Blogs from Tromsø, Northern Norway, Norway, Europe


Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Tromsø August 2nd 2023

Aujourd'hui je vous mettrai des photos de tas d'endroits par où nous sommes passés et qui par le plus grand des hasards commencent par la lettre S... Storslett : dans le comté de Troms dans le Finnmark. Certaines photos ne seront pas renommées par manque de connexion... La Cathédrale arctique est une église protestante de l'Eglise de Norvège située à Tromso Elle fut construite en 1965. Monument emblématique de la ville, elle doit son nom au fait qu'elle est située au-dessus du cercle Arctique.. Elle a été dessinée par Jan Inge Hovic, et ses matériaux de construction sont principalement en béton En raison de son emplacement bien visible et de sa couleur blanche, elle est souvent appelée « l'opéra de Norvège », en comparaison au célèbre Opéra de Sydney en Austra... read more
des chutes en quantité
temps de méditation... ?
temps d'observation (...)

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Tromsø July 22nd 2023

Nukuin huonosti. Olin katsonut etukäteen että lentokentälle pääsee kahdella bussilinjalla eri pysäkeiltä, ja kumpikin menisi puolen tunnin välein. Pääsin lähtemään aiemmalla bussilla kuin olin aikonut. Lentokentällä tuli sitten luppoaikaa. Toki siellä oli käytössä väliaikainen C-terminaali, mutta se oli lyhyen kävelymatkan päässä varsinaisesta terminaalista. Lentokoneessa pääsin istumapaikalle, kun vierustoveri vaihtoi paikkaa. Olin ostanut halvimman luokan lipun, johon kuului vielä iso käsimatkatavara, mutta ei istumapaikan valintaa. Lento oli periaatteessa Finnairin lento, mutta sen operoi Norra ja ruokalista oli norjaksi. Kaiken kaikkiaan olin matkaani oikein tyytyväinen. Se oli hyvä kokonaisuus.... read more

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Tromsø July 21st 2023

Valvoin klo 3.30-5, sitten nukuin klo 8.30 asti. Pääsin liikkeelle klo 12. Nyt oli vuorossa keskustan kohteet. The Polar Museum: naparetkiä, metsästystä ja homonäkökulma. Lähettyville rannalle oli rakennettu uusia rakennuksia. Keskustassa leivoskahvi. Polaria: filmejä ja akvaario. Pääsin vielä käymään hylkeenpyytäjien laivassa. Ahtaita tiloja. Tromssan museot täydensivät arktista näkökulmaa ja Huippuvuorten kokemuksia. Otin terassilla oluen. Olin liikkeellä t-paidalla ja ohuella takilla, kun oli +16 astetta. Kävin syömässä pitsabuffetin. Sitten kaupasta iltapalaa. Iltakävelyllä otin kuvia tuomiokirkon edessä, mäelle katsomaan koulua. Lokinpoikasia oli jo pudonnut kadulle, ja lokit lentelivät levottomina.... read more

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Tromsø July 20th 2023

Nukuin hyvin, ja vaikka kävin heireillä, niin sain uudestaan unta. Aamupala, tiskaus. Olin illalla selvittänyt Tromssa-kortin sisältöä. Kävelin turistineuvontaan. Ostin Tromssa-kortin, jossa oli 24 tunnin bussilippu (jonka voisi aktivoida koska vaan) ja kuuden kohteen maksut. Koko paketista taisi saada 10 % alennuksen. ( Turistineuvonnan nuori mies osasi myös suomea. Päätin aloittaa bussilipun nyt torstaina ja käydä niissä kohteissa, jotka olivat ydinkeskustan ulkopuolella. Lisäksi oli luvassa aika vähäsateinen päivä. Ensin menin bussilla yliopiston kampusalueelle. Kävin katsomassa Pohjois-Norjan tiedekeskuksen ja sen vieressä olevan kasvitieteellisen puutarhan, johon oli kyllä vapaa pääsy. Sitten matkustin bussi 34:lla saaren länsirantaa pitkin saaren eteläkärkeen. Yliopiston museo sijaitsi siellä, eikä yliopistoalueella. Eni... read more

