Blogs from Paraguay, South America


South America » Paraguay » Asunciòn March 25th 2024

Many of us took a transport from Argentina to Paraguay some time recently the rest of the bunch in arrange to sort out my Brazil visa issues. The Brazilian Government office in Bolivia denied me a visa since my bank explanations didn´t have my title on them, fair my account number. No sum of clarifying that my bank does that for security reasons was progressing to make them issue me a visa. So I made a few articulations with my title on them prepared for my another visa endeavor. Recently I connected for the visa at the Asuncion International safe haven equipped with my bank statements and they didn´t indeed inquire for them. I couldn´t indeed donate them absent! And rather than a 48 hour turnover, my visa was prepared to choose up in three hours. ... read more

South America » Paraguay » Ciudad del Este July 2nd 2023

(Day 367 on the road) If you ever wondered where some of the most stupid German people live in this world, fret not: I found them for you. They live in Paraguay. The number of simply bat-shit dumb Germans I have met here is unbelievable. I had read reports a while ago that a fair number of Covid-deniers, anti-vaccination believers and anti-immigration people (spot the irony) had emigrated to Paraguay. But I didn't expect to meet them literally on my first day in my cool hostel in Asuncion, the capital of Paraguay. And then again and again on a fair number of occasions during my roughly two weeks in the country. Interestingly, literally all of them were Germans - not Italian, British, Chinese, South African or from anywhere else (take your pick), only Germans. Where do ... read more
Palacio de Lopez in Asuncion
San Juanazo festival in Asuncion
The local youth on their terribly noisy motorbikes

South America » Paraguay » Concepcion March 3rd 2023

Venerdì 17 Febbraio - Arriviamo a Concepcion dopo uno straziante viaggio in autobus da Asuncion, con frequenti fermate a scaricare e caricare passeggeri durante tutte le otto ore della sua durata. Nostro scopo è la navigazione lungo il fiume Paraguay a bordo della storica (1965) motonave "Aquidaban". Per l'occasione ci stabiliamo nello storico (1905) Hotel Frances. Sabato 18 Febbraio - L'Hotel Frances è in fase di profondo decadimento ormai da diversi anni ma la nuova gestione ha finalmente avviato dei lavori di restauro. Scendiamo al porto per chiedere informazioni sulla navigazione ed apprendiamo così con orrore che la prima imbarcazione in partenza per Puerto Vallemi, la nostra destinazione a monte del fiume, è la piccola e poco invitante "Dalma", una nave dalle dimensioni ridotte ed ingombra di quelli che a prima vista sembrano cumuli di rottami. ... read more
Hotel Frances
Prua I
Mercato galleggiante I

South America » Paraguay » Asunciòn February 20th 2023

Due settimane in Paraguay... ENCARNACION: E' la capitale estiva di un paese senza sbocchi sul mare. La sua fortuna è quella di sorgere sulle sponde del maestoso fiume Paranà e di essere così dotata di due gradevoli spiagge cittadine di sabbia dorata riportata da chissà dove; fortuna per modo di dire perchè, a seguito della costruzione di una grande diga più a valle, l'innalzamento del livello delle acque ha portato alla scomparsa per sommersione di un gran bel pezzo dei suoi quartieri storici che sorgevano in riva al fiume. Provvidenzialmente però, quello che è diventato il nuovo lungofiume è stato negli ultimi anni trasformato in una animata zona turistica con spiaggia, viale orlato di palme, ristoranti e bar all'ultimo grido e, per non farsi mancare proprio nulla, anche di un modernissimo sambodromo costruito a regola d'arte. ... read more
Carnevale di Encarnacion
Trinidad: il campanile e le rovine
Ciudad del Este: Ponte dell'amicizia Paraguay-Brasile

South America » Paraguay » Asunciòn April 2nd 2021

At Easter time in 2017 we found ourselves in Paraguay, we had been travelling up through Peru when El Nino caused terrible flooding and the only way to get out of Lima was to fly. Why not fly to Paraguay? The weather forecasts said it would be dry there and it seemed like an exiting plan that we were never likely to carry out at any other time. After travelling across the country to Brazil to view the Iguassu Falls, then taking an odyssey down into Argentina to view the falls from that side, we circled back into Paraguay through the Missiones. We once more found ourselves in Asuncion, on Maundy Thursday of Semana Santa. Having stayed right in the centre of the town on our first visit we decided to opt for a smarter hotel ... read more
Crumbling Colonial Building
Cemetery Statues

