Day 7 - Durnstein and Melk

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Europe » Austria
October 21st 2023
Published: October 21st 2023
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0


Up the Danube

Overnight we left Vienna and headed to the little village of Durnstein - our first night of sailing because of the Danube being too low for the boats.

We didn't even realise we were moving overnight so it was lovely to watch the sunrise and see the village appear.

Both Leonie and I took the yoga class before breakfast and were very thankful as the walk up to Durnstein Castle was quite steep but we were rewarded with amazing views over the village and the Danube.

After lunch Leonie, Moira and I head to Melk Abbey; a Benedictine Abbey founded in 1089 and still working with 23 monks (30-94 years old) still living and working at the Abbey.

With so few monks and such a vast estate, the monks have establish a school in part of the building and allows tourists to some areas and the gardens - nobody is allowed in to the Monks Quarters and no photos are allowed in some of the rooms due to the age of some of artefacts in the rooms.

The rooms were amazing with painted ceilings that are vast optical illusions which are absolutely perfect when you look up from the centre of the room.

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