Sooner than I thought...

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April 15th 2024
Published: April 15th 2024
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Well, this is the first in what I hope will be a long line of these...Christmas has passed, and it appears that we will be going in around 6 weeks.

Obviously, we have no flights booked or an actual schedule planned, but we will get there.

Buenos Aires will be our first port of call, and given the time of year, we'll most likely go south to Patagonia for some animals and ice before hitting the wines in Mendoza and heading for Bolivia and Peru, where we may join a guided tour for a few weeks.

The main question right now is where we'll end up in mid-June: Lima, Quito, Santiago, or back in BA...?

I'm looking forward to it regardless; just need to get this place rented out now.


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