Blogs from Kosovo, Europe


Europe » Kosovo » Centre » Prishtina June 23rd 2023

I wake early but not rested as I have slept on the floor. It is a struggle to wake up as im so tired but when I do get up and shower I'm relieved that my back feels so much better. As I am running late and it is nearing ten I pick a cafe on the main mother Teresa boulevard that does food and drink. I take a high seat inside near a plug and order coffee. An hour or so later I try to order breakfast but my attempt to remove the eggs fails spectacularly and I am talked into a sandwich and chips. I ask for another coffee but they bring me water. It starts filling up and by 11 the place is really busy. I stay put until 1230 then pay my ... read more

Europe » Kosovo » Centre » Prishtina June 21st 2023

Not a great deal to say today. I had breakfast at the hotel then did two back to back work calls before checking out. I skipped lunch and worked through then at 5 I got the bus to Pristina. It was two hours and 5 euro. I ate apples from breakfast as my lunch. I have picked a hostel near the bus station so it is only a ten minute walk in a residential area carrying my bags. It is really hot and when I make it to the hostel there is a sign with the wifi info and a number to whatsapp. I message and am sent a code and a room number. I head inside. The hostel is cool and my room is cool and has everything I need. Great value for 10 euros ... read more

Europe » Kosovo » South » Prizren June 20th 2023

I feel better when I wake up so head to breakfast. No pastries today but I eat a cake bread instead which is good. I go for another walk before work and get the feeling that even with missing yesterday I will have seen most of the touristy side if Prizren if I head the castle at night. I really like this beautiful city though. It was barely touched in the war so has all its old school charm. Its lively, has a great vibe even at 9am. I work for the morning then head to the river for lunch. I have an amazing burrito which is more like a fajita but it’s amazing. I have two cokes then head back for the afternoon. At 6 I log off and head straight to the castle. It ... read more

Europe » Kosovo » South » Prizren June 19th 2023

I sleep well even though the bed sinks in the middle and wake up with the sun at 5 so draw the curtains and sleep in until 8. I get up and wash my hair which was overdue and then head out for an explore before breakfast. I run into a woman on the reception desk who introduces herself as the owner and asks me if I’m looking fir breakfast. I’d forgotten about it so I’m happy to accept. It’s pastries, Fruit, cheese, meats, bread and spreads and I make an instant coffee before she comes and offers me a machiato I spend an hour at breakfast then head out fur a 30 minute walk before I have to log on for work. It is a small city and we are in a great location. I ... read more

Europe » Kosovo » West » Pejë June 18th 2023

I sleep pretty well but I wake up tired and my back is sore from the too soft bed. I get dressed and head down. I find the hostel owner on the sofa, it looks like he slept there and I wonder if I’m in his room and he gives it up when guests book? It definitely feels more like an air bnb than a hostel. I tell him I’m too tired for hiking today and just going to see the city he says no problem. I head out walking to the bus centre which I do think is further away then the 400 metres he advertises. I continue walking looking for the street we drove through last night. I find the bazaar which is essentially lots of shopping streets with shops selling trainers, sports gear, ... read more

Europe » Kosovo » South » Gjakova June 18th 2023

When my alarm goes off I dress, use the toilet and leave. It is a beautiful day and a shame to not see the canyon but safety comes before everything else and I’m staying well away from my only offer of a lift there. Instead I walk the bus station looking for somewhere that does coffee and food; as with yesterday most places do either or. I settle for coffee and using the wifi to let Louise and Tara, the two people who knew what was going on, know that I am safe. At 9 I get on the baking hot bus and it leaves at 945. By 11 I am in Gjakova and Petrita has messaged to say to wait here, she is coming to get me so we can go for a coffee. Beats ... read more

Europe » Kosovo » West » Pejë June 16th 2023

I actually sleep well even though I have to put my headphones and white noise on because he was not kidding about his snoring. One if the worst ever. Thank god I was tired and got to sleep first. I wake up this morning and get a really hot shower which is great then I head out. On the road I try hitching for all of 5 minutes then I find a taxi stand and get a 500lek taxi. It drops me at a hotel restaurant where I get a Nutella and fruit crepe, a coffee and fill my water. I head over the road around 1020 and the wifi still reaches so I message to say I’m where I should be. Two cars pull over and offer me rides but I say I am waiting ... read more

Europe » Kosovo » Centre » Prishtina August 6th 2021

Bonjour à tous, Pour commencer je vais répondre à Thomas Wagner, (de je ne sais où il est sur la planète) qui m'a laissé un message me demandant si il y avaient des problèmes d'insécurité dans ces pays, et le meilleur moyen de circuler. Pour l'insécurité je n'ai jamais ressenti la moindre crainte où que se soit. Pour voyager, je ne crois pas qu'il y est beaucoup de lignes de train existantes, surtout en Albanie il y a de nombreux minibus qui circulent de partout, mais sur de courtes distances, le meilleur moyen reste la voiture, même si les routes sont désastreuses. Toujours pas de nouvelle du "pelesse". Peut-être volontaire avec les incendies qu'il à en Grèce, pour limiter la gestion des touristes, Hier au soir repas sur la grande place de Skopje, au pied d'Alexandre ... read more
Maison Natale de soeur Téresa
Cathédrale Téresa Prishtina
Maison Natale de soeur Téresa

Europe » Kosovo October 5th 2018

Velika Rudoka @ 2658 meters ASL (8720') definitely lived up to its name. I summited the recently designated high point in Kosovo, and my last Balkan high point on the tick list, yesterday at 15:38 local time. When I looked at the map and read the trip reports (not many as most peak baggers seem to go from Macedonia), I thought summiting would be fairly straightforward. The mountain is just a few kms from the end of the road at Hotel Arxhena. However, the vertical gain is ~1100 meters (3600') so I knew I was going to have to motor especially considering that I was doing this as a day trip from Prishtinë in a rental car that I could pick up no earlier than 9:00. Departed the capital just after 9:30 and after innumerable white ... read more
Looking Back Down the Valley to Hotel Arxhena
Summit Finally in Sight
Other Side of Summit Marker in Macedonia

Europe » Kosovo » Centre » Prishtina September 12th 2018

Today we’re off to Pristina, capital of Kosovo. Most of my knowledge of Kosovo comes from watching the news delivered by Kate Adie in a bulletproof vest, so I’m looking forward to seeing modern day Kosovo for myself. First, breakfast which consists of more sausage and aubergine topped with cheese. I didn’t think I liked aubergine but apparently the secret to making it palatable is to outnumber it 3:1 with cheese. We set off for bus station. Our suitcase was damaged on the flight; the bottom has caved in so the wheels no longer touch the floor, thus making it difficult to manoeuvre. I suggest buying a new one, but the old man opts to make do and moan. A lot of moaning. Kosovo isn’t the easiest place to reach. The Serbs don’t recognise it so ... read more
Newborn monument
Monument to Heroins

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