Blogs from Iceland, Europe


Europe » Iceland » South November 8th 2023

8 Dagen naar IJsland 8-15 november 2023 IJsland staat al een poosje op ons verlanglijstje, maar we zaten steeds te dubben, wanneer dan, wat is de beste tijd enzovoort. Tot Bert kort geleden bij de ANWB een leuke winterreis zag en toen was de knoop snel doorgehakt! Dit is wat ons te wachten staat: 8-daagse winterrondreis IJsland - IJskoud de beste In het buitenaardse IJsland vecht de ijskoude winter tegen de explosieve hitte van de aarde. Ga in een landschap vol littekens van geologisch geweld op zoek naar het noorderlicht, kijk uit op de gletsjers en verken de natuurpracht in de Golden Circle regio. Ontdek het zuiden van IJsland en het schiereiland Snæfellsnes Geniet van spectaculaire watervallen, geisers en lavastranden Inclusief vluchten met Icelandair en huurauto De extreme natuur van vulkanisch IJsl... read more
Op weg naar de bushalte!
Laat de bus maar komen!
Backpacks inchecken

Europe » Iceland » Southwest » Reykjavík November 1st 2023

In reykjavik old harbour the oats for whale watching tours line up all with their own booking offices. Since 2023 whale hunting is pretty much outlawed only one permit issued and that boat had no plans to hunt a victory for conservationists and animal lovers like myself. I booked a ticket for the afternoon trip on a cold November day. As soon as the boat left the harbour into faxafloi bay the temp noticeably dropped, fortunately the boat is equipped with plenty of floatation suits ideal for keeping warm. The views from sea looking back at reykjavik are amazing the city contrasts against the volcanic skyline. The yoko ono peace light that is seen at night from the sea front of reykjavik is passed on the way out to the bay. Within 20mins a whale blows ... read more
2023_10_31_1300_ELDY_Miquel (3)
2023_10_31_1300_ELDY_Miquel (133)

Europe » Iceland » Southwest » Reykjavík October 31st 2023

Layovers for me are an absolute travel hack, especially after my latest birthday that categorized me into an “Early-Bird Special.” Gone are the days of enduring long-haul flights to get to my final destination. Now, I strategically insert a mandatory stopover within my itineraries. Places like Hong Kong, Dubai, Mexico City, Amsterdam, Johannesburg. By doing this, I can wholly attest, my travel sanity stays intact. I don't want to be that person who loses their shit at 40,000 feet and try, to get off the plane. I’ve come close. Only, because my fellow flying monkeys do real assholey things. Like exist. So, according to my calculations, direct flights from Paris to Vancouver are 9.5 hours long. My maximum tolerance for seats in economy, around 7 hours. So, I could take an Ativan and drool all over ... read more
Blue Lagoon Magic
Great Rift
Thar He Blows

Europe » Iceland » Southwest » Reykjavík July 18th 2023

The day of the volcano. No not the one erupting ATM. This one has been dormant for over 4500 years. Got coffees and some rolls/pastries for breakfast. Picked up at the allocated time and off we go. Delivered to the central bus hub where we got onto our volcano bus. Got to eat our goodies before we boarded the bus. Excitement was brewing. Got to the main area which was at the foot of a ski village. Went through the safety and information briefings then were given bandanas/buffs to wear from the company. Looked a little like those in survivor for a while. Off we go into the wild blue yonder. And yes we did have blue skies and not much wind. Our guide, Arnie - his real name was much longer and harder to even ... read more
Mrs Arctic fox and her baby
Info about our volcano
Happy little Vegemite.

