Blogs from Pasto, Colombia, South America


South America » Colombia » Pasto March 30th 2021

29th March -Las Lajas sanctuary #heygo Many places of worship are built around relics and icons. However, most of them are not built in such precarious and dangerous locations as Las Lajas Sanctuary, which crosses a forested gorge on the border between Colombia & Ecuador. In 1754, an Amerindian woman and her daughter found themselves caught in a brutal storm. Hiding out from the weather in the gorge, the women felt a force calling to them, and to their amazement looked up and saw the image of the Virgin Mary on the rocks above. At that moment, the woman’s daughter was simultaneously cured of her inability to hear and speak. Shortly after the discovery was reported, a blind man wandered for ten years from village to village collecting donations to build a chapel around the ... read more

South America » Colombia » Pasto March 26th 2021

25th March - Pasto #heygo The Carnival Museum consists of two spaces, in one of them the history and its reason for being are narrated through a documented photographic record, where it is possible to become infected with the allegory of the carnival. Another of the spaces of the Museum is the exhibition of the works that represent the carnival, here we saw the puppets of the old years. It was so colourful. The Black and White Carnival is one of the most symbolic Colombian festivals, reflecting the cultural traditions of the region. It was declared a Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2009, and every year it brings together tourists from abroad and locals from across Colombia. This carnival takes place between the 2 and 7 of January in Pasto. However, a Pre-Carnival ... read more

South America » Colombia » Pasto March 17th 2021 14th March - La Choca in Pasto, Nariño: The Second Largest Lagoon in Colombia in Nariño department, a place located in Southern Colombia, in between the Andes and the Amazon. In southern Colombia, 250 miles north of the equator, high in the Andes at an altitude of 7,000 feet above sea level is the town of Pasto . Just 12 miles outside of town is Lake Cocha or Laguna de la Cocha. It is one of Colombia’s largest and most beautiful lakes. It is also one of the Andean water reserves and a birthplace of the Amazon river. The lake receives its water from several streams and rivers coming from glaciers located higher up. The water from the lake does not flow to the nearby Pacific Ocean, but travels through the Guamez and Putamayo rivers ... read more

South America » Colombia » Pasto April 1st 2018

Aujourd'hui nouveau réveil matinal pour suivre le Tour des Flandres. De toute façon la météo n'est pas bonne (nombreuses averses) et ça ne vaut pas le coup de monter à la Laguna... Je décide quand même de prolonger d'une nuit histoire de me reposer, de découvrir un peu la ville et d'avancer mon blog. J'en suis déjà à mon 5ème pays en comptant l'Argentine et je n'ai toujours rien publié... Si je veux publier quelques posts avant mon retour en France, il serait temps que je m'inquiète. Le souci c'est que c'est un méli-mélo avec les photos (entre celles qui sont sur mon téléphone portable, celles qui sont sur mon appareil photo et celles qui sont sur ma clé USB...) et il n'y a pas toujours d'ordinateur dans les hostels pour charger le tout sur mon ... read more
Plaza Mayor
Façade colorée

South America » Colombia » Pasto May 22nd 2016

After a total of 24 hours travelling, including an 18 hour overnight bus journey we finally arrived in the small charming town of Chachagui - just 2 hours away from the Ecuadorian /Colombian border. As usual this wasn't even on our itinerary. We were originally going to stay in the city of Popayan to make it easier (and safer) for us to cross the Ecudorian border. That is until we heard about the big carnival taking place here. We said "why not?" or in Spanish "Por que no?" we were heading in that direction anyway and were intrigued by the origins and the growing present day festivities. The carnival is a 5 day themed festival celebrating the diversity of Pasto's culture uniting the black and white population hence the name "The black and white carnival" aka ... read more
Say cheese
Talcum powder warfare
The carnival queen atop her float

South America » Colombia » Pasto October 31st 2015

We wound our way down the hillside city of Yuramal and along some gorgeous scenic roads. We came upon a memorial site in Don Matias situated by a waterfall which was impressive. There's a large catholic religious presence here with grand churches in every town and plenty of crosses and images of Jesus everywhere. It was only a very short ride to our stop at Medellen so we stopped off at the BMW dealer for coffee and a look around the mall along with lunch. We then headed to our hotel guided by a nice chap from BMW who guided us through the traffic to our hotel. We went out with Deane for drinks and dinner and in the meantime there was yet another great thunder storm. We got back to our room dry albeit a ... read more
Overtaking endless trucks and buses
Random motorway sights

South America » Colombia » Pasto July 19th 2015

Day 52 Silvia, road hives and a very late night ride Distance driven today: 276 miles / 444 km Cumulative distance driven: 9,313 miles / 14,988 km Today’s trip: Cali to Pasto, Colombia Driving late night on twisting mountain roads, on very bad tarmac and with rain: yes but not doing it again We left Cali in the morning with a clear destination: the village of Silvia in the Causa region in southern Colombia. Both of us have been looking forward to visiting Silvia and meeting the local indigenous people there called Guambianos. Apart from visiting the local market at the central square in Silvia, one of the attractions with visiting the Guambianos is their traditional clothing. The men wear rectangular ponchos, red scarf and black skirt, while the women wear a blue poncho with a ... read more
Christer and two Guambiano indigenous women in Silvia
Colonial street in Popayan

South America » Colombia » Pasto November 29th 2014

The last two blogs have been less about my actual travels, instead focusing on various social facets you might encounter while on the road. But I like to mix things up a little, and in the end this is a travelblog, in fact this is theTravelBlog, so I feel I should write about my actual trip every once in a while too. So here is my 'bloggie blog' post as I like to call it. T'is a tale about my last ten days in Colombia, a story about Southern Colombia, about broken shorts, and broken shoes and things falling apart in general. About me forgetting my book in one hostel and waiting for it in another. It involves mountains and rivers, tombs and statues, rain and sunshine, jungles and waterfalls and travellers met and lost. It ... read more

South America » Colombia » Pasto July 16th 2014

Our Arrival We arrived on the bus from Popayan at 4:30pm. We caught a bus from the bus stop outside the terminal in the middle of the terminal road next to the taxi rank at 4:45pm. The bus C11 cost COP$1,200 and takes a loopy 20 mins to get into town up calle 18 near carrera 21. Unfortunately for us we did get on a C11 bus but it was heading in the wrong direction. After about 5 mins of sitting there going "I'm sure it will loop back towards the town soon" it became apparent it wasn't. We headed further up into the hills as everyone got off the bus. A couple of policemen boarded the bus and checked everyone's ID's. The road turned rougher into what seemed to be a four wheel drive track ... read more
Churches of Pasto
Churches of Pasto

South America » Colombia » Pasto August 11th 2010

I will rush through the next few days rather quickly in the interest of catching up a little (I am still over 3 weeks behind). I was intending to get to Otavalo by the weekend (it was a Wednesday at this point), as Eryn was leaving the following Tuesday. I will be going though this region again when I come back from the north coast anyway, so I decided I could leave a lot of the side activities until then. I did briefly check out some of the cities along the way though. From the previous entry, the central church of Manizales. I have become rather churched out at this point, as every single town has several rather impressive ones. Still cool though. The condor represents some major saint. From Manizales I headed to the Salsa ... read more

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