South America » Paraguay October 2nd 2019

The plane took off without Bev as her vacation time had come to an end. She was heading home while I would be continuing on to my next destination; Asuncion Paraguay. The two hour flight took me high over the beautiful Andean mountains. I knew nothing about Paraguay but figured that it was off the beaten path and that I would be set up nicely to visit Iguazu Falls later on. It was a balmy 36 degrees as the plane landed. Geographically speaking, this region is called the heart of South America because it's smack in the middle of the continent. I had to buy a visa with American dollars, an immaculate ones at that. In fact half of the bills that I put forward were rejected because they had a tiny dot on them or ... read more
Hanging Out
Aerial Andes View
Turi and Betun

South America » Paraguay September 2nd 2019

After visiting the amazing Iguazú Falls in Argentina together with Gideon, his wife and 3 of their friends, they all decided to visit Iguazú Falls on the Brazilian side too. I decided in advance that I did not wanted to follow the heard anymore (lol), besides I thought it would be the same falls anyway and I decided to go my own way for a week. I took a bus to the border and crossed into Brazil. The bus just drove a little bit through Brazil and then it stopped at the border and I walked into Paraguay...."¡tenés que sentirlo! (you have to feel it). That is the tourism slogan of the country! Why Paraguay? Because it's the country most people tend to skip when visiting South America thus it's not a touristy country. That is ... read more
Itaipú Dam at night
Presidential palace in Asunción
Cerro Lambaré, Asunción

South America » Paraguay » Asunciòn January 18th 2019

The ancient air conditioning unit seems to serve no other purpose than to make noise. So we slept badly and I wake up rather grumpy. We have a whole day to explore Asunción. I’m not sure what we’ll do in the afternoon. Probably sleep, as we need to leave for the airport at 3.30 am tomorrow. We set off at 9 am for some sightseeing. First stop, the railway station – South America’s first station. I ponder briefly the point of being first, it would seem beneficial to have more than one or where would the trains go? There is what can loosely describe as a museum, plus an original train from 1861. Next we go to the cathedral, which is locked. We head instead for the waterfront (the Costanera) but the cathedral’s security guard tells ... read more
Railway station
Railway station
Railway station

South America » Paraguay » Asunciòn January 17th 2019

Today we are travelling 200 miles west to the Paraguayan capital of Asunción . By bus. This is the old man’s route planning; I am a little bemused why anyone would want to do either of these things. The bus departs from Ciudad del Este in Paraguay, so first we must cross the border. We briefly consider the bus-border-bus-border-bus combination. Then book a taxi. The good news is that we make good time through the border. The bad news is that the taxi driver has forgotten the time zone change, so we arrive at the bus station two hours early. Fortunately, the bus company (NSA) has a VIP lounge where we can wait in air conditioned luxury, which is good as it’s 40 degrees outside. I’ve not been looking forward to this journey but the bus ... read more
Ciudad del Este bus station
Empanadas with security guard photobomb
Panteón de los Heroes

South America » Paraguay » Ciudad del Este October 11th 2017

El Circuito de Oro, or the Golden Circuit tour is perhaps the easiest day trip from Asuncion, so it seemed logical to book this tour is as a means of gaining a snapshot of what Paraguayan life entails beyond the context of the nation's capital city. The tour is intended to highlight a few cultural aspects of interest in a circular tour just east of Asuncion, and can be either compressed into a whirlwind half-day tour or taken at a more leisurely pace in the context of anything up to 1 or 2 full days. The majority of the towns and villages which the tour actually stops at or passes through / by are places of artisanal identity, so handicrafts ranging from hand-made guitars and harps, to pottery, filigree jewellery, clothing and leatherwork are sold in ... read more
Lakeside stalls (San Bernardino; Paraguay)
Dynamic shopping street (Ciudad del Este; Paraguay)
Commerce galore (Ciudad del Este; Paraguay)

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