Blogs from Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada, North America


After a restful sleep we woke up to another glorious day. It was quite cold during the night and our propane heater worked all night. We had three blankets on the bed just in case. Our first stop of the day was Lake Louise, an area where you just can't stop taking photos. The lake is still frozen except for some open areas on the edges which expose the crystal clear water below. After our photo ops we climbed back in our RV's and headed to the Iceland Parkway. It is impossible to describe the beauty on this roadway. There are scenic vistas at every turn of this 144 mile highway. This is our third time traveling through it, and I still am blown away with the scenery. At the Columbia Icefields, we stopped and had ... read more
Parkway Overlook

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper National Park October 1st 2023

20231001 To Jasper Park Lodge The day was glorious for being on a tour bus, looking down on the traffic. The true blue sky was a backdrop worthy of the gleaming snow on the mountains and the shining yellow leaves on the Trembling Aspens. The dark green deciduous trees set off the golden glow, only superseded by the even darker blue-green of the firs at the higher altitudes. In some places, recent snow sugared individual trees, reminiscent of a complex carpet pattern. Yet, some dark stony-grey steep mountain faces were stained with the deep yellow of late larches. Occasionally, deep turquoise lakes beamed through trees beside the highway. The Athabasca River , icy pale blue, trickled and flowed in the flats along the roadside. Only a mountain chill belied the sunny day. 20231002 Lac Beauvert Lac ... read more
Jasper Park Lodge golf course
Lake Annette
Rolling hills along Highway #1

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper National Park November 6th 2020

Le 18 septembre 2020, Merci encore au décalage horaire, nous sommes prêts à partir à 6:30 du matin! Mais le soleil n'est pas encore levé, il fait noir comme chez le loup (ou comme dans la tanière de l'ours, ce serait plus dans le ton). Je trépigne d'impatience de débuter la journée, nous avons tant à voir aujourd'hui. Carl nous oriente vers le plan B: on ira d'abord chercher le lunch à la boulangerie du coin avant de se rendre à Maligne Canyon, notre première visite du jour. Nous prenons la voiture pour nous rendre à The Other Paw Bakery. Tous les Subway et Quiznos de ce monde peuvent aller se rhabiller: ici le rapport qualité-quantié-prix bat tous les records. On ressort chacun avec une boîte à lunch comportant un sandwich gourmet (allô, fromage de chèvre!), ... read more
Maligne Canyon, 4e pont
Coup de coeur pour le Mont Édith Cavell
Captivant petit lac

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper National Park June 20th 2019

After golf Wednesday, we had dinner reservations at the Post Hotel for dinner. We were sitting out by the lake next to a fire pit and one of the people there raved about the dinner they had at the Post Hotel right in the little town of Lake Louise. So we gave it a try. He wasn't kidding. The Post Hotel is very north woodsy with wooden beams and fireplaces. The meal and service were the best we had on the trip. Heather even tried bison loin for dinner! The next morning, Jan wasn't feeling very well so we hung around the hotel until later in the afternoon. Brett and Katie rented a canoe and went all over Lake Louise and said it was a bit cool, but wonderful. Later in the afternoon we decided to ... read more
Snow Fun
Post Hotel Dinner1

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper National Park June 17th 2019

The next morning, Heather and Katie saw Grizzly Bears from their balconies not too far from the hotel. Heather went down first with Brett, Jan and I shortly after her. It was a very large female Grizzly with two cubs. Not the situation where you should get close. Mama bears really protect their young. We got some photos, though. It was only the first morning there and we saw Grizzly Bears! A little later, we drove in two separate cars to the Columbia Ice Field, which is about two hours north in Jasper National Park. We took our grandson, Bobby, with Jan, Heather and I in our mini-van. The reason we took Bobby was to give Brett & Katie a break for a couple hours. Bobby is 20 months old, but has entered the "terrible twos" ... read more
Mama Grizzly and Two Cubs
Athabasca Glacier
Athabasca Glacier

