Blogs from Bristol, Bristol County, England, United Kingdom, Europe


Europe » United Kingdom » England » Bristol County » Bristol July 5th 2023

Hi All, Primary reason I travelled to Bristol last weekend was for the St. Paul's Carnival on the Saturday. I arrived Friday afternoon and stayed at the Rock-and-bowl hostel. It is a lively hostel right in the centre of Bristol with shops and restaurants all around. I stayed in a 12 bed dorm. The hostel was clean and had a big kitchen. The Carnival didn't disappoint I was able to meet up with my brother and we walked around some of the soundsystems. The area of the Carnival is quite small in comparison to the Notting Hill event. A much more chilled atmosphere at this event too. After a solid 10 hours kip, after my day of dancing, and a lovely breakfast I went for a walk looking for Banksy artwork. After trying various maps and ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Bristol County » Bristol July 21st 2021

We had a super early morning, a cab was to pick us up at 5:20 am as we had to be at Stonehenge at 6:30 am. Normally, it is a 45-minute ride, but at 5:20 a.m. it was only a 20-minute ride. So, we arrived a little early. The reason for our early arrival was because we had tickets to enter the circle of stones before the site opened to the public. The circle was open to 15 people with a guide from the park service. We did not have to stay with the guide, it was just optional. We took the visitor’s bus to the circle and a portion of the fence had been removed. We were free to move about the stones, but not touch the stones. The guide pointed out that if one ... read more
A Blue Stone
Relaxing in King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn's bedroom
Canapes in the Sitting room

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Bristol County » Bristol May 30th 2021

Bustling Bristol, Muddy Weston -Piprey on Wheels England finally decided to end the 3.5 months strict lockdown due to coronavirus and I jumped at the idea of travel. I even went to eat fish and chips in a nice, local restaurant so that I could refresh my table manners :) My friend at Weston-super-Mare texted a horrible weather forecast of wind and rain weather. Dressed for the worst of weathers in my easily dryable trousers and wind cheater (both Chinese made and surprisingly durable), I walked with a light backpack to Hayes and Harlington station on my way to Weston Super Mare with a stop at Bristol by train. The ticket checker thought I was going for a free ride and there I produced a full ticket from my oyster card holder catching him by surprise ... read more
Harbourside, Bristol
City Museum, Bristol
Clifton Bridge

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Bristol County » Bristol October 20th 2020

The first time I ever visited Bristol, it was for a job interview. I kept thinking, this is such a long way from home. I never got the job, but in all honesty my heart wasn't in it anyway. I didn't want to live there. The South West was a different world - a better world in many ways - but not my world. I consigned the trip to history and it was a long time before I ventured back. I look around now and think - mistake. What a fabulous city. Bristol has everything. It was a short and trouble free journey down the M5 from Brinscombe. The weather was fine and the traffic light. We approached from the junction near the giant Cribbs Causeway shopping centre. The suburbs open out on the expanse of ... read more
Southernhay Crescent, Bristol
Spike Island, Bristol
Clifton, Bristol

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Bristol County » Bristol June 13th 2019

Really heavy rain during the night, amplified by the fact that we were pitched where a tree hung over us! Still managed to get a reasonable sleep, even though we did wake before the 0800 alarm we'd set. Reason for the alarm was to catch a bus into Bristol, both to have a look at the place and to meet FB/Twitter friend Kaycee for lunch. Moved the van closer to the gate to reduce walking on the wet field, then went off to the bus stop. Bus was about 10 mins late, which made it a bit tight for our lunch appointment (which had to be 11.45, so Kaycee could be back in her office by 1). Google Maps has, shall we say, an "optimistic" view of our walking speed! Still, we made it - and ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Bristol County » Bristol June 12th 2019

Really need to remember to do this blog every day! Spent a lovely day in Frome with Andy and Anne, including a pub lunch with Anne's bro and s-i-l, Geoffrey and Diane. Andy and Anne's new (ish) house is lovely, and they're adjusting to this retirement business just as well as we are. It was good, too, to sleep in an actual house for a couple of nights! Then (Weds) on the road again. Note to self - next time we leave Andy's, ignore the Sat Nav and turn LEFT. The alternatives are really not ok for motorhomes! Found a caravan accessory shop on the edge of Bristol, who were able to help us with most of the bits we needed (still no replacement for the kitchen tap though!). Rocked up at the campsite at Bitton ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Bristol County » Bristol October 13th 2018

Well, who knew that Bristol was lovely?! Most of us never get past Bath Spa, and certainly not up onto the bluffs of Clifton Village, an historic community of Georgian house marching along crescent terraces like king-sized (literally) dominos, overlooking the Avon Valley and Bristol. What brought me here, frankly, was my budget: well-located ATC hosts afforded me a three-day visit that would cool off my credit card. (If you haven’t yet heard me testify praises of the Affordable Travel Club, email me and I’ll fill you in...) Karen is a director of television documentaries (mostly BBC) and James is an ER nurse - delightful and interesting folks! Their home is the ”downstairs” portion of the type of home featured in the series “Upstairs, Downstairs,” and they’ve done wonders with it. My pix can’t do it ... read more
“Longest crescent in England”
“Our” courtyard
VIew of Bristol from terrace

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Bristol County » Bristol December 13th 2017

Getting ready Well packing for a three part trip is hard at the best of times, but packing for the summer in zero degrees c (32 f) was really hard. However, I think I may have it cracked and if I haven't, then all the more reason to not have any photos of me on the blog (badly dressed is just not something I can live with). The real reason for this post is to see if I have set the blog up properly. Hopefully those poor victims (sorry, I mean good friends) who have signed up for my oversees gloating will receive an email telling them that my wit and wonderment awaits them on my lovely blog page. If I haven't set it up correctly, then no one will be any the wiser and I ... read more
The Olive Tree
Ruins and Roots

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Bristol County » Bristol December 8th 2017

This may be my first blog, but it is not my first adventure. My next big adventure is planned and I am heading off to New Zealand away from the British cold and onto beautiful sunshine. I will be arriving in Queenstown on Christmas day for a three part holiday. The first part of my holiday is visiting my daughter and seeing what Queenstown has to offer. Then I am off on my own, including NYE in Queenstown listening to live bands (and those of you who know me well; know this is a bit of a thing of mine) and watching the fireworks over the bay. Then touring TeAnue, Milford Sound and Foirdland on my own using busses and boats to get around and generally exploring. The third and final part of this holiday is ... read more
Bristol Street Art
Bristol Street Art

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Bristol County » Bristol October 24th 2016

Destination Conwy with a solid detour via Holmfirth; home to Judy’s father, Jack. Jack’s parents were £10 immigrants to Australia and Judy was keen to see from whence her lineage sprang. Holmfirth was a delightful village oasis in a seriously industrial area just south of Huddersfield, with a genuine babbling brook running through it. Lunch next to the café from the “Last of the Summer Wine” tv series which Ron has never experienced. Judy recognised the café at once, and was touched by the charm and by the family connection to Holmfirth; pondering what life had been like for her grandparents, their bravery and the uncertainty that they surely must have endured when moving to a new land on the other side of the earth. Back in our chariot, backed out of the parking space and ... read more
2.Conwy Castle
3.Conwy Suspension Bridge
4.Great Western

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