May 7 – Third Full Day at Sea

Published: May 8th 2024
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Hello. Last night we tried to post the BLOG and it was blocked as a spammer. If you are reading this, then that issue has been resolved and we are back in business.

This morning, we got up with the alarm and made it to breakfast in the Palm Dining Room. We felt that was an accomplishment considering the missing hour from last night’s sleep. This dining room is located on the stern of the ship on deck-6. It is a little awkward to get there, but we made it.

Then we went back to the cabin for the rest of the morning. Last night the ship was really zipping along, so it was kind of bumpy. The drinks in the refrigerator were periodically rolling back and worth and hitting each other – pretty weird. This morning, they seem to have deployed the stabilizers again, but it was still bumpy from time to time. At noon they cautioned everyone to be sure to use the handrails, especially up on deck. David got a couple of pictures of the swimming pool to show what swimming would be like today – many people were sunbathing instead.

FYI … The couple of weeks before we left for this vacation, we had head colds and coughs, and we felt pretty drained. We think this started because of the heavy Spring Pollen counts in St Louis. Anyway, our condition improved by taking various medicines, but it has fully cleared up now that we are at sea where there isn’t any pollen.

We heard from Valerie about an early morning Tornado Warning for her neighborhood and happily everyone is fine with no damage. But she said they all visited Nala in the basement, so our cat must be behaving herself and may have made friends with Zoe and Pepper. Anyway – thanks again for keeping her safe.

The downside of getting up for breakfast was that we took a nap and missed lunch instead. But we had yesterday’s canapés and David got some more cheese and crackers from the buffet for a midafternoon snack.

We went down to the Coral Dining room to see if they had any walk-in places for folks without dinner reservations. Sure enough, we were able to get in anyway. The next 2 nights we do have reservations in the Palm Dining Room. So, we continue to find places to eat.

Tonight, Janet had Shrimp Cocktail and a Roasted Chicken Breast. David had Chilled Gazpacho Soup, Caesar Salad, and Turkey Pot Pie. For dessert, Janet had Pear Flambe and David had Black Forest Cake. We must briefly describe the strange pot pie – it had no top or bottom crust and had a sweet potato topping with vegetables and turkey in a gravy – tasty but not what came to mind when David ordered it.

After dinner we went back to the cabin for the evening. We tried to watch a movie, but the ship seemed to be bouncing around too much to keep pointed at the satellite, so we gave up and just had a stitching/reading evening. There are shows in the Princess Theater, but there are only 6 chairs for people with mobility issues (like climbing stairs), so we aren't particularly motivated. Now that we are starting to get our energy back, we might try some of the other evening entertainment places some night. Not tonight though.


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