Blogs from Derby, Western Australia, Australia, Oceania


Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Derby July 23rd 2023

Got away from Willare Bridge Roadhouse around 10am and limped along to Derby getting in about 10.45 and fortunately our site was vacant so got setup nice and early. We were told along the way that Derby wasn't much but after a few days here and you kind of pick the scab off, its an interesting sort of place, except for the daytime black mozzies who are rampant, are quick, bite lots but we have slathered ourselves once again with the Good Riddance and it keeps them at bay. We found it friendly and quite an historic town perched at the edge of the King Sound near the mouth of the mighty Fitzroy River. The beautiful quirky Boab trees we learn that the seed has floated across the ocean from Madagascar which is very interesting that ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Derby May 26th 2018

We got away relatively early from Mt Hart and head for the Wandjina NP. Becs and I did the gorge walk which is very good. There are a lot of freshwater crocodiles basking on the sand banks and in the water and you are able to get really close for pictures. We then headed for Derby. Ian at the Derby Caravan Park was a bit of a card although Becs felt he was sexist just because he referred to her as my missus and made some comment about whether we wanted the site next to the Swedish backpackers. After setting up and having a play with the French Bulldog across the way we headed for the Spinifex Hotel and it was rocking. Actually it was just me and Becs, the English barmaid and the 70 year ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Derby July 30th 2017

DAY ONE We arrived in Broome a day early for our tour and stayed at the Mercure hotel.We had a relaxing afternoon and visited Matso‘s brewery which was just across the road. Woke up the next morning to find a huge puddle of water on the floor. Our air conditioner had malfunctioned and leaked. Later in the morning we were collected by the Outback Spirit tour guide and driver Paul. Our first site of the bus that we would be travelling on for 2 weeks. We then went to the airport to collect the other passengers. Our group comes from far and wide including 4 from Switzerland, 2 from South Africa, 2 from New Zealand and the rest from Australia. One couple missed their flight so would be going us at a later point in the ... read more
view from the plane
Broome from the plane

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Derby August 5th 2016

Geo: -17.3048, 123.632Hello from DerbyThe rain finally cleared up for the last few days we were in Coral Bay which gave us a chance to do a few walks along the beach and some snorkelling in the bay. I also fitted the landing leg to the van only to find that the higher ratio of the new legs meant that the motor and gearbox could not cope with the extra load and caused the clutch to slip. Another call to the supplier and it was decided the best fix was a completely different set up with individual motors and gearbox on the top of each leg but of course this comes at an extra cost of $500 so a call KTA Insurance surprised us again when they agreed to cover the cost. The new legs were ... read more
Dampier 1
Dampier 2
Port of Dampier

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Derby May 17th 2016

Having left Broome feeling very upbeat and being most impressed with this slice of paradise in the Kimberley, we eagerly awaited our next adventure. Well, Derby was quite a contrast and then with the first real rainfall for the whole wet season pouring down I guess our spirits were slightly dampened. Yes we experienced nearly 30ms of rain overnight and of course the atmosphere was heavy and quite humid. The famous mudflats were muddier than usual and the town looked quite sad and tired. However, Derby is the gateway to many wonderful Kimberley adventures from flying over the Archipelago and viewing the unusual horizontal falls to taking a cruise through areas quite remote but very beautiful. Our choice was a little different. We did go watch the tide rise and fall at the Derby jetty and ... read more
Skye and Estelle
The Boab Prison Tree.
iPrison Boab Tree

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Derby February 24th 2016

DAY 5. Halls Creek was going to be my next stop it’s only about 440 km’s down the road so I headed off at 0825. Some beautiful landscapes again to be enjoyed in these parts mixed of course with stretches of nothingness, Australia is a huge country so we have our share of it. I did not pass much traffic at all along this stretch. I booked in to the Halls Creek Caravan Park. It was very quiet at this time of year, the office lady explained and gave me a few tips on what to see in the area. It was very early in the afternoon so I had plenty of time to set up camp before dark so I took off exploring for a few hours. Old Halls Creek township was a place of ... read more
Nice swim hole
The rains are comin'
One of many car wrecks in the area

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Derby August 16th 2015

Sunday 9th August An early start as we have a 53K drive this morning on a dirt road into the park to see the Bungle Bungles. Luckily the road had just been scraped and is in much better condition than usual. Nevertheless it's a challenging off road drive with 5 river crossings. Two are quite wide and deep! We arrive at the Visitors centre around 10.30 and book in for 3 nights camping in the bush. The site has a long drop toilet and a tap, that's it! We then drive another 19K out to see Echidna Chasm. We walk the 2K return trail into it. It's at huge steep sided sedimentary rock gorge with curved sides where the water has rushed through over the millions of years. It's between 1600 and 1800 million years old ... read more
2 Echidna Chasm
3 Osmand Range Lookout
4 Osmand Range & bush campsite

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Derby June 9th 2015

Our time at Mornington now complete, we drove the 90 kilometres back to the GRR and sat and watched cars stream past. Were we to turn right and more gorges and other spectacular sights (but invariably dust and smoke too) or left and back to Derby (and Broome and beaches and sand and surf). In the end, it was an easy choice: we would come back to the Kimberley again when there was a bigger wet season and we would add some more sights from the GRR (and hopefully we would visit the Mitchell Plateau and Kalumburu). So we turned left and mentally recalculated the fuel and distance involved. Enough to get to Derby without stopping at Mount Hart. So, direct to Derby was the decision. We arrived in Derby for a late lunch and then ... read more
Boab Prison Tree

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Derby May 31st 2015

Well whilst most folk have been snuggling under blankets and in their rain coats at the footy, we have had our brains fried today! We've agreed that today was probably the hottest day we've experienced so far! We started out from the lovely Wendy at Larrawa station this morning passing a number of cyclists that are riding from Adelaide to Adelaide! Don't know how long that will take them but its an amazing effort! Its was a pretty plain 230 k drive to Fitzroy Crossing. Not much happening in this town, but the Fitzroy river look magnificent, though, this time of year fairly minimal water. We decided to take a detour and try to find Geiki Gorge. Things aren't advertised or sign posted really well, but nonetheless, we found it, 19 k's north of the highway. ... read more
Geiki Gorge
Geiki Gorge
Geiki Gorge

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Derby August 20th 2014

Hi travel followers. There is no surprise, we have moved on from Kununurra and have now arrived and set up camp at Derby, but not before one or two overnight stops at the Bungle Bungles, Halls Creek, Mary River and Fitzroy Crossing. I must say we are glad we took the Bungle Bungles flight first as they are even more spectacular when you see them up close and personal. Places like the Dome walk, the Cathedral, the lookout and Echidna Chasm all have excellent walks and are unbelievable. If there is a supreme creator, he had a good day the day he created the Bungle Bungles. In the Kimberly they have a saying, when god created the earth, he took all the left over rocks and put them in the Kimberly. I would have to say ... read more
Bungle Bungles
Bungle Bungles
Bungle Bungles

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