Page 4 of bwendorff Travel Blog Posts

North America » United States » Minnesota » Minneapolis December 31st 2016

This trip begins with the end to another. Alex and I have finished an excursion visiting his family for the holidays in Oklahoma and just now mine in Minnesota/Wisconsin. We left late New Years Eve to fly from the Minneapolis St Paul airport with my parents kindly opting to listen to the Wild hockey game instead of watching to prevent a hefty Uber cost. After dropping us off, Alex and I went to check in to our Cancun flight through Spirit that gave us a nice overnight layover in Dallas Fort Worth for the night. When buying the tickets, boy was I proud of myself - getting 2 flights for the price of 1! Not only did we get to not pay for the cost of a direct flight back to DFW from MSP, but we ... read more

Asia » Japan » Chiba » Narita May 25th 2015

For my last day in Japan I just couldn't spend it all day in the airport. So instead, I got up early (again) to catch a train to Ikebukuro in Tokyo. I had read online about a place called Ice Cream City in the big mall Sunshine City. I got into Tokyo around 9, and it was 9:30 by the time I made to the right area. Since the mall doesn't open until 10am, I hung out at Starbucks looking up where the place was. I found out it was on some gaming area called NamjaTown within the mall. At 10, I heard that way. I was greeted by a long of screaming kids waiting to get in. (Ah the things I will do for ice cream). Finally they let us all in. Turns out this ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tochigi » Nikko May 24th 2015

Like usual, I picked an early train to maximize my touring time. It takes three hours to get to Nikko, my destination for today. I debated last night not going and staying in Tokyo because of the travel time, but so many guide books and blogs recommended it, I decided to still go. I had to switch trains in Tokyo to catch a bullet train out. I had to switch again to get a local train out to Nikko (it's a small town part way up a mountain). On that train I made a new friends. His name was Rob and he was in Tokyo from Maryland for work, (something to do with bio engineering). He had a three day weekend (I'm thinking he works with the government as a contractor and gets memorial day off ... read more

Asia » Japan » Chiba » Narita May 23rd 2015

It turns out CJ and Clara are not morning people. They didn't get up until 10am, and then CJ was still like a zombie. Corey and I had our cereal as they woke up. He was feeling bad thinking I wanted to see a lot more today. I had to tell him I had no more expectations of Korea other than to see them, so already he'd shown plenty. Since I had to catch a bus to the airport at 2pm, we stayed in Gangnam. First we wandered around the rich neighborhood that even the previous president lived in (his house was surrounded by guards). They were pretty impressive houses despite being in the middle of a city. Intermixed with the mansions was a bunch of TV and recording studios. It had become a fad to ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul May 22nd 2015

Corey taught Judo this morning until 9am, so we didn't get up until he returned home. Then Clara made us all tasty pancakes that we covered with Nutella and bananas. What a great way to start the day! Meanwhile CJ was watching cartoons on the TV. The show was one about pulblic buses and other transportation in Seoul. Corey told me the site was such a big hit that the government started making some of their public buses look like the characters (same colors/eye headlights) and have the voices inside for stops sounds like the voice on the show. Great idea to get kids comfortable on public transportation, if you ask me. The bus system in Seoul is inanely large. When we went to the bus stop that morning, the flow of buses never stopped. Finally ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam May 21st 2015

I got up early to catch the train to the airport. I made it through the gate and onto the train just as it was pulling away (oops cutting it close). Not a minute after I got on, they made an announcement that every seat was reserved. Dang it! So I hopped off quick at the next stop to ask the platform conductor how to get one. He directed me back on the train, so I got back on. A few minutes later, the train conductor made his way through the train checking tickets and let me pay for one. Lucky me! When I finally made it to the airport, I was really confused trying to leave because the one I bought on the train was only half the price. I originally used my PASMO (the ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Ueno May 20th 2015

Forewarning, this may not be the most interesting day to read about but I enjoyed the more relaxing day. It stated early with me catching the train from Nara to Kyoto, then the Skinkansen bullet train to Tokyo from there. I had a good three hours to read and relax. Upon my arrival to Tokyo, I trained over to the part of town known as Ueno. It is the museum district and has a huge park. After dropping off my luggage, my goal for the day was shopping for souvenirs. I wandered first to a store called Don Quixote which is a bit like a Japanese mini Walmart. I found the Kracie gummy making sets that Jeff (my old boss) had told me his daughter was obsessed with, so of course I had to pick up ... read more

Asia » Japan » Nara » Nara May 19th 2015

The last thing I wanted to see in Osaka was the Umeda Sky Building in downtown right by Osaka Station. That made it very convenient for me to move from Osaka to Nara by train. Lucky for me, I was able to sleep in because the building didn't open until 10am. Around 10, I arrived at Osaka station where I was able to take an underground passage way to the Umeda Sky Building. The passage wasn't anything special, but it did have a little bit of flare in the form of a rainbow squiggly stripe down the middle. The Umeda building structure was the true treasure. It was a pretty intriguing architectural design. I followed some Korean and French tour groups into the building to figure out the way to get to the ticket counter. It ... read more

Asia » Japan » Osaka » Osaka May 18th 2015

It was supposed to rain so I got up early to head over to Miyajima, an island about half an hour away from Hiroshima known for the shrine there that has a floating Torii gate. In the past, normal people weren't allowed on the island because it was sacred. If someone wanted to visit the shrine, they had to take a boat and pass through the floating torii gate. The gate is only 'floating' though if the high tide is in, otherwise you can see the base structure sitting there in the sand. Of course the planner in me made sure to look up the high tide for the day and found out it was 9am. That meant I was up and on the island by then! I went straight for the shrine passing random deer ... read more

Asia » Japan » Hiroshima » Hiroshima May 17th 2015

I woke up early to shower before heading on to my next couple cities (yes, I'm ramping up the travel goals now that the guys are gone - I took it easy on them). Unfortunately, I had forgotten to get a towel the night before and the office wasn't open until 8am (a problem since I wanted to catch the 8:20am train out). I didn't want to use the towel I brought and have to carry it around wet, so I skipped it. I hope I didn't smell too bad! I hopped on the bullet train over to Kobe. Besides good beef, Kobe doesn't have a whole lot for Western tourists. Many Japanese people come because the city has a big Western influence and go tour Western style homes and eat at those type of restaurants. ... read more

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