Blogs from British Columbia, Canada, North America


North America » Canada » British Columbia » Richmond May 26th 2024

After a good night's sleep, we woke up fairly late, got dressed and headed out the door, on our way to the nearest WalMart. I figured out how to get there by bus, bus 406 and 407, and sure enough, after quite a ride we got there. The shopping center where the WalMart was located, was quite something, with dozens of restaurants, stores, and other places, beside a very unusual WalMart at one end. We actually had to ask someone how to get inside! You had to go down the entrance to the parking garage and around to the door, then up an escalator. Check out the photo. It was a fairly large WalMart with a lot of oriental foods. Manoli had heard that Vancouver was 65 percent oriental, so I guess that makes sense. Also, ... read more

We woke up about 8am, took showers, and got dressed. Today we were going to take the Hop-On-Hop-Off bus tour. We knew it was in Canadian Place, so we hopped on our good old bus 406 and headed to the Richmond-Brighouse train station. Arriving at the station, we crossed the street and bought two All Day Passes, and waited for the train to Waterfront, the last stop on the line. In no time, the train pulled in, we got on, and away we went. Around 11:30 we reached to stop, got off, and started looking for the ticket booth at Canadian Place. We found Canadian Place with no problem, but we had to ask someone where the bus tour booth was. It turned out to be pretty much in sight. We went there and a lady ... read more

Today was our disembarkation day, meaning we leave the ship. We have reservations with VRBO for a nice house on the south side of Vancouver. The schedule they gave us last night said we can leave the ship at 8:45am, so we were up early and ready to go. Manoli decided to take all our luggage with us, so we wouldn't have to wait once we got off the ship. We sailed through Canadian Customs and made our way outside. Manoli had decided we'd take an Uber, but couldn't find one on her phone, so we caught a taxi. It was quite a trip, near the airport and about a 30 minute drive. It cost us $48 or so, Canadian, which is only $34 American. The VRBO was pretty nice, run by a family with 2 ... read more

Left the Ft. Fraser campground at 7:45 today, topped off the tank, (About $4.60 per gal), and continued on the Yellowhead Highway to the Cassier Highway. I was very disappointed last night that the campground laundry was closed since our laundry is starting to pile up. Desperate times call for desperate measures, so I resorted to washing our underwear by hand in the sink. We had them hanging all over the camper, very attractive. I'm not optimistic about finding one in the next couple of campgrounds on the Cassier, but in the meantime we'll have clean undies. Ray said that we should be able to get four wearings out of each, front, back and inside out...I think NOT! After leaving Fraser it did not take us long to get back to the rolling hills and some ... read more
Along the Yellowhead
Entering BC
Cassier HWY

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver October 18th 2023

Vancouver is a great city and very similar to San Francisco. There were lovely green spaces in every city we visited but Vancouver really has some terrific parks and gardens and some amazing mushrooms after the rain started. The VanDusen Botanical Garden was worth several hours of exploring, and the nearby Bloedel Conservatory within Queen Elizabeth Park had some great birds in a small space. If you have fewer than three days, though, you'll have to miss all that and focus on Gas Town, with its famous Steam Clock, and Chinatown, with delicious Chinese food and the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden, and the Vancouver Art Gallery, with its rotating exhibits and Emily Carr paintings. You need to make time for Granville Island Public Market, at least... read more
Bald Eagle

Victoria is Canada's second most romantic city. If you have more than three days in Vancouver then Victoria is absolutely worth a visit, but getting there requires about four hours of travel each way; if you can stay overnight in Victoria it will result in a much more relaxed and fulfilling trip but if you only have one day it can still be done. While both Victoria and Vancouver both have harbors the ferry between them is far outside of town on both sides, so you'll find yourself on four long bus rides or expensive (and only slightly shorter) taxi rides, in addition to two lovely ferry crossings between Tsawwassen (Vancouver) and Swartz Bay (Victoria). Book your ferry tickets in advance, especially if you will be bringing a car, and hope for clear skies so that ... read more
Butchart Gardens
Butchart Gardens
Afternoon tea at the Butchart Gardens

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver October 2nd 2023

Day 2 - Sunday Ok, so, one of the reasons why I don't usually experience the nightlife when I travel for an iF3 competition is because you have to sleep sometime. 12 hours on your feet working the event and then 12 hours out partying at night would equal zero hours of sleep... and that would be brutal. That's almost what happened to me in Egypt two years ago. I was sleeping in the Uber, sleeping on the plane, sleeping every chance I got after a couple of late nights in Cairo. It was tough, and this time even more so. Chelly and I were up until about 3am. When we woke, it was time to get everyone fed, packed, and checked out of the AirBnB. So we ate our Indian leftovers for breakfast (Indian meal ... read more
An Official Olympic Venue
The Final Test
Short and Painful

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver October 1st 2023

This Time Was Different Usually when I go to an iF3 event I am on my feet filming for at least 10-12 hours per day, talking to people, climbing over stuff, walking back and forth from end to end of a stadium, wandering around the athlete staging/warmup areas, and maybe trekking back-and-forth to the track or the pool. Add to that the time in the morning and at the end of the day spent charging batteries and offloading footage. This means in the nighttime there's scant time left to find whatever food spot is still open and have a nice, chill dinner with someone from one of the national federations or teams, then crash at my hotel for as much sleep as I can squeeze-in before getting up and doing it all again the next day. ... read more
Barefoot Beauty
The Next Generation

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver September 30th 2023

Me & The iF3 I first found out about the International Functional Fitness Federation (iF3) in 2017 when they launched their organization dedicated to bringing the sport of Functional Fitness to the Olympic level, and held their first World Championships. There was a fundraiser and I pitched in. I didn't win the fan-wheel bike, but I was happy to help spread the word, and a seed was planted. In 2018, I decided to approach them about making a documentary. My friend James Fitzgerald at OPEX Fitness connected me to Gretchen Kittelberger, founder of the iF3, and we started talking. In 2019, the USA team brought me to Malmo, Sweden as their videographer and my documentary work for the iF3 began. I turned the footage from that trip into Reach For The Rings, my feature documentary about ... read more
I'm In The Audience Now
With My Boys

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver September 17th 2023

Då var alltså stunden kommen. Jag skulle vända hemåt mot norra halvklotet igen. Denna del av världen jag nu lägger bakom mig ska jag definitivt återkomma till. Visst, långt bort men så otroligt vackert, innehållsrikt, omfångsrikt och så mycket av allt. Men ändå lättillgängligt när man väl är på plats. Språk, stil, uttryck - ja det är mycket som känns igen som man då inte behöver ödsla tid på att lära sig. Förutom att man envisas med vänstertrafik men tempot är så pass lugnt så det kommer man in i snabbt. Smidigt att ta sig till den enorma flygplatsen i Sydney. In och utcheckning gick hur smidigt som helst och jag använde mig av mitt privata loungekort för att äta upp mig lite innan tretimmarshoppet över till Auckland där jag senare under dagen skulle flyga vidare ... read more

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