Page 5 of bwendorff Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Japan » Kyoto » Kyoto May 16th 2015

Saturday, May 16, 2015 I was awoken at 6:30ish this morning to the sound of Fred getting ready to go running. It didn't take him long to come back though because it was pouring rain outside. I went back to bed until my alarm went off at 7:15am. The rain was still coming down pretty well, so I took that opportunity to upload some pictures to my blog. Around 8am the rain was dying down so I began getting ready for my day. The boys had planned on leaving around 7 or 8am to catch a train from Kyoto to Tokyo. When I was ready to leave for my next hostel at 8:45am, they were just getting up. They had to tease me that I was up and out before they were (I didn't expect anything ... read more

Asia » Japan » Kyoto » Kyoto May 15th 2015

Last evening we exhausted our financial resources, so we had to replenish by stopping at the ATM in Seven Eleven. Meanwhile, we grabbed food before hunting down a bike rental shop. In Tokyo, a couple people at the hostel with us mentioned while we were in the common room how nice it was to get around Kyoto on bikes. IchiEnSou had pointed to one down the street from them. For only $5, we were able to rent bikes to explore the city for the full day. Excited about not having to walk as much, especially since the Kyoto public transit system is nowhere near as good as Tokyo's, the boys jumped on that opportunity. We each got bikes with baskets in either pale blue or teal to go on our adventure. My first stop was actually ... read more

Asia » Japan » Kyoto » Kyoto May 14th 2015

In order to get a early start, we had ordered breakfast to be delivered to our room at 7:30am. Somehow we all were up and out of there way in time for it to be brought in. They cleaned away our futons and set our table up with trays of breakfast food. It was a diverse tray with more things that I could possibly eat. I tried everything, finding the things I enjoyed most and finishing those off. You can guess what the guys' trays looked like by the end. Again we finished the meal off with tea and coffee. Then we packed up and dropped our bags off with the front desk so we could continue exploring Arashiyama before heading over to the opposite side of Kyoto called Higashiyama. Our first stop of the morning ... read more

Asia » Japan » Kyoto » Kyoto May 13th 2015

I had everyone up early again because of our set time for the Toyota Factory Tour. Unfortunately, the night before I couldn't get Luke to give me his WiFi password before he crashed for bed, so I didn't have the directions to get there. I made Fred in charge, so he downloaded some directions. Just before we were about to leave Luke popped out of his room surprising us because he was supposed to be at work already! Apparently the vacation to Hong Kong he just returned from plus hosting us was a bit too much, so he took a personal day. Heading out we grabbed food from the Lawson's Convenient Store on the way to take a subway to Toyota City (boys and their food). In Toyota City, we had to switch to another train. ... read more

Asia » Japan » Aichi » Nagoya May 12th 2015

This was the boys earliest morning so far, I had them booked to take the 8:45am Shuttle from our hostel to the train station to catch our 9:20am bus to Mishima Station to grab a train to Nagoya. We arrived with plenty of time to grab breakfast from the station (they got hot dogs!) and catch the bus. At Mishima Station where we were able to catch a bullet train to Nagoya just a few minutes after we arrived. We had a couple hour ride ahead of us so we got some lunch and snacks for the trip and settled into our seats. As we arrived in Nagoya, we had to figure out what we were going to do with our limited time because we were only there one night. Due to a Typhoon hitting the ... read more

Asia » Japan » Shizuoka » Mt Fuji May 11th 2015

I managed to get the boys up and moving early this morning. We wanted to spend some time at the sumo wresting tournament before we had to head over to Mt Fuji. With all of our clothes drying in the closed laundry area, the earliest we could get moving was 8am after the area opened back up (lucky for the guys or I'd have had us out of there sooner). I was impressed that we were up and checked out of the hostel by 8:30am and on our way to the train station. Things were going a little too well, though, so something had to happen. As we got to the platform to board the train Fred realized he had forgotten his black bag. Tyler and I waited for him at the station as he ran ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo May 10th 2015

Exhausted from their late night excursions, the boys slept in. I utilized this time to catch up on writing and doing some laundry so we all had underwear for the next leg of our trip. The easiest way to write by blog has been using the computers at each of the hostels, but even those pose their challenges. The keyboards at them are different from home. While they have the normal alphabet they also have alternate letters for the Japanese language and a bunch of extra keys to fit them all on there. That means the space bar, backspace, and many others are not the same location as normal. Forgive my typing then if some random Hirigana {Japanese written language} ends up in it. When the guys finally woke up around 11am, we all headed out ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo May 9th 2015

The boys wanted to sleep in, so I took the train to Ikebukuro on my own. I wandered around the area until I found Otome Road. This area is known for it's manga/anime focus for girls. I found a 9 story store that had floor after floor of manga comics, knickknacks based on the stories, and anime. I was in heaven! It took me an hour to explore all the floors and then another half an hour to narrow down what I wanted to buy! If things had been in English, I'm not sure I would have been able to carry home all the things I wanted to buy. Somehow I managed to leave with one small bag. After doing a little more exploring of the area, I headed to meet the guys in Marunouchi at ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo May 8th 2015

During my quick late night review of our plans for today, I realized we were supposed to have ordered tickets from a local convenient store (Lawson) for the Ghibli Museum since we had planned to visit there this morning. Luckily there was one by another touristy spot we planned on visiting so we stopped by to get tickets on our way to Yoyogi Park. After a couple failed attempts using the only in Japanese machine, we realized there was no available times on the days we were in Tokyo to go. Giving up on that plan, we headed to the park. This huge park's name stands for Imperial Garden and is managed by the imperial family. It was a very tranquil place but there were a number of homeless men with tents assembled on the side ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo May 7th 2015

Understanding that we may be fighting rush hour train traffic, Fred and I decided to test our fate by heading off to the Ginza area of Tokyo to explore the Tsukiji Fish Market. This is where the local restaurants come each morning take part in fish auctions. Tourists aren't even allowed in until after 9am. Since that is the case, Fred and I arrived right after 9am. This gave us a chance to see everything finishing up and many vendors still had a lot of fish, oysters, shrimp, etc. out on display or were cleaning up. The place smelled of fish and I tried not to think about what was in the water my shoes were splashing up on me because the sight of the place made it worth it! It was fascinating to see all ... read more

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