around the world in more than 80 days


around the world in more than 80 days


Getting off of this goddamn Island

Nick is a 22-year-old from the balmy paradise of Brisbane and used to think all he ever wanted to do was watch DVD audio commentary, read about ways to make his bank account bigger and have long, meandering conversations with anyone who would listen. Nick achieved this goal pretty early and enjoyed it for a while, but eventually realised there might be other stuff he was missing out on. In 2010 he fantasised about quitting his job and using the money he had saved to wander around Central Asia. He made this blog to recap his early journeys and to keep the family updated about where in the world he is. Nick is studying speaking the language of Spanish and one day hopes to carry a conversation with a Hispanophone. Interestingly, this isn’t the first thing he has ever tried to study.
Nick has spent a majority of his adult life driving around in a piece of crap car. He is not rich by any means but can afford to go overseas more often than not because the piece of crap car is actually kind of fuel-efficient. Nick is right handed. When he was younger he could run over ten kilometres without stopping once. Sadly, lifestyle choices during adolescence made Nick’s body less conducive to rigorous exercise. Nick has many different passwords for a variety of different systems and the thought of forgetting one of them one day causes a lot him a lot of stress. He usually plays his music on his Ipod to cope with this anxiety. Nick has never lost a contest with anyone who has tried to tell him their piercings or tattoos were more painful than his eyebrow ring. He has been falsely accused of cheating in the game of Monopoly more than once. A lot of people think Nick is obsessive-compulsive assumingly because he freaks out when someone takes his DVD collection out of alphabetical order. He suffers from Aichmophobia, Lachanophobia, Thanatophobia, Kakorrhaphiophobia and a condition which makes his nipples go through a lot of pain during aforementioned exercise. Nick plans to visit each of the sovereign states in the entire world. To begin to save for this he managed to spend the night stone cold sober. Believe me, he was as surprised as you.

Oceania » Tuvalu » Funafuti February 4th 2010

Tuvalu is the fourth smallest country in the world. It is visited by less than 100 tourists yearly and has recently made headlines, as it believes it will be the first victim of global warming. Beyond all this is a beautiful nation with friendly locals and relaxed attitude. Tuvalu has one international airport, on the main island of Funafuti. The airport code is FUN and this country is fun. You don’t end up in Tuvalu by accident. Air Pacific flies in twice a week with a 44-seater airplane. The runway is the centre of the Funafuti atoll and you have a crowd of onlookers waving and clapping as you exit the airplane and go through customs. Three people on the plane with me, who were also staying at the hotel were .Pete, an English guy living ... read more

Oceania » Fiji » Nadi February 3rd 2010

A stunning approach from air, it is no wonder why Fiji is the most popular and best connected country in all of the South Pacific. The product of volcanic mountains and warm water, Fiji is so visually impressive I will go as far as to say it is the aestetically pleasing country I have had the fortune of visiting. I went to Fiji on a stopover on my way to Tuvalu. The national carrier, Air Pacific, has flight to USA, Canada, Hong Kong and Australia, amongst other countries, so a range of people can find themselves here. The airplane was pleasant enough. The meal was filling. The only downside was the communal movie screen, which played a movie that was up there with the worst I have ever seen. This was my first overseas trip on ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Kuala Lumpur September 4th 2009

Malaysia has a goal to be a first world nation by 2020; and one look at its capital, Kuala Lumpur and you will see it is well on the way. Kuala Lumpur is different to any Asian city I have even been to. I stayed at the Maytower Hotel, in the city, and it took me an hour and a half to get there from the airport. A shuttle from the airport is about half the price of cab, but both are inexpensive and it is probably easier to get a cab, as the shuttle ride seems to take forever. It doesn’t help that airports don’t get much further away from the city than in Kuala Lumpur. The Maytree was a lovely hotel, located in the Little India part of town; it was a high rise ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Bali August 29th 2009

Bali is awesome. It is one of over 17,000 islands in the Indonesian Archipelago and is just over two kilometres east of the island of Java. Eighty per cent of tourists to Indonesia visit only Bali. Indonesia did experience I massive earthquake when I was in Bali, on the island of Java, and I was fortunate enough to be safe from this. It is a right of passage for every Australian to make their way to Bali, and I thought this would be one large, touristy craphole. Many people come back again and again and you can see why. I stayed at the Oasis Hotel, in Kuta. It was a funky little hotel just off JL Legian and an easy five-minute walk from the centre of Kuta. There is an abundance of restaurants, markets, entertainment ... read more

