Blogs from Chile, South America


Woke up at 6:30 to get ready for our trip to the coast, the Pacific Coast. Had a bit more leisurely breakfast as we were ready sooner than normal. I really have to teach the people of South America to make scrambled eggs. They put way to much liquid in them and zero seasoning of any kind. We did learn a good tip from a British couple, at the omelet station just have them cook you eggs any style. The man looked like he had the perfect over easy egg. After breakfast, it was off to the car for our 90-minute drive to the coast. Traffic was a bit heavy getting out of Santiago, but once on the autopista you can drive 75 miles an hour. Not that everyone else isn’t driving more like 100. I ... read more
La Concepcion Ascensor
Chilean Scallops
Reineta al Mantequilla

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago May 14th 2024

We have had a full day, back in the room for the moment, well for the night, we just decided that once again we are not hungry enough for a full meal, so we will forgo getting dressed for dinner, dealing with the metro there and back when we aren’t really hungry for a nice dinner. That seems to be happing a lot this trip, could be metabolism changing as we get older, we are eating to much at lunch (which really isn’t the case) but for whatever reason we have cancelled a lot of dinners. Trust me we are not going hungry but are saving money. On top of that, I am exhausted and we have a drive to the coast tomorrow. So why not enjoy this very nice room we have? Back to our ... read more
View on the way up
Santiago, Andes in the Background

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago May 13th 2024

Another early travel day, well not 4 am early, but still up by 6 so we could make our 11 am flight to Santiago. We did have time for a quick breakfast before we were in the cab at 8. Travel Tip, if your flying to another country out of Buenos Aires, you do need to allow extra time, getting through immigration is not a quick process. We were fortunate as our hotel concierge made sure we had a taxi at 8 so we had plenty of time to get to the airport (the in city airport), immigration and customs. Once through security, immigration and custom we still had 90 minutes before our flight. This is only because we got to the airport earlier. If we would arrived 30 minutes later, we would barely have made ... read more
The Andes
View from my blogging station
Iglesia San Francisco

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago March 29th 2024

Anyway, we're back... in South America. Our crazy trip around the world brought us back here for five amazing weeks to see everything we missed the first time around (that's the plan anyway).On to Chile.Santiago is another well known city.. . fog The city is located in a beautiful location at the foot of the Andes, surrounded by mountains. The downside to this is that the area is exposed to low cloud cover, which in turn picks up the noise from cars and city factories. I'll keep my return intact by running until I leave Santiago.Our hostel, Happy House in the Barrio Brasil area of ​​the city, was possibly the best we stayed at on the entire trip (no mean feat). Not much to look at from the outside, the place is huge, beautifully restored in ... read more

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso March 29th 2024

Chile is an extremely long country, apparently as far from top to bottom as from Scotland to Nigeria (thanks Barney), so before we faced another long bus journey, we decided to take it easy with a short hop to Valparaiso. The city was an important port during the Gold Rush, used by European and American ships on the route from Cape Horn to California, but fell out of favor and fell into disrepair early in the last century. However, the city has now been revived as the cultural capital of the country and is certainly a unique place, with 42 cerros (hills) surrounding the city center and port area, full of colorful houses and beautiful restored mansions, with chaos still in between. dilapidated.We forgot that it is also the second largest city in Chile, so when ... read more

South America » Chile » Coquimbo Region » Pisco Elqui March 29th 2024

In the narrow country, there are only two directions to choose from - north or south. With snow still in and out of the Lake District, heading north seemed like a reasonable choice, so we headed to La Serena, 7 hours north of Valparaiso. At least a 7-hour bus ride allows you to see amazing nature, unlike flying, so the trip went pretty quickly. Fortunately the Chilean buses are closer to Argentinian standards than those in Bolivia or Peru!La Serena is a large seaside resort in the summer, but was quite quiet in the off-season. Arriving early in the evening, food was again on the priority list, and after checking out the pizzeria we recommended, red wine was on my mind. Unfortunately, the waiter decided to leave out the fact that they were out of red ... read more

South America » Chile » Easter Island March 29th 2024

How do you take a vacation that includes a lot of things you've always wanted to do but never expected to be able to do even better...? Do another one!Convinced by the author of Footprints Chile that we really shouldn't miss it and Lan Chile is a good deal, we decided to go back more than 4000 km. From the Pacific Ocean to Easter Island (Isla de Pascua as the Chileans know it). I didn't even realize it was Chilean territory until recently.As a tourist destination it is quite a remote place...nearest neighbor is the Pitcairn Islands about 2000 km would a Polynesian or European explorer ever find this that place (not the idea of ​​going back home) is incomprehensible to me.I imagined since I was a child that I would see this place one ... read more

South America » Chile March 2nd 2024

Literally a holiday within a holiday. We took 20 days out of our winter stay in Mexico to take a cruise from Buenos Aires, Argentina to Valparaiso, Chile With a couple of days at each end for some additional touring. Rounding Cape Horn was a highlight for us. Also having travelled from the Arctic Circle (Iceland) almost to Antarctica within a year. A reminder that this works best if you touch /highlight each picture to enlarge it.... read more
Argenta Suites
River Plate Stadium
Fishermen’s clubhouse!

South America » Chile » Santiago Region January 21st 2024

The last few days of the cruise were relatively uneventful - as we headed north among the fjords on the Chilean coast, the weather steadily warmed to a comfortable 20C which allowed everyone to lounge outside in the sun and fresh air. The sea conditions were somewhat rough with some large swells but by now we were used to it. The one change due to the higher than usual waves was that we could not port at San Antonio and, instead, headed for Valparaiso. I will start with a short review of the cruise itself. The boat itself, the Sapphire Princess, is a large and fairly modern ship. The rooms were relatively large compared to other cruise ships and comfortable. We did not have a balcony, however, it was really not necessary. We were only one ... read more

South America » Chile » O Higgins » Santa Cruz January 20th 2024

We say goodbye to Chile today and head back to Argentina. Breakfast in in our hotel then we load our bags onto the bus to head to Calafate. We change busses, bus drivers and local guide at the Argentine boarder. Out in the middle of nowhere we stop at a sheep ranch called Chali Aike. The owner of the ranch gives us a tour of the ranch. Our lunch bbq lamb is cooking over a wood fire. He tells us how this ranch has been in his family since his great grandfather bought the property. His great grandmother stayed on the ranch while his great grandfather traveled to buy sheep. It took his grandfather two years to travel to buy the sheep and herd them to the ranch. Sheep wool has been the main money earner ... read more
Visitor Center in El Calafate
Owners nephew hold lamb
Our lunch cooking over a fire

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