
Published: January 26th 2018
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Unseasonably hot and humid today

I sit at the family dining table accompanied by the gentle tapping of a Danish keyboard. Beside me Ellen is studiously learning Spanish verb conjugations in silence; a prospect I can only dream of.

From the sixth floor flat we have a splendid view of the mountains across the lake.

Last night we ventured into town after dinner to have a social drink and perhaps some music if we were lucky. Five minutes later we entered a section of closed roads and passed the first of four packed pubs with bands playing, all within 100 metres. More than a thousand people of all ages were out there. There was much happiness in the air. People danced unselfconciously with hips that twisted beyond typical British restrain. Babies wobbled on parent’s knees, soaking up the warm atmosphere. Not a jot of aggression. Lots of smiles and cuddles. Men kissing each other on meeting and parting. Bars were all full. No seats vacant. Routes were blocked by adoring audiences until the end of the set.

The second band was lead by a man in a fairy suit, complete with tutu and wings.

Another band had six singers singing folksy songs in harmonies.

En route home we were most excited by a mostly brass band playing dance music. Three trumpets, trombone and baritone, clarinet and alto sax, guitar, drums and lead singer that made a rich musical stew which we all revelled in until they wound up all to soon.

We're hoping the snippet of “Manyana” in the closing oratory meant they’ll be back there tonight, when we will be ready for them, pre-lashed and drinks fully charged. I doubt our hips will be up to the local norms though.


The following evening we got a full fix of the energetic brass band. Much dancing ensued. One of the best evenings

We've enjoyed using buses again today as we crossed the Andes into Chile on a double decker fancy bus. The enjoyable challenge of finding out schedule details and prices, then finding the bus. Long distance buses are plush and quiet with loads of room. We had to change to a local bus nearer our destination. This entailed walking to a more rustic bus station where ticket offices were interspersed with tiny shops and stalls of all descriptions.

We're now in Chile, Puerto de Monte, where we are majoring on cerviche, which is a slightly pickled raw fish. Yum!


26th January 2018

Great to hear your news!
Good to know you are safe and enjoying your travels. I am jealous of the street dancing, reminding me of our Kos evening and can picture you both out there whirling madly away. Did you teach them any special Lowe moves?! I have got a bad back at the moment (too much lifting and stooping) so can only dream of such frivolous activity. I do love reading about your adventure. Such a contrast to our wet, windy and plumbing centric life here! Lots of love x
26th January 2018

I am reading your blog whilst contemplating what to wear for freezing and damp tennis this morning (Friday) - quel contrast! How lovely it all sounds! Keep blogging and keep safe. x
26th January 2018

brass bands and cerviche
bet you wish you'd taken your clarinet and trombone now - that's the thing about travelling light, you never have the VERY thing you need with you. Can you take the 'moderation'thing off these comments - we all want to read what eveyone else is putting as they do it - you may think we're here because we want to read your blog (which we do, obvs) but actually it's the conversations among followers that's the REAL draw. Yes I know we can see them under comments but it's too removed in time and space. You're on holiday - chill! Pxx

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