Blogs from Cordillera Blanca, Ancash, Peru, South America


South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca November 17th 2017

Myself, Jana and Dane, an American dude from the midwest did this trek together. Originally, I'd planned on doing it myself, but afterwards I was glad that I'd decided to join then. Lorena really fucked me up emotionally. All I wanted to do was retreat into my shell of comfort...It was a strenuous, but beautiful trek. What kind of bothered me was that fact that Dane's schedule dictated the trek. He needed to be somewhere in said days, so it felt like we were rushing the whole time and didn't really get a chance to enjoy the moment. I lost my tent poles on the ride back to Huaraz. It was a bonehead moved that happened due to fatigue. We had pizza the night we made it back to the hostel. It was a memorable moment ... read more
Beautiful People
Beautiful People

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca June 25th 2015

Natürlich sind wir schon lange wieder zuhause, aber unser Reisebericht soll ja nicht unvollendet bleiben. Hier also als Nachtrag die letzte Episode. Bei Pisco denkt der gemeine Tourist natürlich nur an eines: den Schnaps und noch viel mehr an Pisco Sour, den Cocktail, dessen Herkunft je nach dem, wen man fragt, in Chile oder Peru liegt. Dem Hochtourist fällt dagegen noch der Nevado Pisco ein, einer der leichtesten, aber mit 5750m gar nicht so niedrigen 5000er in der Cordillera Blanca. Und der sollte nun nach etwas Ruhe in Huaraz und vor der Rückfahrt nach Lima der krönende Abschluss werden. Nachdem uns verschiedene Agenturen recht gesalzene Preise genannt hatten, fanden wir unseren Bergführer direkt in der Casa de Guías, dem Büro der Bergführervereinigung. Daniel hatte gerade die nötigen drei Tage Zeit für diesen Spaziergang ehe er für ... read more
Erste Aussicht auf den Pisco
Der steinige Weg zum Gletscher
Trostpflaster Sonnenaufgang

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca November 28th 2014

Perso di notte per le strade del centro di Lima, inebriato dalla fragrante umidita' che risale dal vicino oceano, il Mercante non riesce a darsi pace cercando di trovare il motivo di questa sua presenza in terra Sudamericana; unico indizio nello zaino, un biglietto aereo che mi riportera' a casa.... dal Brasile, cioe' dall'altra parte del continente, sulle sponde di un'altro oceano! Che ci sia stato un errore di prenotazione? o un dirottamento del volo? Insomma, che ci faccio io qui?? Ripresomi a stento dagli effetti collaterali del fuso orario grazie allo shock culturale di una notte passata in adorazione nel tempio sacro della scena rock underground peruviana nei cui bagni l'acqua del cesso scorre vorticando in senso antiorario, decido di schiarirmi le idee fuggendo dall'aria viziata della grande metropoli e rifugiandomi per qualche giorno sulle ... read more
Le rovine di Chavin de Huantar
La plaza de armas di Lima
La Sierra Orientale di Ancash

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca October 20th 2013

Terwijl de herfst rustig verder kabbelt, blikken we terug op afgelopen zomer op for english version of this entry with more pics, please visit read more
Starting the descent from Ishinca (5530m)
Mountaineering in the Cordillera Blanca
Mountaineering in the Cordillera Blanca

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca June 27th 2013

Reeds 5 weken vertoeven we in de Hoge Andes van Peru, alle laatste nieuws en fotos vind je op for english version of this entry with more pics, please visit read more
Massive deforestation left the Cordillera Blanca denuded before the range (above 4000m) was put in conservation through the Huascaran National Park in 1975. Only some patches of the Queñua trees thrive in remote valleys and give the wanderer a feeling
Leaving the Andean village of Yanama through farming lands towards the Quebrada Huaripampa. The acutal glaciated peaks are hidden in thick clouds, unusual for the time of the year.
Coming down from Alto de Pucaraju pass (4650m) with the east face of Taulliraju (5830m) touching cloud. Can you spot Katrijn?

