Kate Murphy


Kate Murphy


Former TravelPod Member: katemel

Joined: April 1st, 2007
From: lives in Bunyip,Australia
Languages: english

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Alcobendas June 21st 2017

The start to any holiday is never mundane and today was no exception; we were running around liked headless chooks. After a less-than-impressive parma at Pakenham Hotel, we reached the airport where the flood of tears hit us all. Going away for two months with a group of people is one thing but nine months completely alone is bloody overwhelming. Walking through those gates was tough but I got over it when I became too preoccupied with hating myself for taking a duffle bag not rolling bag. Me + two heavy bags + tight spaces never ends well. The plane had been delayed - as usual - but only by 40 minutes so not too bad. Luckily the only thing I had to complain about from there on in was that the plane was like a ... read more

Asia » Brunei August 5th 2016

Geo: 4.94867, 114.951This morning I enjoyed a very nice breakfast with cereal, omelette, chocolate muffin (for breakfast!!!) pancakes and croissants to mention a few thingsI headed back into town this morning to see what I could find. I thought I would walk to the arts and handicraft training centre as it looked quite close to town on the hotel map - forgetting that an artists impression map isn't a real map and distances are not mentioned. I walked and walked and walked in the heat and full sun. I could have walked right passed it or been no where close since signs seem to be lacking here and as I hadn't bought a SIM card for my phone I couldn't access the Internet to find out how far it was or even just what the building ... read more
Very Nice
Aahh - Waffle and Muffin
What A Great Footpath

Asia » Brunei August 4th 2016

Geo: 4.94867, 114.951I didn't sleep well - by the time I got to the hotel, spoke to Melissa and messaged Peter and mum to say I was here safe, I didn't turn light out until 2am then didn't sleep for ages. Having the alarm go off at 7am was not appreciated. Made it to breakfast with twenty minutes to spare. So much nice food and no time to indulge. So upset. Had an omelette but no pancakes or waffles or Asian food as tour was booked for 8am. Went and excitedly waiting in foyer. And waited and waited. Lady never turned up. I fb messengered her, emailed her , emailed the company, fb messages the company. Nothing. So at 9.30 I headed out myself but had no maps and no plans and no ideas. Well - ... read more
No One In Front Of Me
Hotel Goodies
Water Village

Asia » Thailand August 3rd 2016

Geo: 12.805, 99.9872Order was restored this morning. Walking up the passage heading to breakfast and seeing the Noodle soup with pork cart there was a huge relief. We were back to normal - still no bananas but I guess I can cope with that - just. Breakfast options this morning were steamed rice, fried rice with egg, stir fried string bean with chicken, stir fried seafood with black pepper sauce (just couldn't do this one - no idea what sort of seafood is in it except for the large crab legs!!), fried zucchini with eggs, fried pork with chilli paste and bean, sweet ginger drink, clear turnip soup with pork, roast chicken with BBQ sauce, fried potatoes, butter vegetables, boiled rice with fish, thick ham with sauce, as well as the usual bacon ham sausages eggs, ... read more
Full Spread This Morning
Potato and Vegies
I Do Like Eating Thai For Breaky Now

Asia » Thailand August 2nd 2016

Geo: 12.805, 99.9872What a shock at breakfast this morning!!! As you approach breakfast you see the soup cart set up then the breads, croissants rolls, sugar-topped rolls, cream scrolls and pastries. Occasionally, if there is a conference, the cream cakes are in plain view. As you round the corner you see the rice and Asian foods, the two cereals and coffee and juice. Walk in further is the large table with all the fruit and salads opposite more Asian foods - or if it is quiet then the bacon and sausages are here. Next are the baimarees with the eggs - sunny side up or sunny side down next to 3 minute or 5 minute boiled eggs and the pancakes. On those busier mornings the bacon ham pork and chicken sausages are up a few steps ... read more
This Should Be Fully Laden
Breakfast - or not!!!
Salads were still there

Asia » Thailand August 1st 2016

Geo: 12.805, 99.9872No conference and very few guests did mean a smaller Breakfast selection. There were no pancakes.We sat at the table until we were kicked out then went and sat in the foyer chatting and watching the world go by. Doing nothing after eating lots leads to the yawns. I had to make a decision. Get up and move to wake up or get up and go to room for a nana nap. No guessed for what I chose haha. I set my alarm for an hour but snooze is a wonderful thing!! Finally went down to see if mum was coming up for lunch. She was chatting with Rick - Peter having also gone off for a nana nap. I looked into tours that I can do in Brunei and booked a walking tour ... read more
The Small Pool From Our room
The Small Pool From Our room
The Slides Were Painted Last Time I Was Here

Asia » Thailand July 31st 2016

Geo: 12.805, 99.9872Busy busy dayUp at 8, can't be late for the two hour breakfast with mother and sons Rest in roomSwim in little pool (which is quite long so not really so little but I guess compared to the big pool is quite little)Boys went for a walk to the bakery and mum and I went to our room and had a lunch there followed by a rest for mum and me trying to fix mums emails on her iPad. I headed down to foyer where mum and the boys were sitting - mum in tears. She had said she wanted to phone Aunty Norelle who was heading to Thailand to spend a few weeks with mum - so Peter rang her - "This is Tim from Royal Brunei your flight has been cancelled and ... read more
Aree dinner
Aree dinner
Great Food here

Asia » Thailand July 30th 2016

Geo: 12.805, 99.9872We had a large and long breakfast this morning - we were given the '5 minutes' 'last drinks' call. We had been there for two hours!!!!We met in the lobby and headed out the gate just as David and Sassi pulled into the hotel. We all pilled on board for the ride to Hua Hin - I got the boot seat. We found the dentist and headed in. They had a video playing in the waiting room explaining endo and crowns. Some I understood and others I didn't. Very interesting. We didn't have to wait long before Peter was called in. I went along to see how a Thai dentist works. The room was tiny - no room to move around in. I had to move the trolley to get to the one tiny ... read more
Treatment Fees
Love the Tissue Box on the Chair
The Dental Surgery

Asia » Thailand July 29th 2016

Geo: 12.805, 99.9872Breakfast was smaller this morning with only half room set up as so few people. Salad and fruit tables combined, no food in the upstairs section and no soup trolley on the walkway in. But please don't get upset - we didn't starve due to the smaller range!!!Peter was being good eating fruit when he started looking funny and spat something out of his mouth. We were all (including Peter) expecting a large piece of filling to have fallen out but no - even better - it was the healing abutment for his implant that had fallen out. We figured the best option was to ring David and Sassi to see if they could suggest someone. Not only were they happy to suggest someone but they also offered to come and take Peter there. ... read more
Is He Really Here???

Asia » Thailand July 28th 2016

Geo: 12.7953, 99.9662Usually when my phone shuts down, the Internet disconnects but it didn't last night so I heard the message come through just after 3am from Melissa. I had been waking up every hour or so anyway checking the time - I was going to sign on at 3.30am to see if she had arrived in Abu Dabi so she just beat me. She said she had struggled to stay awake on plane until she got her meal then promptly fell asleep so missed eating it!! She was hungry but airport food is so expensive she was going to wait. We messaged for about an hour before I went back to sleep. Struggled to get up at 8am for breaky but I made it!!! Bananas again so we have a drawer full for lunch and ... read more
We're at the Methavalai
And Ricks got his Go Pro going
for tea tonight

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