Ian W


Ian W

I spent a year travelling around the world and that gave me a real love of travel. I have since been inter-railing in Europe twice. Now my travel is limited to the annual two week holiday with the family - although we still manage to cover some distance and certainly try to avoid limiting ourselves to two weeks by a swimming pool, despite the protests from the kids.

Middle East » Jordan » West » Dead Sea April 14th 2024

We were very nervous when we settled down to get some sleep, not knowing what was likely to happen. After my shouty note about how safe Jordan is (see ), I was starting to eat my words. Well not quite, I standby the fact that Jordan is safe, it's just surrounded by a lot a places that aren't and, sadly, there's a worry that events can spill-over. We were woken up at around 2.00 in the morning due to lots of dogs barking, clearly sensitive to something that was going on. In the distance we could hear some bangs and rumbles, but they were, thankfully, a long way away. I did get up and look out of the window but I couldn't see anything, although we were facing away from the Dead Sea, Israel and The ... read more
Not Working Yet
Dusty Road

Middle East » Jordan » West » Dead Sea April 13th 2024

Our friends were leaving at 4.30 in the morning today. We had all been due to fly back on Friday, but that flight had been cancelled, presumably because of the lack of demand, They had got an alternative flight back today, but we were unable to get one until tomorrow. Never mind, it's hardly a hardship having to stay here another day! It was sad not to be coming back together though. We said our goodbyes last night - close friends as we are, we're not going to be up at 4.30 to see them off. In some ways, we were grateful that the Friday flight had been cancelled, otherwise we would have arrived late on Thursday (see ) and then rushed to get in a quick swim in the Dead Sea before getting an early ... read more
Bed Decorations
Mecca Direction

Middle East » Jordan » West » Dead Sea April 12th 2024

Today is the first morning that we did not need to be up excessively early, so we left it as late as possible before going to breakfast. Unfortunately, so did everyone else, so, like the meal last night, it was over-run with noisy and energetic children (see ) who don't know how to queue. It was a buffet, so, as usual, I hit the pastries in a big way. So much so that even the Dead Sea would struggle to keep me afloat. The same probably applied to all of us as my cravings for pastries were matched by the others' various breakfast related cravings. I were a bit naughty as just before the breakfast closed, some women arrived with their faces fully covered. We were fascinated to see how they were going to be able ... read more
Dead Sea Rules
Mud Pot

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra April 11th 2024

It was, again, a very early start, as we needed to get to breakfast and be waiting at the hotel reception for a guide at 7.30 ready for our Petra tour. This time it wasn't Achmed, but a man called Khamal, who's obviously used to the British grasp of names and languages and was keen to stress that his name isn't Camel. We have been making some effort with Arabic, although those efforts have, so far, only stretched to "Salam" ("hello"), "Sabah El Khair" ("good morning") and "Shikran" ("thank you"). Khamal also introduced us to "Yalla Yalla", which means "get a move on". We were a bit dismayed to see all the coaches parked outside the Petra entrance. It's clearly going to be busy in there! Something that was also parked outside was the tourist police, ... read more
Breakfast Pastries
Petra Canyon
Reconstructed Dam

Middle East » Jordan » South » Wadi Rum April 10th 2024

Something that I had always wanted to try and get a picture of is the Milky Way, but I had never been anywhere dark enough before. We had been advised during our star-gazing that it would be at its most visible at 4.00 in the morning, so at 3.45 I headed out of our little hut into the darkness. It's difficult to set-up the tripod and camera, select the correct settings, line the camera up in the right direction and focus it correctly in pitch darkness. After several blurred, over/under exposed and lopsided photographs, I got some that I was pleased with. There was no point in going back to bed as I also wanted to be out for the sunrise a couple of hours later. The restaurant building was unlocked and surprisingly has wifi, so ... read more
Desert Sunrise
Hotel Room View

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman April 9th 2024

This day actually started with a continuation of the day before. Our flight left Heathrow in the early evening, but that meant, with the two hour time difference, that we did not actually arrive in Amman until 1.30 in the morning. Definitely not the most sociable of times to arrive in a new country. Thankfully, we were being met at the airport and we were surprised to discover that meant being met before we went through immigration. We had understood that the visas were being arranged for us on arrival and we were wondering how they were planning on doing that, so all became clear. That said, it was very disconcerting when someone we had only just met took our passports and disappeared, apparently to go and get an additional stamp. All was good. He then ... read more
Flight Beer
Inside The Blue Mosque

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London January 20th 2024

My wife and my son had booked to do some sourdough bread making in London, so I thought I would go in as well for a morning of photography. It was an early start as we needed to be in Borough Market ready for the breadmaking to start at 9.30am, which meant leaving home well too early for a Saturday morning. We were treated to a stunning sunrise, but it was just a shame that the setting was the railway tracks heading off towards London. I left my wife and son at Borough Market, but as soon as they were out of sight, I sneakily diverted to Humble Crumble. It's a favourite of ours, as you can choose your own tailor-made fruit crumble, but even I would admit that it's not really what I should be ... read more
Train Station Sunrise
Not 10 Downing Street

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Norfolk » Thetford August 27th 2023

Before I went to bed I was very careful to check the tide and then double check and then treble check and then got my wife to check. It was high tide at about 4.00am, so it would be going out and definitely, definitely not going in by the time I got there for sunrise. I got up at 5.00am and drove back to Happisburgh. There were no problems getting to the sea defences this time. I had them all to myself again for a while, until two other photographers arrived (different to the two in Cromer last night - see ). At least I could now take some additional reassurance that I wouldn't get trapped on the beach. And if I did, I wouldn't be the only one and I'd have some company whilst we ... read more
Happisburgh Sea Defences
Happisburgh Lighthouse

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Norfolk » Happisburgh August 26th 2023

My wife had planned on meeting some friends in Norwich, and I'd managed to convince her of the merits of letting me tag along, as I had long-since wanted to visit the Norfolk coast and the Norfolk Boards for some photography. It's a surprisingly long way to Norwich, although it's a lot quicker than it used to be when I'd been to the coast there several years ago when I'd used to go camping with some neighbouring dads and all our kids. Fond memories. The A11, which was previously single-carriageway from the moment we got to the Norfolk border, has now all been replaced by dual-carriageway. No more getting stuck behind tractors. I left my wife with her friends for lunch and briefly went to the hotel to see if I could get the key, given ... read more
Happisburgh Sea Defences
Thurne Lighthouse
Turf Fen Mill

Europe » Malta » Malta » Valletta August 3rd 2023

As it was our last morning in Malta, we decided that we would get up and go for an early morning swim in the sea before breakfast. There's a little marked-off section of the inlet for hotel guests to swim in. I think the markers is to stop the guests from swimming too far out, rather than to stop sharks or other sea monsters coming to get us. According to my wife, the sea was a lot cooler than it was when she had previously gone for a swim, but it was still warm enough for me to get in - I'm a bit of a lightweight when it comes to cold water. After the sea, we also went for a swim in the pool. It was reassuring to see that only a few people had ... read more
Hotel Room View
Local Produce

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