Blogs from Mauritania, Africa


Africa » Mauritania March 5th 2024

My last day cycling south out of Mauritania was one of the best yet. Perfect weather. The landscape became more savanna-like. I stopped frequently as I saw birds I'd never seen before. The last 50km to Diama was through the Parc National du Diawling. Greenery and birds everywhere. On the last day I added about 20 species to my Mauritania list. Normally that's what the first day in a country is like. I'm still trying to work out what some of the birds were. I got at least six or seven lifers. Not far into the park, I passed the first of several warning signs warning about the presence of warthogs. I didn't pay too much heed to them, that is until I actually saw one standing on the track. It stood and watched quietly as ... read more
Lovely lunch spot along the road.
Black-crowned sparrow lark
A lot more birds in the savanna.

Africa » Mauritania March 1st 2024

I've arrived in Nouakchott now after a few days cycling from Nouadhibou. To get out of the peninsula I had to cycle a few hours into the wind, which thankfully had dropped a lot compared to the previous few days. Then I had a day cycling with strong cross winds, before enjoying 35km/hour and more on a day that looked like something from an apocalypse film. Red haze, visibility about 300m or so and a raging wind. Fortunately the raging wind was behind me, so it was quite exciting. I did meet two cyclists heading north. They have chosen a tough option. On the open road, the drivers are pretty good and very considerate. Several stopped to see if I was OK, which is reassuring in such an environment. Finally, I got a perfect day of ... read more
camel crossing

Africa » Mauritania » Trarza » Nouakchott December 22nd 2023

Nothing! And everything. Read on if you are curious. If not, also read on. Why not, after all. Reading is good for you. So, to start. An oasis. Terjit. It's in the north of Mauritania. Wonderful place. Quiet, peaceful (those two go together to be honest), green-ish... I mean, it's not like the Amazon transplanted in the desert of course, but it's what one expects. A few date trees, a little stream, a small village that lives of the water flowing out of the cliffs. For me, it was a place to pause for a few days. To not sit in cramped minibuses, or wait at dusty agencies for hours on end for a pick-up to fill up, to not plan my next day of travelling. I simply woke up in my tent, watched the sunrise ... read more

Africa » Mauritania » Tagant » Tidjikja December 13th 2023

Mauritania is blue. That sounds strange perhaps. Most people, if they think of the country at all, or know about it for that matter, might say it is more sand coloured. It is 90% desert after all. And sand is everywhere. The desert never far away. Nouadibhou, Mauritinia’s second largest city, feels more like a conglomeration of desert villages then a city. There are a few paved roads, but most of it is rutted tracks, swathes of open sandy patches, low mud brick dwellings, goats, camels, Bedouin tents, and lots and lots of garbage. Most people would say it’s a shithole. I liked it. Mainly because it just isn’t like any other city I have been to. And the fishing port is very interesting. You aren’t allowed to take pictures for some reason, but you are ... read more

Africa » Mauritania » Adrar » Chinguetti December 24th 2019

Quando una nazione genera quasi il 50% delle sue esportazioni da un solo prodotto, si suppone che per lo meno abbia sviluppato le infrastrutture necessarie ad una sua rapida e sicura movimentazione. Tanto di cappello percio' alla Mauritania, un paese quasi del tutto sprovvisto di trasporti pubblici ma che scarrozza il suo prezioso minerale ferroso da una miniera in pieno deserto fino ad un porto sull'oceano bene al sicuro su di un convoglio di piu' di 200 carri merci che vanno a formare uno dei treni piu' lunghi e pesanti al mondo; grazie alla SNIM (la Societa' Nazionale delle Miniere e delle Industrie) la Mauritania si assicura anche una forma di trasporto pubblico del tutto insperata: una carrozza passeggeri viene agganciata in fondo alla fila e cosi', partendo da Nouadhibou sulla costa, i mauritani possono raggiungere ... read more
La mia ombra dalla cima di una duna
Chinguetti: Il minareto della vecchia moschea
Il mio vagone privato

