefchaouen, a town in the Rif mountains just south of the Mediterranean. The day starts badly. We’re made to wait 15 minutes for breakfast – how hard can it be to slice a baguette and make some coffee, which doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things but irritates badly. Aziz comes to collect us and help us pull the suitcases back along the alleyways to the nearest road where Hassan is waiting for us, smiling as ever. There’s a heavy mist, which makes the alleys quite ethereal, and reduces visibility on the drive quite considerably. We head off across the plain, which is noticeably greener and more intensively farmed than anywhere we’ve been so far on this holiday, although the villages all look rather miserable. ... read more
Public water fountain Chefchaouen
Old men

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