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca June 7th 2013

We have entered the last two weeks on our trip and we could think of no better way to end it than going into the second highest mountain range in the world, the Cordillera Blanca range. The town we were heading for was called Huaraz, by no means a beautiful place, but it is within a stones throw to all the major trails and mountains. It had taken us almost two full days to get here from Cuzco, with a stop off in Lima for half a day, before we finally arrived into Huaraz. We hadn't made any plans of what to do in the area, only read up on what is there and what there is to do. After the 8 hour ride in from Lima we dedicated the arrival day to figuring out what ... read more

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca August 9th 2012

There are enough lagoons, glaciers, peaks and valleys to keep us in the Cordillera Blanca for far, far longer than we have. Choosing which trails to walk is not an easy task, but choose we must. Hot off the Santa Cruz trek, we first opt for a day walk to Laguna 69, a glacial lake located at the foot of Pisco, one of the Cordillera's most climbed mountains and part of the same larger massif we circled in the Santa Cruz trek. Much of the trail is in the shadow of Huascarán, and despite being a relatively easy six-hour-or-so walk, the trip to the lagoon is one of the most gorgeous day-walks we've undertaken so far on the trip. It's sublime: frozen waterfalls, soaring mountains, water so painfully blue it wouldn't look out of place in ... read more
Beautiful Quilcayhuanca valley
Day one, walking up the Quilcayhuanca valley
Quebrada Quilcayhuanca

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca August 8th 2012

Some weeks ago, we found ourselves at the 5,897 metre summit of Cotopaxi after a gruelling seven-hour climb over snow and nice. Back at the base camp, exhausted, we agreed that we probably wouldn't be repeating the experience.... Well... The Cordillera Blanca is stuffed full of peaks over 5,500 metres - while many are highly technical climbs requiring ice-climbing experience, a generous handful of others are relatively straightforward ascents. Walking among the soaring peaks of the Cordillera on the Santa Cruz trek, I'd pretty much made up my mind that I wanted to get to the top of at least one of them. Alex, the memories of Cotopaxi still vivid, didn't share my enthusiasm - but was only too happy to stay in Huaraz and enjoy its excellent selection of cafés and restaurants! Fortunately I found ... read more
Quebrada Llanca, on the approach to the base camp
Glaciated Llanca valley
Having a rest on the steep climb to base camp

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca August 8th 2012

Much as the ancient archaeological wonders of Peru's northern coast - as well as its delicious cuisine - have captivated us, it's time to move on. Firstly, the coast is getting a tad depressing: mile after mile on the Panamericana rubbish-tip...I mean highway...from which there is little of natural beauty to see other than as many miles of rather featureless coastline devoid of colour or vegetation. The weather doesn't help either - it's the middle of winter on Peru's coast, and it's day after day after day of extremely low, dirty-white cloud which the sun can only very occasionally pierce. Secondly, and far more importantly, a little further south is one of the places we have come to Peru for in the first place: the mighty Cordillera Blanca. Part of South America's Andean spine, the Cordillera ... read more
Approaching the Cordillera via the amazing Cañón del Pato
Approaching the Cordillera via the amazing Cañón del Pato
Approaching the Cordillera via the amazing Cañón del Pato

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca July 26th 2012

“No, I need to take the ice axe, what if we come across a Yeti!?” says James to Marco (our trusty Peruvian guide) after Marco has indicated that he doesn’t need the ice axe for the 5 minute walk around the back of the glacier to install our ice climbing top rope. Marco shrugs and starts walking, probably thinking to himself that this is another strange gringo with strange habits…James bounds after him like an excited kid – or rather like a rock climber who is ecstatic about fulfilling his dream of climbing an ice wall, and in the flipping Andes! James wants it noted that glaciers are classic yeti habitat and didn’t want to be unarmed on his first trip onto a glacier. And so, there we were, back up at 4500m , deep within ... read more
J on the steeper section
Us and our guide Marco
Laguna and Glacier

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