Blogs from Moulay Idriss, Meknès-Tafilalet, Morocco, Africa


Africa » Morocco » Meknès-Tafilalet » Moulay Idriss February 24th 2024

Am Morgen regnet es wieder in Fés sodass uns der Abschied nicht allzu schwer fällt, trotz der herzlichen Gastgeber in unserem Riad und des fabelhaften Frühstücks. Allerdings wird es uns garnicht so leicht gemacht, von hier weg zu kommen. Die Fahrer der Petit Taxi am Rande der Stadtmauern zucken alle nur mit den Schultern und winken ab als wir ihnen die Adresse der Mietwagenfirma in der Cité Nouvelle zeigen. Obwohl alle ein Smartphone in der Hand haben, mit dem sie im nullkomma nichts die Adresse hätten recherchieren können, und wir als Touristen doch die perfekten Opfer sind, um einen schönen Umweg einzulegen und ein paar Dirham draufzuhauen will sich scheinbar niemand die Mühe machen, uns dorthin zu fahren. Oder es könnte auch sein, dass sie einfach die lateinischen Buchstaben der Adresse nicht lesen können und die ... read more
Moulay Idriss
Esel in Moulay Idriss
Moulay Idriss

Africa » Morocco » Meknès-Tafilalet » Moulay Idriss April 4th 2019

If one tells you the harira is cold, tell him to put his hand in it… ~ Moroccan Proverb HE SAID... Today we were travelling east from Rabat to Moulay Idriss(via Meknes). After our whistle-stop tour of Rabat, we made our way to the train station in the mid-afternoon. We rugged up against the city’s icy wind as we waited on the platform, then piled onto the train when it eventually pulled into the station. We had tickets with seat numbers, but the ticketing system is not followed on Moroccan trains, so people sit wherever they can find a spare seat. We stood for a while until people got off, then grabbed their abandoned seats before they were seized by someone else. As families became fractured across multiple seats, tempers flared and angry words were exchanged, ... read more
ren's favourite donkey benny/brahim
our riad
khobz, olives and taktouka

Africa » Morocco » Meknès-Tafilalet » Moulay Idriss May 6th 2016

The parents did eventually make it in to the town of Chefchouen, as the rain had lightened in the afternoon. They planned to buy water,eggs and bread. They bought a pasta strainer and a couple of other bits, but they forgot to pick up the bread and water. The next morning started off with a shower (surprise surprise), but had stopped after breakfast so we packed up, and headed for our next destination, the Volubis ruins near Meknes. On the way we stopped at a cafe and it had the film White house down playing on the tv. This was quite a distraction as we found ourselves just sitting there watching it. For Lunch we stopped in another small town and had an egg and salad sandwich which was really good, then just as we were ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Meknès-Tafilalet » Moulay Idriss April 29th 2013

Geo: 34.0629, -5.5255Salut tout le mondeNous avons prit un bon déjeuner encore avec des francais. Je crois que tout les francais sont souvent en vacance.D,ailleurs la plupart des marocains parle francais. On en rencontre plus ici que notre voyage en France. Réjean a reculé dans la ruelle mais il était coincé. Les gars l'on poussés pour l'aider. Pas d'internet dans les villages que nous avons dormit. Nous sommes dans la campagne reculer et cela parrais car il n'y a pas beaucoup de touriste ici et les berbères sont pas mal plus gentil que les marrocain arabes. Nous voici en route pour Fès. Nous avons roulé encore une bonne journée.215 km pour un petit 6 heures. La Réjean a eu son baptême de ville. Fès est très grande avec beaucoup de voiture. Nous avons visité un p ... read more
En route vers Fès - 2
En route vers Fès - 3
En route vers Fès - 4

Africa » Morocco » Meknès-Tafilalet » Moulay Idriss March 16th 2013

From our hotel in Casablanca, we all walked the short distance to the train station where we caught the train over to the capital city of Rabat. It was a very uneventful train ride as most everyone in the group had yet to really get to know each other. Thankfully, the ride was short and we arrived in Rabat in about an hour. Nearby was a small pizzeria place that Abdul had led us to. Here we were able to store our luggage while we had a few hours to explore the sights of the city. Troy and Melanie asked if I wanted to hang out with them, so the 3 of us took a taxi over to the Hassan Mosque. The taxi ride to the mosque was where I finally was able to put my ... read more
Guarding The Hassan Mosque
Mohamed V Mausoleum
Hassan Tower

Africa » Morocco » Meknès-Tafilalet » Moulay Idriss March 8th 2013

8 mars Je suis plutôt déshydraté ce matin. Mon linge sent la clope et j'ai la gorge enrouée comme un mineur. J'ai passé trop de temps dans les cafés emboucannés j'imagine. Peut-être qu'il faudrait que les marocains apprennent à moins fumer au lieu de s'échanger des cigarettes sans cesse en signe de fraternité. Cuf cuf. Après mon café goudronné matinal, je prend place dans une vieille Mercedes reconvertit en taxi. Le rafiot est en très piteux état dois-je dire. Les amortisseurs sont absents et les ressorts poussent de la mousse grise par les craquelures de la banquette arrière en cuirette. Les ceintures de sécurité sont invisibles. Je dois m'agripper à la poignée de porte pour ne pas me retrouver à l'avant du taxi à chaque freinage. Derrière le volant, le conducteur marmonne des prières au son ... read more
Ruelle à Meknès
Médina de Meknès

Africa » Morocco » Meknès-Tafilalet » Moulay Idriss December 22nd 2011

The Roman ruins at Volubilis were relatively empty when we got there. It has the usual amphitheatre, and remains of the requisite temples to the various gods of yore.... read more

Africa » Morocco » Meknès-Tafilalet » Moulay Idriss November 19th 2010

We picked up our rental car in Fez, and excitedly started making our way north to the Rif mountains. The route took us through a region that is known for its hashish production, and we had been warned that it was likely that were would be offered to 'smoke' everywhere we went, and even while we drove along the highway (with other cars slowing down in front of us with someone hanging their head out the window and holding an imaginary cigarette). We would smile and shake our head to say 'no', and didn't have any troubles. We stopped for lunch in a small town, where we met a friendly fellow named Aldo who spoke seven languages who we chatted with over lunch. Although were were suspicious at first, we realized that this guy was truly ... read more
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