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April 15th 2024
Published: April 15th 2024
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Well, for the first time in my life, I am officially unemployed. I'm not sure if it's sunk in yet, but it will definitely grow on me. In fact, I believe I like it already.

AAAAnyway, we depart for Buenos Aires in three days and successfully cleared the flat of most of our worldly possessions the other day after a 12-hour packing spree aided by late box delivery and an early arrival van to transport the items to storage.
Just one more go through after tomorrow night's leaving party at Quinn's in Kentish Town, and we're out of here. You get kind of sick of all the leaving drinks, and there won't be much taste for the exquisite Argentinian wine by the time we get there.

Maybe I should make another trial pack tomorrow; I'm sure I'm packing far too little in terms of necessities like clothes and far too much on the gadget side of things. Come to think of it, unemployment will speed the arrival of the gadgetless Luke...I might have to reconsider the bit about loving it.


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