For the first time I planned a trip without a travel agent. I wasn’t 100% happy with the how my previous trip had been handled and thought about all the money I had spent for their commission. I decided it would be fun to do it myself. It was a decision, which probably had a big part in me leaving my high paying bank job to be a travel agent. Generally, airline tickets are the biggest expense for any traveller and finding the best deal can potentially save hundreds of dollars. Budget airline, Air Asia has opened up travel through Asia and has a model that has been successfully copied by many other airlines. Air Asia’s hub is the low cost carrier terminal in Kuala Lumpur. It flys into Australia, Europe and Asia. Unlike full service ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok April 13th 2009

The Africa trip was drawing to a close and I couldn’t wait to get to the Novotel Sukhumvit in Bangkok for a good nights sleep before flying again. We had spent a month away, mostly camping, and a five star hotel seemed on the cards. I didn’t want to waste time in Bangkok though – I had money to spend and was in the city to do it. Bangkok, however, was in a state of emergency. The hotel was in lockdown. I was there when the below (copied from wikipedia) was going on. In March 2009, Thaksin Shinawatra claimed via video broadcast to a UDD rally that Privy Council President Prem Tinsulanonda masterminded the 2006 military coup, and that Prem and fellow Privy Councilor members Surayud Chulanont and Chanchai Likhitjittha conspired with the military and other ... read more

Asia » Singapore » Changi April 13th 2009

If there is one airport in the world you want to spend some time in; chances are it is Changi Airport, Singapore. A frequent winner of the world’s best airport, Changi is renowned for its shopping, eating, design, efficiency and atmosphere. It’s a perfect come down to the high you are on when you are on Singapore Airlines. Chances are that if you had to spend time in economy long haul, it would be Singapore Airlines. Singapore is an island county off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, 137 kilometres north of the equator, in the Southeast Asian region of the Asian continent. It is separated from Malaysia by the Straits of Johor to its north, and from Indonesia’s Riau Islands by the Singapore Strait to its south. A city-state, Singapore is the world’s fourth ... read more

Africa » South Africa » Gauteng » Johannesburg April 12th 2009

Landing in Johanesburg for the third time in a month was weird. First time I was excited to be in Africa, second time I was excited to be going to Egypt but this time I was on the way home. Two tours. One month. I was exhausted wanted to sleep for days in my own bed. It was the first time I had been overseas for more than a week and certainly the first time where it was anything but luxurious. Johannesburg International Airport is the main hub of South African Airways and the major primary airport for both international and domestic travel in all of Africa. After going to a few duty free stores looking for books and dvds, I took some photos of the World Cup Memorabilia. The 2010 World Cup would be held ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Cairo April 5th 2009

Egypt is perhaps best known as the home of the ancient Egyptian civilisation, with its temples, hieroglyphs, mummies, and – visible above all – its pyramids. Egypt stimulates the imagination of western tourists like few other countries and is probably one of the most popular tourist destinations world-wide – too bad its national carrier didn’t give me the best introduction – unfriendly staff, bad movies and bad food. The only upside was the view from the plane as we descended. The Nile. The plane landed in this ancient land early in the morning and we were met by Shaggy, a representative of On The Go who picked us up and got us through this massive and busy airport quickly. The tour was beginning that morning and the meeting point was the hotel Oasis. We were allowed ... read more

Africa » South Africa » Gauteng » Johannesburg April 4th 2009

Victoria Falls Airport was a small airport – it was the first time any duty free store actively tried to bargain with me. We caught a South African Airlines flight, which seated only 38 people, to transit through Johannesburg’s OR Tambo airport. I had 8 hours to kill before catching my next flight so I caught up on some e-mails, sent some postcards and tested out the airport food – which is the worst KFC I have eaten. How amazing is it that we travel to the other side of the world, dine on bugs, antelope and crocodile and then find a way to criticise the one food they like the best. I always like to try out the local fast foods. I tend to enjoy McDonalds everywhere in the world but the KFC tastes better ... read more

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