Blogs from Southern, Oceans and Seas


Oceans and Seas » Southern February 19th 2024

Cruise Day 3 - Mon 19 Feb Slept in till well after 7 - what a shock! We went downstairs for breakfast and requested, and given, a private table for 2. Tom had cereal, eggs Benedict and a Danish. I had smoked haddock poached in milk, smoked salmon on a beautiful bagel (not super dense like our supermarket ones), and a Danish. After brekkie we went up to the library and read the newspapers and did sudoku until it was time to go to the Carinthia Lounge for trivia. They decided to do riddles instead of general knowledge this morning (e.g. what is the end of everything? What do Winnie the Poo and Alexander the Great have in Common?). We were pleased with 15/20. After Tom attended a talk on the Australia II (Americas cup, decades ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Southern February 18th 2024

Cruise Day 2 - Sun 18 Feb We slept really well on our gently rocking bed! When we awoke we were just south of Margaret River, rounding Cape Leeuwenhoek lighthouse just after 7am (so we were told). We had taken the quilt/doona out of its cover for the night, as is our usual routine, and left a note for Larry asking for a light blanket, so he remade our bed with a top sheet and light blanket. He’s a champion. We decided to select our brekkie from the buffet this morning - King’s Court. Beautifully cooked bacon (the way we like it Chari), eggs and tomatoes followed by some pineapple and melon pieces. Things are done so differently to minimise germ transference - they pass everything to us, including our utensils. They even squirt the tomato ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Southern April 22nd 2019

Happy Easter!!! Today is Easter, even on the high seas. The ship has made an effort to try to celebrate, even though it doesn’t quite feel the same when you are wearing shorts and a t-shirt all day. We received a really nice picture of the three Brink kids in their Easter outfits – thank you! We both have been struggling with a little head cold and last night was a lot of coughing. However this morning David is feeling better (not perfect yet) and Janet is starting to feel a little better too. But we were so tired last night that we did not go to any of the entertainment places but instead went to the cabin and went to bed. This morning the ship rebroadcast the Pope’s Easter Mass from Vatican City via EWTN. ... read more
More Decorative Easter Eggs
Crossing back over the Equator

Oceans and Seas » Southern December 31st 2018

“The world is only tolerable because of the empty spaces in it – millions of people all crowded together, fighting and struggling, but behind them, somewhere, enormous, empty places. Man needs an empty space somewhere for the spirit to rest in.” Doris Lessing South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands... I could've categorized the blog under 'South America', but that just didn't seem right. I chose the 'Oceans and Seas' category as I thought it was more fitting. Should I be redefining continents? Why are there seven? I entered an other-worldly land of exotics. I've visited this distant entity many times, and every time I struggle to find words that adequately suit the mood. Prehistoric perhaps? A modern day 'Land the Time Forgot'. The dark skies, stormy seas, ever-blowing wind, towering peaks, dazzling glaciers, and the ... read more
Antarctic Fur Seal
The Kings
Salisbury Plain

Oceans and Seas » Southern September 22nd 2013

Et voilà c'est fait, j'ai quitté Annecy ! Un premier pas vers la suite... Après quatre belles années passées dans cette superbe ville, ça fait quand meme un petit pincement au coeur de laisser tout ça, ces montagnes, ces gens, ces émotions, ces souvenirs. Fini Polytech', fini les études, fin d'une époque pour débuter une nouvelle Aventure, un nouveau voyage, de nouvelles découvertes. Maintenant place au monde réel ! Et quoi de mieux pour débuter qu'une année dans les îles Kerguelen ? Mais dis moi Jamy, c'est où les Kerguelen ? Eh bien c'est tout simplement un archipel de près de 300 îles plus ou moins grandes, situé dans le sud de l'Océan Indien, entre la Réunion et l'Antarctique. Elles font partie des TAAF (Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises) dans lesquelles sont réalisés de nombreuses études ... read more
carte subant

Oceans and Seas » Southern May 12th 2013

Have I mentioned that I love sea days!!!! Day one dawned with the most amazing sunrise I have ever seen. Our cabin is port side, aft but I turned on the bow camera and there was the glory. I was a bit concerned that the skies appeared red and you know what that is supposed to mean but the seas were calm all day, the temperature mild, the sun warm and the breeze soft. At breakfast we chatted with a couple from Atlanta. Barry is a retired minister and Leodis was born in Jamaica where the two met. It turns out that Barry know Linc's dad and used to work with him on some festivals. He was also named Wycliffe and Barry said he was quite posh. And the world keeps getting smaller. After breakfast we ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Southern January 19th 2013

Our early departure from Ushuaia heralded our earlier “Rounding of the Horn”. On this cruise; though we more or less sail pass Cape Horn out of Drake’s Passage, continuing in a south, south easterly direction on to Antarctica. On Sharon’s previous east-to-west cruise she did “round the horn” during daylight hours, and the captain traversed in a zigzag fashion several times from the Atlantic to the Pacific or back again, each time tooting the deep throated cruise ship horn. (Do cruise ships toot their horns?) We were scheduled to pass by Cape Horn just before midnight, so this event went largely unnoticed by passengers; indeed, Sharon and I were sound asleep by this time. The captain had predicted about ten-foot swells once we reached the unprotected waters below the horn, and we did notice some rolling ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Southern January 3rd 2013

The fog has mostly lifted by morning, but it is still very variable. This will be a complete day at sea as we negotiate the Drake Passage between Antarctica and South America. We expect to pass close to Cape Horn sometime in the evening on our way to Ushuaia, Argentina. As the day goes by, the waves grow higher and higher, and by the afternoon the swells are running up to 30 ft. Because of our direction, conditions are not as violent as the passage to the Falklands, when the ship was bashing into the oncoming waves, but the ship is certainly pitching significantly. Dishes and occasionally people go sliding to the floor in the dining room. One basically has to keep a hand on something solid all the time to avoid making a spectacle. Later ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Southern January 2nd 2013

The captain wakes us this morning around 8 am once again. We have arrived during the night at Paradise Harbour, a natural shelter formed by two islands and the mainland. This location, delineated by mountains and glaciers on all sides and sheltered from stormy seas, must have seemed a relative paradise to whomever named it. It is a brilliant sunny day with wispy clouds, and the beauty of the surroundings once again takes our breath away. There are two research stations here: Brown Station, an Argentinian facility, and a Chilean station named for a Chilean president who was the first head of state to visit the Antarctic continent. Both stations have interesting histories. Brown Station is famous for having once been burned to the ground by a scientist who went crazy. The Chilean station stands on ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Southern December 30th 2012

We had a particularly good sleep last night, lulled by the gentle rolling of the ocean. We wake to a grey, overcast day. At breakfast, we enjoy the aerobatics of the petrels and albatrosses as they wheel and dive alongside the ship. We are clearly picking up more and more seabirds every day. And then it starts to snow outside! I ponder how interesting it is to have left the snow at home in the north and to travel so far south that it is snowing again. The morning is spent on a couple of interesting lectures, one on penguins in all their variety, and the other on Antarctic explorer Ernest Shakleton, another name I remember from stories I read as a boy. Among his adventures was being marooned with his crew on Elephant Island, which ... read more

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