Europe » Iceland » Southwest » Reykjavík July 17th 2023

Winds have dropped so we are good to go for Reykjavík. Over the mountains on gravel again but a really scenic drive. Got into the burbs of Reykjavík and decided to go and do one of their tourist attractions before I took the van back to its home. This place is called “Perlan” and it represents Iceland’s fire, ice and water. Very impressive building and the displays were also very impressive. Into an ice cave at one stage. Froze my bits off. But worth the experience. Out and off up our hotel where I will drop the girls with all the luggage and go out to the airport to drop the van off. Tiny little streets in Reykjavík so had to be extra cautious with mirrors and street widths. Dropped off ok then I set off. ... read more

Europe » Iceland » Northwest » Borgarnes July 16th 2023

Today was meant to be an early start but that crashed and burned. Rang the kids while eating breakfast and chatted for a while. Finally got away after deciding which way to go considering the wind forecast. Put some fuel in to keep us safe and headed for the Snaefellsnes peninsula. Road took us onto a gravel road again. No real dramas but lots of new bitumen road being built along with bridges. This meant some slow patches but all in all good moving. Today we had lots of good scenery, plenty of waterfalls in the hills as well as snow not far away in some parts. Lots of cars stopped so we stopped. Great views of a big town across the water. A medium sized fishing boat wrecked on the rocks in front of us ... read more

Europe » Iceland » Northwest » Búðir July 15th 2023

Wiped the water off the inside of the windscreen this morning. Rang the Motorhome people who said to just come in and we will see what we can do about fixing the stuck step. Found our way there and went inside. Man asked if I was here to pick up a car. No, we have a step issue. Hmm, he has a look then goes to get a colleague who might know more. He has a look. Hmm. Now I know that they have no clue. 1st guy makes a call then comes back and says the mechanic is available and I need to go to him which is just around the corner. The mechanics look at it. Hmm. One starts playing trying to push it back in while the other offers ideas (ignored). Finally there ... read more
Happy kiddie
Historic site. Fred Flintstone must have had a flat tyre here…..
Views up the fjord from our campsite. Bit of a moody sky but no real rain.

Europe » Iceland » North » Akureyri July 14th 2023

Today is the day of the whales. The wind has dropped and the water looks a lot calmer than yesterday. I go for a walk and find the supermarket. Go in to get some orange juice and immediately hit by bakery smells that are enough to get me buying croissants for breakfast. Yummo. Get organized, dump our waste waters (yes even the toilet has been used as an emergency). No issues and we have been given the go ahead to use the toilet if needed. Do a tour of Davlik which takes all of 10 minutes then head back to Hauganes. On the way we get a call from Jessica with the last minutes of the Melbourne/Brisbane game. Melbourne are 5 points down, having been over 20 points down for quite a while. This is a ... read more
Looking cool. In more ways then one.
Close quarters to a diving whale.
This whale just swimming alongside our boat

Europe » Iceland » North » Akureyri July 13th 2023

Early start disappeared after we called the grand kids and spent 35 minutes chatting with them. Time well spent though. Heading back on ourselves a little to visit Dettifoss waterfall. Rain and more rain today. Temperature as we left was 4 degrees with a piercing wind blowing. And blow it did… Turned off highway 1 to a secondary road which turned out to be much better than the main highway - and a lot less traffic. Arrived at the car park for Dettifoss and waterproofed as much as we could. To no avail. The rain was coming from all angles but we were here and kept going. We had a 1 km walk through pretty inhospitable country. Rocks everywhere but the track was well defined and maintained. Waterfall was huge / supposedly the strongest volume of ... read more
Dettifoss waterfall
Countryside between car park and Dettifoss waterfall
Asbyrgi Canyon

Europe » Iceland » North » Mývatn July 12th 2023

Down day today. Decided after all the driving since we have picked up the Motorhome that we needed a quieter day. Slept in till around 0900 then did the usual of shower, breakfast and clean up. Facilities at this camp site are excellent. Showers and toilets are shared so a bit compromising when you come out of the toilet and have a lovely young girl applying make up beside you while washing your hands…. Anyway, showers hot and strong (geo thermal heating everywhere) and we were lucky with no waiting involved. So hot if you aren’t careful you can scald yourself. Packed up and decided to do the lake (Myvatn - found out vatn means lake so maybe I am double dipping). Stopped at a farm to plate place and booked dinner then did stops here ... read more
Mini crater caused by volcanic action a long time ago.
Water babies.
Swim up bar in the spa.

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