First walk in the Andes....and how long til the bell goes?

Published: January 17th 2018
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Oldlowes on tour

Greetings from sunny Argentina! We made it through Buenos Aires (38 degrees) to wonderful San Carlos de Bariloche in the lake district of northern patagonia (24 degrees). 3 nights in a youth hostel (everyone was so kind as well as not as young as we had thought) ) and 3 days cycling and taking our first walk in the foothills of the Andes. Crumbs they are HUGE...... "can't wait for the real thing" (Jan)...... "let's climb that one" (Pete).

I promise not to take a picture of every bridge we come across but I have attached a picture of our first Argentinian bridge. I think they will get more scary than this one....we'll wait and see and I will be sure to keep you informed.

And just as we were getting used to the malbec and the sunshine the bell rang and we started school en espagnol. How many years has it been since we begged the clock to move a little faster and for break time to arrive? Today is day 2 of a week long "intensive" (their word) "horrendous" (our word) course in the wonderfully named La Montana language school. There are THREE people in our class and as 2 of them are us that doesn't leave many questions that are directed at a non-Lowe. By 1230 today (lessons start at 9) we were unable to think in English let alone in Spanish and I (Jan) couldn't even remember my name. Thankfully Pete kept the British flag flying (albeit limply) in a desperate competition with our Estonian classmate. It seems that there are no games afternoons or even the odd maths class to brighten our days, but our poor poor teacher is lovely and I suspect she is looking forward to Friday as much as we are! And anyway we will be fluent by then......

Oh and we are currently staying with an Argentinian family in a hopelessly optimistic plan to be able to discuss the problems of the world with them over supper. There are also Jens and Ellen from Denmark (Spanish level 1 million) and Kristina from Switzerland (Spanish level 3 million) and us (Spanish Level de nada). Dinner is a chatty affair (for some) and not so chatty (for others). Surprisingly no-one seems intensely interested in knowing that the window is closed which was one of Pete's more ambitious conversation openers.

I expect we will have to write the next blog in Spanish as we will be unable to remember any English words by Thursday...

Hasta lluego (or hasty loo go, depending on your current intestinal position)


17th January 2018
Today's choice of headgear is......

I assume dangerous headgear in case you topple over cos your brain is so enlarged with Espanol?
18th January 2018

Hasty loo go! So soon into your adventure! Though I bet you use it just as an excuse to get out of lessons, which sound huge fun. I feel for your teacher - she much be wondering what she did wrong in a former life for Lowes to form 2/3rds of her class. Supper arrangements sound very jolly and I'm sure, deep down, they were all actually fascinated by Pete's thoughts on the window. Bravo, Pete! How are you getting on with discussing Brexit in Spanish? - I simply won't believe you if you tell me no-one was interested in that EITHER. Lovely photos of pontes and I bet you're right, Jan - you are currently in the foothills of bridges. The bridge equivalent of scree slopes, summits and heart-in-mouth moments are still to come. Please pass my condolences to your teachers. Px
18th January 2018

Muy bien!
Hola! Sounds like you're having a ball, despite the Spanish classes. We're off to France tomorrow where, praise be, no Spanish will be necessary. Keep on writing the blog and make sure we get updates on life in the tent xxx
21st January 2018

Fantastic Blog!
Hi, really enjoyed reading this! made me laugh a lot, I could imagine Pete bravely trying the conversation starter about the closed window. Incredibly frustrating to be with loads of people and not able to communicate with them... but by now you are no doubt fluent!

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