Blogs from Exuma, Bahamas, Central America Caribbean


Central America Caribbean » Bahamas » Exuma March 26th 2017

It is amazing how busy we seem to be and how quickly time has passed, considering we have no set schedule, no office hours, no deadlines, no appointments. Somehow, we still find ourselves in George Town, a little surprised at how long we have ended up spending here. It does not seem like so many weeks have gone by, and yet it has been almost 3 months!! While I enjoy adventuring, seeing new places and experiencing changes, there is something comforting about being in one place long enough to get to know a community and the little “tidbits” that you only learn with time. Like one of the only places to buy fish (surprisingly, you can’t just buy fish at the market here), is at the hair salon across from the liquor store, from a psychedelically ... read more
Alicia and Alexis
Lukus and Koen playing volleyball
Koen Paddleboarding

We recently passed our 6 month mark of this journey, and reflecting back, it is incredible what we have squeezed into 6 months! The other day, we were remarking how it seems like we have been on 3 different trips; each leg of this adventure has been so unique in it’s experiences. The trip through the great lakes and down the river system; cruising the east coast of Florida, across the Gulf of Mexico and into the Florida Keys, and then being here, in the Bahamas. This week, we had another big blow which lasted six days; unusual to go on that long, from what I am told. For days, we were hounded by high winds and rain, deterring us from venturing out too far. In fact, we spent two days without even stepping out on ... read more
The Big Blow
Aboard the Pirate Ship
Bahamian Sloop Being Built

Central America Caribbean » Bahamas » Exuma March 2nd 2017

It’s Regatta time here in George Town. Between that, our or so “busy” schedule (ha ha), and me feeling ill the last 4 or 5 days, it has been a while again since I wrote an update. A week ago Sunday, a group of boaters gathered on Deb and John’s boat, Alexis (our Port Dover neighbours), for a fish fry and a little “farewell” for Deb’s sister and husband who had been down for a visit. As so often happens with boaters, what started as a little get together and snacks, turned out to be a full-on feast of fish, salads, pasta, steak and lobster. We definitely never worry about running out of food down here! The evening ended with dolphins. The first couple months we were here, we didn’t see any dolphins and I was ... read more
Poker Run - Stop 1
Poker Run - Final Stop
The View from Lumina Point

Central America Caribbean » Bahamas » Exuma » Georgetown February 18th 2017

The more time we spend with other boaters, the more I realize how much we are really “roughing it”, even in boaters terms. It seems even the simplest of sailboats have an oven, a freezer, and generators, while others even have washing machines, dishwashers and microwaves! Many are amazed at how little we make do with. But, yesterday, we had an older couple anchored near us stop by to compliment Lukus on the boat (a common occurrence these days) and as often happens, we began comparing notes on our boats. When he found out that we didn’t have a generator, bow thruster, or any of the other fancy electronic systems (many are most shocked to find out we don’t even have auto pilot), his comment was that having things so simple must be nice. Less things ... read more
Shark Feeding
Our Barracuda Catch
Coral Reef

Central America Caribbean » Bahamas » Exuma » Georgetown February 11th 2017

Last night we spent the evening aboard a pirate ship!! Before anyone panics, it was of our own choosing; no hijacking or kidnapping involved. Captain Billy of the Flying Dragon, is a “real” pirate, complete with two gold hoops in his left ear, a scarf knotted around his head and an endless repertoire of sea shanty’s. Besides cruising over 45,000 blue water miles over the last 30 years, he spends some of his time traveling around the United States and the Caribbean, visiting “pirate” festivals as an entertainer and hosting groups of boy scouts and Montessori students on his pirate ship. We are anchored next to Flying Dragon in Red Shanks (yes, we are still in George Town), and being one of only a few boats in this bay, Captain Billy graciously invited us along with ... read more
Alexis Coming Into Harbour
Spear Fishing

Central America Caribbean » Bahamas » Exuma » Georgetown February 2nd 2017

There are times on the boat that it is hard to even keep up with what day of the week it is, never mind the calendar date. A week and a half has passed since we said goodbye to my family; and the days since have blurred together. We have been in George Town for almost a month now; the longest we have stayed in one area. It seems that without moving to new locations, I lose track of what we have done and when. Not that we have been stuck in one spot. It surprises me, many of the people we talk to in this area seem to “drop their hook” and then not move for the winter. A few have joked that they have seen us somewhere, then we disappear, only to reappear somewhere ... read more
Traditional Japanese Breakfast
One Big Lobster
Around our Red Shanks Anchorage

Central America Caribbean » Bahamas » Exuma » Georgetown January 25th 2017

Looking back, I realize it has been almost two weeks since our last post; the old adage is true, time flies when you are having fun. After another little “blow”, we located a mooring in the area where we could leave the boat for a while in preparation for the arrival of my parents and my daughter, Marina. They arrived last Sunday, January 15 for a week and had booked a condo on land. Since we were unsure of the weather, we decided we would leave the boat and take the big step to stay “on the hard” for a few days. It certainly is a big change to go back to sleeping on a bed that doesn’t move! The condo they had rented was on the main Great Exuma island, about a 10 minute drive ... read more
So Happy Together
My Lovely Family!
Tropic of Cancer Beach

Central America Caribbean » Bahamas » Exuma » Georgetown January 11th 2017

Well, we have been in George Town for almost a week, and the scenery from our boat is as picturesque as you might imagine…and from our boathas been mostly where we have viewed it. Unfortunately, a couple days after we arrived, so did a major “cold” front (the “cold” part is all relative, but I was wearing a jacket yesterday!!) from the N/NE. Since Sunday, we have had winds from 25 – 35 knots with gusts of 45. And while the waves have not been too bad, we haven’t dared leave the boat as many boats “drag anchor” during blows such as this. So, we have been on “lock down”. But who can complain when, even as the wind whips by, you can sit with the door wide open in 80F+ temps, looking out at a ... read more
George Town
George Town
Chat N Chill on Stocking Island

Central America Caribbean » Bahamas » Exuma » Georgetown January 5th 2017

In the last week, we have weathered some high winds, meandered through mangroves of deep greens rising up from baby blue crystalline waters, seen the ruins of a drug lords lair, stumbled upon an abandoned camp, snorkeled with vibrant colored fish, seen caves etched out of the rock by the waves of the sea, and explored rocky trails accompanied by curious lizards. Our first full day in the Exuma’s was probably one of the most turbulent days at anchor we have ever had. We are pretty careful to watch the weather forecasts, both when we are traveling or at anchor to make sure we have as calm as waters as possible. Well, unfortunately, the forecast had predicted winds out of the N/NE, but the winds decided to gale out of the west. Our anchorage was wide ... read more
Emy Snorkeling
Plane Landing on Norman's Cay

Central America Caribbean » Bahamas » Exuma » Georgetown March 15th 2015

We spent a few days in Georgetown and had the chance to step off the boat and enjoy the water and a local Festival called "Junkcanoe" Carnival. Its one of the biggest in the Bahamas and vendors come from Nassau to get ready for almost a full week of food, drinks and fun. It is really about sailing but the gatherings really happen after the boats come back. We watched the "Straw' Store burn in flames. Its probably been one of the biggest fires I have ever seen. At the fest we got to eat local foods and brews. A couple of afternoons we went to a small island across the bay to relax and eat conch salad. While the crew was working in getting a buzz going I swam around the anchorage I didn't get ... read more
Exumas- Bahamas-6
Exumas- Bahamas-7
Exumas- Bahamas-29

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