May 8 – Fourth Full Day at Sea

Published: May 8th 2024
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Janet DessertJanet DessertJanet Dessert

Coffee Mocha Bar
We are still in the Atlantic, continuing toward the Azore Islands. We have really been enjoying the restful pace of activities – after we get close to Europe things will happen almost every day and we will not have as many rest periods.

We got up even earlier today and had the buffet breakfast. Remembering how Melody really liked the Princess croissants, David had a strawberry croissant. He also had something called a Pizza Muffin, which was pieces of pepperoni and cheese on a small crust. And David got a watermelon smoothie. With some bacon and sausages, and pound cake, that was a filling breakfast.

Breakfast finished by 9:00 and Janet was able to go to the Knitters and Knatters meeting in the Crooner’s Bar. This is similar to the Hook and Needle Club at Mason Pointe, except none of their items are for sale. But Janet did get connected with a few of her new stitching companions.

We returned to the cabin about 10:30 and David was able to get the past few days’ worth of blogs posted. He never got an explanation of “why” they had disabled this blog, but it is working again with hopefully no further interruptions.

Elizabeth sent a note that her car had finally gotten repaired – a shortcoming of the original repair work last week. The timing worked out well as they had our car for a few days. Now Valerie will get the keys and be able to pick us up when we eventually fly back home. We are glad that the problem was resolved for her without more costs.

The noon report continued to reflect our progress toward Ponta Delgada. They said we were moving at 21 mph, but also reflected on the continued bumpy seas and reminded everyone to use the handrails. It actually hasn’t seemed as rough as the past day or so. The mid-afternoon high temperature was 64, but that did not stop people from going to the pool since the surf wasn’t as rough in the pool.

After the noon report we went up to the Lido Deck to the Salty Dog Grill. Janet got a hot dog and fries and David had a chili cheese dog with fries. We then got several desserts from the buffet line, before returning to the cabin.

This afternoon in the Princess Theater was a matinee presentation by someone performing a good impersonation of Elton John. He sang a lot of songs, and it was fun. We got there about 30 minutes early and were able to get one of the 6 handicap-chairs. That is not as easy to accomplish in the evening, but it worked this afternoon.

Tonight was one of the days when we had been able to get reservations in the Palm Dining Room. Dinner was excellent this evening! Janet had an appetizer of Prosciutto and then Crayfish Vol au Vent. David had Shrimp Cocktail and then a bowl of Chilled Tropical Soup. We both chose the Lobster Tail and Crabcake for our main entrée. It was difficult to pass up the Chateaubriand option though. For dessert, Janet had a Coffee Mocha Bar and David had the Caramel Pecan Turtle Cheesecake. As said, the dinner was excellent.

We returned to the cabin and watched the movie “Wonka”. Good night!


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