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper National Park September 18th 2018

In Jasper scheint bei unserer Ankunft die Sonne und der kleine Ort mitten in den Bergen zeigt sich von seiner besten Seite. Den gleichnamigen Nationalpark, der einige der schönsten Naturphänomene der Rocky Mountains beherbergt, besuchen jährlich 2,1 Millionen Touristen. Dementsprechend rummelig ist Jasper mit seinen Souvenirshops, Kneipen und Kaffeshops aber wir genießen es mal wieder ein bisschen Infrastruktur zu haben, machen ein paar Erledigungen und gehen abends essen. Wir übernachten auf dem legendären Whistler Campground, der trotz seiner Größe von über 800 Stellplätzen, erstaunlich ruhig und privat ist. In einem riesigen Waldstück gelegen verteilen sich die großzügigen Stellplätze so weit, dass wir locker 15 Minuten brauchen um von unserer Campsite zum Ausgang zu gelangen. Es sind dann noch circa vier Kilometer in die Stadt und übermütig wie wir sind laufen wir direkt mal in den O ... read more
Maligne Canyon
Der Elch, der den Stau verursachte
Maligne Lake

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper National Park September 18th 2018

Z Vancouver, z krótkim przystankiem w Whistler, skierowaliśmy się w Góry Skaliste - najpierw do Parku Narodowego Jasper. Podróż dosyć uciążliwa - ponad 700 km, w deszczu i w większości bez zasięgu komórkowego oraz radio. Udawało nam się łapać dobrą jakość na falach długich albo posłuchać stacji w języku rosyjskim, hiszpańskim, chińskim (??). Problemy z zasięgiem towarzyszyły nam przez prawie tydzień i nie pozwalały na łączność Skype, czy zgrywanie zdjęć na bloga (stąd obsuwa)... Naszą bazą wypadową do Parku miało być Valemount - nieco bliżej, co pozwoliło nam 'rozbić' nieco dystans + oszczędzić na tańszym noclegu. Na szczęście na miejscu nie było już deszczu, ale temperatura obniżyła się i nie przekraczała 8 st.C. Na spacer wybraliśmy malowniczo położone Maligne Lake oraz Moose Lake. Obydwa szlaki to niecałe 8 km i 2 godziny w pięknych okolicznościach przyrody ... read more
Pani łoś, mały w krzakach
Maligne Lake
Maligne Lake

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper National Park July 20th 2018

Today we woke and drove to the Icefield Center and prepared for our glacier walk at Athabasca Glacier. Our guide was Korin. We got all geared up-our warmest clothes, waterproof pants and jackets, hiking boots, gloves, hats and carried crampons. The weather didn’t look great and we went a little further than yesterday before the walk was canceled:(. There was rain, hail, thunder and lightning:(. We were, however, able to get some glacier water which excited the kids! The forecast for the next few days didn’t look much better, so we decided to ditch Jasper and drive to Mt Rainer in Washington State. Staying in Kamloops, BC tonight. For sure!... read more
Us at the glacier, ready to walk!

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper National Park June 14th 2018

Did not have to have our bags out this morning, but still an early start, on the bus by 8am, after another lovely buffet breakfast. Our walk along the lake this morning was in sunshine so saw beautiful reflections in the lake. Headed straight for Maligne Lake (elevation 1670m), where we were booked on a cruise at 9am. (Lots of roadwork around Jasper, so we were a little late.) On the boat (which slowed down for any canoeists it passed) we travelled 14km to Spirit Island (a tied island, only cut off sometimes in Spring when there are heavy rains and melting snow). Maligne Lake is 22km long and almost surrounded by mountain peaks and glaciers - our boat tour guide told us all the names! It is called a fingerlling lake (long and narrow) and ... read more
Our Maligne Lake Cruise Boat at Spirit Island
Spirit Island
Malline Lake near Spirit Island

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