Karen Catchpole


Karen Catchpole

I'm a photography student from England and currently on a study abroad year in Australia. Lots of travelling to come in the near future.

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Coral Bay October 9th 2013

Monday 30th September The next day we set off early as the weather in Coral Bay was not to good, seemed very cloudy and didn’t give a good impression. Although it still looked pretty amazing and captured how blue the sea in fact was beautiful and very shallow in the water and was able to walk through the sea and still be able to see the fish by your feet. We had a short drive today only travelling about 150kms from Coral Bay to Exmouth. When we arrived in Exmouth we headed to the beach, first stopping at the Harbor where we were able to see some wild dolphins swimming around. We had a light lunch at this amazing restaurant called Whalers Café, although we waited for a while for the food to come, giving us ... read more
Coral Bay
Coral Bay
Coral Bay Rocks

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Busselton September 11th 2013

Day 5 – Saturday This was a chilled and relaxed day, It was the Voting day for Australia, although I couldn’t vote I felt the atmosphere of the town coming together and getting to visit one of the schools in the area. We went around Nick’s our friends house where I got to play with his 7-month-old Labrador cross Border collie puppy, sitting outside throwing a ball what felt like for hours. When we arrived back in Bunbury at Carla’s house we were great friends and helped hoover and clean out her car, due to there being more sand on the floor than at most of the beaches. Soon enough the car was a good as new again! Later that evening we got to enjoy a Dinner Party, Where I sat at the bar in their ... read more
Lola - The most amazing Puppy
Wild Kangaroos with a Joey
Amazing Sky

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Margaret River September 11th 2013

Day 3 – Thursday Another long day and an even bigger adventure, by waking up at beginning our journey by 8am we set off heading for Margaret River. On our way down we stopped at a chocolate factory, this was a great idea until there was free samples, filling our pockets and carrying on the journey to Candy Cow, well known for its sweets and fudge! Despite feeling like I was back in England by having several cow statues surrounding me. Next we began our wine tour, we started by going to a Duckstein Brewery, a very beautiful place with a lake and a very welcoming place, where we received free samples of different ciders and beer. Nothing to complain about! We also went to Driftwood Winery where we got to experience wine tasting, which I ... read more
Duckstein Brewery
Driftwood Winery
Driftwood Winery

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Bunbury » Bunbury September 11th 2013

This was my first week that felt like I was in Australia, driving out on the country roads and not being in the city! It was indeed an adventure. Our first stop was in Bunbury, where I stayed with my flat mate and her family. Absolutely gorgeous house by the beach, waking up to an ocean view was incredible. Day 1 - Tuesday For our first day we went around Bunbury and met a few off Carla’s (My flat mate) Friends, where we went to see their horse and spend some time on the paddocks. On the way we got to see the first lot of my wild kangaroo’s which I found really exciting, as I still hadn’t seen any considering I have been In Australia for nearly 7 weeks! That night we explored Bunbury some ... read more
My First Wild Kangaroo
The horse Elke
Another Horse

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Kalbarri August 31st 2013

Saturday 28th September First day, we started our journey from Perth to Kalbarri, after picking up the car at 9am we set off on our 7hour drive, covering nearly 600Km. I got to see some extraordinary sites and what Western Australia is best none for. Travelling through what seemed and kind of looked like the outback and yet covering the ocean road views in the same Journey. Finally getting to drive again felt like an amazing experience and I was so excited for it, even though it seemed like a very long way it was very much worth every minute. On our journey we stopped at Jurien Bay for a pit stop to stretch the legs and then later stopped to get some dinner in Geraldton. This seemed like a very nice place and a great ... read more
Kalbarri National Park
Pitstop Lunch!

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth August 26th 2013

So my life in Australia isn't all fun and games. The past week I have been using my time to catch up on my studies ready for all my deadlines this week. Tomorrow is my first deadline for my photography project, where we had to take four photos all with manual settings to create a narrative. The four photos needed to consist of Great depth of field, shallow depth of field, Freeze movement and movement blur. After trying out a lot of experimentation with different narratives and trying to think of something I could tell a story in such few photos. Some involved turning our shower into a glowing room, to get some fun colours for the movement shot. I decided on this idea: By using my good friend Lindsay as my model we went down ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth August 14th 2013

Monday of this week, me and my american buddy Lindsay went to Caversham Wildlife Park which is located in Whiteman Park. Was a great experience on the local buses and trains which took around an hour and a half up north. At this park we were able to see all the different australian animals, including the birds, dingos, kangaroos and koalas. Firstly we went to meet the Koala's who was funnily enough called Karen. The first time I got to touch a koala and it was amazing! Having took a lot of photos as you can imagine, it did take a while to edit. We wasn't allowed to hold the koalas though as this can be quite distressing for them. None the less it was still an awesome experience. My mission of coming to Australia was ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Subiaco August 11th 2013

Trying to keep to up to date with this blog but time just seems to get away from on. Anyway Sunday I went to my first ever AFL game, freo dockers vs giants! It was a very interesting time Slowly understanding what was going on throughout the game, now I'm a pro! Of course freo won and not by much 151 to 44! Giants didn't really stand a chance. Here is a picture of the panorama view of the stadium with nearly 32000 people in it, and a picture of my ticket. Keeping this quiet short! Plenty of photos to edit from today and I have an interesting post coming your Way soon! Stay tuned :)... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Perth City August 8th 2013

Also within the first week of being in Perth, on my travels another student who just recently finished their study abroad year told me about a place called the foreshore. This was located just south of the swan river, giving you an amazing view of the skyline of the city! It was a nice day but I would like to return at dusk to get a more variety of photos including a sunset image and experiment with slow shutter speeds. We then went across the swan river on the ferry which was nearby and went into the city. There are just so many photo opportunities hopefully will keep me going all year.... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Cottesloe August 7th 2013

Finally for the first time in my life I got to see what a proper beach should look like! Perfect sand no Pebbles or anything to stab in your feet! The water was actually blue and it wasn't overly cold, considering it is winter! A huge group of us we went with a couple of surfers, boards on the roof, pure Aussie! Teaching a few of them to surf, I decided to stay dry and just take the photos, whilst just enjoying the amazing views. This gave me a little taster of what to look forward to in the summer... Considering giving surfing a go!... read more

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