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Tromsø June 18th 2023

This morning we woke up in Tromso Norway. This is the 3rd largest city above the Arctic circle, with a population of about 77,000. Tromso is actually several hundred kilometers above the circle, but it has a comparatively comfortable climate because the Florida Gulf Stream pumps warm water up the east coast and across the top of the Atlantic, where is reaches Norway. Today we had delightful weather. It was sunny all day with only a slight wind. The ship's weather screen said just 51, but while we were on our excursion it seemed more like 60. But we could not have asked for anything better as far as the weather. Our ship docked at a pier in the deep-water channel, so the immediate surroundings were pretty industrial. There is another pier closer to the center ... read more
Arctic Fox in Museum
Cable Car
Tromso from top of mountain

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Tromsø February 26th 2020

During the night we sailed through Stokmarknes, Sortland and Risoyhamm but was sound asleep so didn't notice the short 15minute stops. We arrived at Harstad at 6.45am and stopped at port for an hour, but was it was too early to get up plus we had a shore excursion booked later in the day. Sailing further north, the temperature has been getting colder and there's also been a lot more snow. In fact, there's been so much that one of the crew goes out onto Deck 7 with a hand held plough, scooping up the snow and throwing it into the ocean. We watch him work and take lots of photo's as I find it fascinating (is this wrong???). It's nice seeing all the snow on the deck, and I love going out into the fresh ... read more
Clearing the snow from the deck - MS Kong Harald
Finnsnes - covered in snow
All kitted out for dog sledding

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Tromsø August 13th 2019

Maria Chiara agreed to marry me last time we visited Norway, so the country is very close to both of our hearts. Now three years on we came back as husband and wife. Appropriately it was to attend a wedding... we're still at that age where most travel plans are based around a wedding - ours or someones else's! The groom was an old friend of Maria Chiara's from her year attending university in Trondheim many years ago: "Magnus" by name, and by nature. She used to massage this particular viking by walking across his back. That was a very formative year for my wife: most people at university are relatively short of money, but if you choose to study in one of the world's most expensive countries it makes for a lot of nights in. ... read more
Xave in Kvaloya
Tromso from above
A shaft of sunshine at 12:30pm

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Tromsø July 26th 2019

Cruise day 12 Tromso, cable cars, seals, lots of walking and very expensive drinks in a rock bar 26th July 2019 Over £15 for a beer and a coke!! Okay so the rock bar was pretty cool with dishes named after the Ramones, The Clash, Motorhead and Dead Kennedys for example, but I’m glad Claire had offered to pay! There were posters of many great bands as well as framed records etc but the music they were playing was dreadful!! I have no idea what it was but if I ever hear it again it will be too soon. Prior to that we had done some walking around Tromso. The time before that we came here it was Winter so everywhere was covered in snow. This time the sun has been out and Claire is glad ... read more

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Tromsø July 26th 2019

Arriving in the morning, Glyn quickly spotted the Arctic Cathedral through our porthole - we had arrived In Tromsø, the largest northern settlement in Norway. The sun was shining, the sky blue and the breeze welcoming. We walked to the nearby Polaria which like most (if not all) attractions in Tromsø is all about cold stuff. This began with a panoramic film about Svalbard, featuring very cute polar bears but no blue foxes. We walked through informative yet depressing displays about the glaciers melting and why the arctic ice is required to reflect heat off the planet on which we reside. Maps illustrated the shrinking ice over the decades and marks high in the walls displayed how much thinner the ice became each year (47 cms). They explained how arctic ice gives scientists information on climate ... read more

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Tromsø July 26th 2018

Another lazy morning spent catching up, researching for my trip (still have a few places to sort out) and just relaxing. Early afternoon I went for a walk around the town, took some photos that I think capture the essence of the place and browsed in a few shops. I realised that since I left Sydney almost 6 weeks ago, I haven't really had any down time, so these couple of days are certainly helping to recharge the batteries! Around 4pm I decided to get something to eat and stopped at a little cheap looking Asian cafe. Looks can deceive - I just paid $27 for a chicken fried rice and a mineral water! This afternoon the clouds cleared and it was a beautiful, blue sky day. Actually, the beautiful blue sky 'day' went into the ... read more
A Catholic church
Tromsø Kunstforening
Waiting for the bus

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