Blogs from Fès-Boulemane, Morocco, Africa


Africa » Morocco » Fès-Boulemane » Fes February 22nd 2024

Nach einem Ryan- Air Flug der uns mal wieder vor Augen geführt hat, dass man, wenn man wenig bezahlt auch quasi nichts außer dem reinen Transfer bekommt - weder Freundlichkeit, Service, Komfort, Sauberkeit oder jegliche Art von logischer Organisation - und in unserem Fall nicht mal englisch sprechende Flugbegleiter, landen wir bei strahlendem Sommerwetter in Fés und sind augenblicklich mit der eher unerfreulichen Anreise versöhnt. Der Flughafen von Fes ist modern, sauber, super organisiert und sogar die sonst oft grummeligen Grenzbeamten sind total nett, schäkern mit den Kindern und plaudern mit uns. Obwohl Fés mit 1,4 Millionen Einwohnern nicht gerade klein ist, ist der Flughafen ziemlich wenig belebt und effizient und nach kaum einer halben Stunde sind die Pässe kontrolliert, das Gepäck geholt, Geld abgehoben und wir sitzen bei dem Fahrer unseres Riads im Auto auf ... read more
im Souk
alte Koranschule Medersa Attarine

Africa » Morocco » Fès-Boulemane » Fes November 3rd 2023

I left Ceuta running, and continued down the road until Fnideq, on the other side of the border. There I ran out of steam, and slowed down a bit. After sorting the travellers needs of this day and age, the almighty local sim-card and an ATM for some Moroccan cash, I got myself a 'grand taxi' to Tetouan. The taxi is not grand, in the grandiose sense, but simply refers to a shared taxi, as opposed to the petite taxi, which is a city cab. So far, for my lessons on the types of Moroccan taxis. I didn't stay in Tetouan, I just changed to a bus there, to get to Chefchaouen, my first port of call in Morocco. Chefchaouen is Smurf city, it's as blue as it can get. Chefchaouen also means City of Smurfs ... read more
Tetouan to Chefchaouen

Africa » Morocco » Fès-Boulemane » Fes October 4th 2023

I have to admit that I probably knew less about Fes than any of the other cities in Morocco, but after having observed the immense 8th century Medina the previous afternoon and our stay at a beautiful Riad within it, I was really excited to explore what Fes was about. The 8th Century Fes el Bali Medina is a UNESCO Heritage site, and makes the others look like a child's maze. The claim is that it has 10,000 streets, by which I mean some being just wide enough to traverse single file and in perpetual gloom because of the high walls. It is so densely populated that the majority of the inhabitants are only familiar with the area that they live or work in and would get lost in any other part of the Medina. The ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Fès-Boulemane » Fes July 29th 2023

It’s a slow start this morning as we recover from our long and sleep deprived two day sojourn out into the desert. I am however pleased to note that I do seem to be slowly learning to walk again after the several hours I spent astride a camel. I head bravely off alone yet again into the maze that is the Medina. The impossible dream is to somehow make it the two kilometres or so through to Bab Boujloud, the Blue Gate, which is at the opposite end of the maze. The walls that surround the Medina are somewhere around eight kilometres long and there are lots of gates. The original Bab Boujloud was apparently nothing special, but when the French took over they decided the city should have a grand entrance, so in 1913 the ... read more
Jewish Quarter
Intense discussion in the Medina
City walls

Africa » Morocco » Fès-Boulemane » Fes July 26th 2023

We wake up seemingly alive and well … and it even looks like we’re in the same room we went to sleep in, so we appear to have survived the night … unless of course this is yet another elaborate ruse by our would be kidnappers …. We enjoy breakfast in the ground floor courtyard next to the pool and one of the fountains .… well we enjoy some of the breakfast. I’m not sure anyone could eat everything that’s been served up and still be able to waddle out of here - pancakes, roti, flat buns, a massive basket of bread rolls, yoghurt, large bowls of fruit salad, a cup of cheese, olives and scrambled eggs, all washed down with tea, coffee and orange juice. I think I need to go back to bed. This ... read more
Local artwork
Al-Attarine Madrasa
Traditional handicrafts complete with metal beading

Africa » Morocco » Fès-Boulemane » Fes July 25th 2023

Today we get to sample Morocco’s train system with a four hour ride south to the ancient city of Fes. The Tangier train station is an unexpectedly pleasant surprise - a large, opulent modern edifice that would put any train station in Melbourne to absolute shame … not that that would be all that hard. The countryside south of Tangier doesn’t look all that dissimilar to the farmland back home - fertile and productive, with seemingly endless fields of olives, corn, oranges and other sundry fruit and vegetables, all grown under irrigation on an almost industrial scale. And we soon realise why it looks and feels so much like home - there are gum trees, lots of gum trees - the only things missing are the kangaroos. We spend some of the time following the Atlantic ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Fès-Boulemane » Fes May 12th 2022

"Today, we embark on a fully guided tour of the city of Fes. Explore the tanneries, souks, potteries, and the Medina, and learn the fascinating history of the city. We'll later return to the hotel to get ready for an optional night of Moroccan entertainment and food at a restaurant in town. Overnight Fes (Breakfast included).”... read more
Fez City Tour – Fez, Morocco
Fez City Tour – Fez, Morocco
Fez City Tour – Fez, Morocco

Africa » Morocco » Fès-Boulemane » Fes May 11th 2022

"Enjoy some free time in Chefchaouen this morning - spend your time exploring this beautiful city or relax at the hotel. We’ll then enjoy a leisurely lunch in Chefchaouen before moving on to Fes in the afternoon. Fes is the oldest and largest medieval city in the world, and its medina is a heady mix of aromas, sounds and sights. To navigate, follow one of the five, themed tourist circuits. There are plenty of mosques and palaces to visit but be aware that only Muslims can enter Mosques in Morocco. Overnight Fes (Breakfast included).”... read more
Hotel Madrid – Chefchaouen, Morocco
Hotel Madrid – Chefchaouen, Morocco
Hotel Madrid – Chefchaouen, Morocco

Africa » Morocco » Fès-Boulemane » Fes January 25th 2020

Departure 1 When making a to-do list for an upcoming trip, I work backward. I imagine my return. Cats alive? (Buy cat food.) Electricity on? (Pay bills.) At least a pot's-worth of coffee? (Buy beans.) The hardest part of making travel arrangements is getting to and from airports. It's easier to get from San Francisco to Fes than getting from home to SFO. Jennifer, my travel companion, spent an evening searching through options to get from Newark to her connecting flight from JFK to Austin. In the end, it was cheaper to simply abandon the JFK ticket and buy a new ticket from Newark to Austin. Also, the friendly skies aren't so friendly anymore. I used to look at my itinerary with a sense of satisfaction, a completed jigsaw puzzle with every piece neatly locked into ... read more
Jawa on Duty

Africa » Morocco » Fès-Boulemane » Fes January 22nd 2020

22.01.2020 FES After spending a free day exploring Chefchaouen, we moved on to Fes yesterday, and we are here for 2 nights. On the way we stopped at the ancient city of Volubilis, which covers a 42 hectare area. The then capital was founded in the 3rd century BC!!! The city was extremely well preserved until the Lisbon earthquake in 1755, when it was pretty much flattened. We stopped in Meknes for lunch. Shane has developed more than a liking for moroccon tacos. Hamid now asks every day, " Shane (pronounced Shine) my friend, what would you like for your lunch today? More tacos?" . " Sounds good", says Shine.? Then its a whirlwind tour of the city, including the granery which used to hold up to 20 years worth of grain, and the royal stables ... read more

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