Africa » Mauritania March 23rd 2018

“Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.” – Jennifer Lee I really like this quote as it illustrates my longing to journey to Mauritania quite nicely. It has been a dream to travel to this unlikely destination over the last few years. I am unsure what drove me to imagine this place however it took ahold of me, enough to board a flight to Africa. Perhaps its that very little is known about it or was it the rawness of the harsh realities of the environment and its people. Whatever it was this was one of those occasions which set my soul on fire. To get to the start line of Mauritania was a big task however jumping in to discover its treasures is a totally different thing. "Ignore all warnings.... ... read more
Ship graveyard, Nouadhibou
Not all warnings are created equal
Saharan sunrise on the Iron ore train

Africa » Mauritania » Trarza » Nouakchott April 16th 2012

Sunday Day 36 Today we crossed into Mauritania! The border opened just after 9am and the truck was squeezed into the queue which had become quite long. We were to walk across as the truck is sent through an x-ray and also checked for alcohol, Mauritania being a dry country. Dressed in long sleeves, long pants and proper shoes (rather than the flip flops or sandals that have given us our fantastic tan lines), we filled in the necessary paperwork and lined up to receive our exit stamp. The wind was again blowing sand into eyes, ears and mouths and I looked on almost enviously at the local women in burqas. Our passports were checked again by friendly Moroccan officials and then we had to go and register our departure with another official. It was all ... read more
Squinting in the bright sun
Bringing in the catch
Fishing from the beach

Africa » Mauritania September 28th 2011

W drodze do ambasady mijamy sprzedawcow jakis drewnialych bryl. Co to jest? kokosy! facet stoi z meczetą,sieka wydlubuje otworek i pijesz, potem sieka dalej i wyjmuje to, co potem idzie na wiorki, z tym ze tutaj teraz jest miekkie i pyszne. Zreszta jak orzeszki ziemne- tu tez sa swieże, miekkie,soczyste i smakują troche jak zielona fasolka.Te duże kokosy maja nawet sporo mleczka. W bamako kupilismy wize do Senegalu na miesiac za 5000CFA na osobe, czyli super -sprawdza sie po raz kolejny, ze lepiej zalatwiac wizy w Afryce. Taniej i szybciej, prawie od reki. Zreszta tak jak wiza do Mali -w Nuakchott tez szybko i ok.15euro na osobe. Wiec ile moze kosztowac tranzytowa do Mauretanii? Na wywieszce pod ambasadą jest napisane, ze 31tys frankow/os. Zniesmaczeni ze tak drogo pytamy pana konsula czy ma tansze np.tranzytowe,a ... read more
pokolonialny budynek "żelaznej drogi"czyli niestety już prawie nie działającego dworca kolejowego

Africa » Mauritania September 2nd 2011

Stasiek wraca z wizami :) Wojtek cisnie na gaz pedzimy w strone granicy,nocleg 100km przed granica, mile sniadanie i na granice. Zatrzymuje nas policja i sprawdzaja sie niepokoje wojtka,pytaja o ubezpieczenie ktore skonczylo sie dwa dni wczesniej ze wzgledu na czekanie na wize.Na szczescie skonczylo sie na mandacie za niby przekroczenie predkosci . Jestesmy w Mauretanii,przestrzegani przez wszystkich jaka Mauretania ciezka i niezyczliwa czekamy w strachu na pierwsze posterunki. Pierwsza kontrol dokumetow prosza o fiszki dajemy fotokopie paszportow, Bon voyage i jedziemy dalej, tak kolejne posterunki nie wiemy o co chodzi nikt nie wsadza lapy do samochodu po kase. Ibrahim ten od kawalu jadac z nami do Dakhli mowil "Ci zolnierze na granicy tak gadaja na tych mauretanczykow a tak naprawde to oni sa gorsi,nie chcieli mnie puscic na granicy jak nie dam im 50euro,mimo ... read more
tak,tam na gorze to ja! tak tez mozna tu podrozowac.
ocean IV eleven ;)
cepelka rekodzielnicza

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