Christi Jackson


Christi Jackson

Europe » Croatia June 7th 2018

By Christi We started the day with a wonderful breakfast spread of bread, local honey, cream cheese, prosciutto and fresh cherries. It was Nicola's turn to drive and after breakfast we headed south on the highway. The highways are a bit easier to manage than the small village roads, as long as you remember that the fast lane is on the left, and can manage to stop close enough to the ticket machine at the highway onramp to reach the button to collect your toll gate ticket! Our first stop was the small town of Rovinj, on the coast. The old town area used to be an island, but it was connected to the mainland in 1763 and now it is a peninsula. The Italian influence is obvious, with most signs written in both Croatian and ... read more
Cassanova's favourite jazz bar
Roman amphitheatre in Pula
Inside the arena... very hot!

Europe » Croatia June 5th 2018

By Nicola A sad goodbye to beautiful Plitvice, and a journey on to hilly little Istria. We loaded the car with our repacked bags and made our way to Istria, via Slunj. Slunj is a small riverside village north of Plitvice. There is a small river with many waterfalls running through this little village. The village was originally established around the hydropower station which took advantage of all the water there. The powerstation has long stopped being used but a beautiful village remains. We had a stroll around the village before heading on our way. We followed the google maps directions which involved just short of 30km of very windy little road to start, with Christi driving. Approximately 20km into the drive we reached a blockade- road closed! Some further investigation revealed that we really could ... read more

Europe » Croatia June 4th 2018

By Christi We started the morning with coffee in bed - it's Nicola's birthday! And after everything we saw of Plitvice yesterday, it seems to be the perfect place to spend a special day. We went in at Entrance 2 again, but instead of taking the ferry all the way to the far end of the lake like yesterday, we only crossed the first bit of the lake and then got off to explore the upper lakes section. These were some of the same paths we walked on yesterday afternoon, but the morning light was much better and we were awed by the lakes and waterfalls and all the shades of emerald and aquamarine and turquoise imaginable. Plitvice Lakes Park is one of Croatia's main tourist attractions, but it wasn't always as peaceful and accessible as ... read more
Picnic lunch

Europe » Croatia June 3rd 2018

By Riana No trip to Croatia would be complete without a visit to Plitvice. Plitvice Lakes National Park is a collection of 16 turquoise-blue lakes that are connected by a series of waterfalls, situated in a gorge that is surrounded by natural forest. Today is the day that we tick this natural wonder off of our Bucket Lists! Upon arrival, we found out that today is also the annual Plitvice marathon and half-marathon, and as we approached the entrance gate, we walked past several athletes on their way to the starting point. Once we were inside the park, we took the ferry across one of the bigger lakes to explore the area around the lower lakes. At the end of the walkway the Veliki Slap (the large waterfall) sits majestically as the water continues to tumble ... read more
Boardwalks seen from a viewpoint
Good spot for lunch
Lakes at different levels

Europe » Croatia June 2nd 2018

By Nicola Bags packed, the boat trip has come to an end. We had a last breakfast on board the boat before walking over to the car hire office to collect our car for the next part of our trip: Plitvice lakes and Istria. Christi and I were to be the drivers for the week and we had been waiting for this moment with some trepidation! After sorting out the admin part, loading our bags and making sure of which side the driver sits, we were ready! I was the first driver with Christi on navigation duty, Riana watching out for pedestrians and Louise making sure I stayed on the right hand side of the road! There were a few near misses with the pavement as I adjusted to the new position of the car around ... read more
Cathedral with carved faces in Sibenik

Europe » Croatia June 1st 2018

By Christi Today was our last full day on the boat, heading from Bol to Split. After breakfast, we stopped for a short swimming break, and by 11am we reached Split. Aldo offered to give us a walking tour of the old city, which we accepted. He started by showing us sculpted metal replicas of the old vs current Split, which we hadn't payed much attention to last week when we were here. He also explained the history of Diocletian's palace and pointed out stone noteworthy features like the Roman pillars and the Egyptian sphinx. At the Golden Gate, he pointed out that there is actually accommodation available - we checked later, it costs about R1500 to sleep in a room in the wall of the golden gate. We also walked past the statue of Grugr ... read more
Crowds in the peristyle of the palace
View of Split from Marjan hill

Europe » Croatia May 31st 2018

By Riana The church of St Anthony is perched on top of St Anthony's Hill, just south of Korčula's Old Town and our harbour. We got up bright and early and started our day with a climb up this hill in time for a sunrise view from the church's grounds. On our way back to the harbour we walked past a few houses, and admired the amount of fruit trees that we saw. Apple, quince, citrus, fig, loquat, olive trees and grape vines were the ones we saw on our short walk. We sailed to the island of Brač, but as we were only allowed into the harbour at around 5pm, we had a lazy day on the boat with lots of reading, sunbathing and a swim break close to the southern end of Hvar island. ... read more
Zlatni Rat... or Cape Town?
Traditional ceremony for fishermen

Europe » Croatia May 30th 2018

By Nicola We had an early start in Dubrovnik with our boat needing to depart early for a long day of travel to the island of Korčula - supposedly the birth place of the explorer Marco Polo. Well... in the time he was born, Korčula was under Venetian rule, so the Italians claim him too, but on this island everyone "knows" he was Croatian! It was a scorcher of a day! We were travelling North and the sun was now in a different position meaning our usually partially shaded sun loungers were in full sun. This lead to half the passengers squashing onto the covered benches- very hot and sticky! This was luckily interspersed with a wonderful dolphin sighting- the dolphins came to surf right next to the boat! What a special moment! We were offered ... read more
Entrance to the walled city
Wine tasting
Wine tasting platter

Europe » Croatia May 29th 2018

By Christi This day has finally arrived: our long awaited visit to Dubrovnik! And what an amazing day it was. Dubrovnik's history started in the 7th century, when residents were attacked by Slavs and fled to this rocky islet. Walls were built and fortified over the centuries, and withstood numerous attacks and sieges by several enemies. Due to its fantastic geographical location, great seamanship, clever trading skills and canny diplomacy which maintained good relationships with all other nations, the Republic of Dubrovnik flourished. Unfortunately it didn't always go so well: the city was hit by a massive earthquake in 1667, and many buildings were destroyed; Napoleon seized the city in 1808 and declared the end of the republic; and shelling during the homeland war in 1991 caused considerable damage. Now, everything has been rebuilt, repaired and ... read more
View of Dubrovnik from city walls
Old roof tiles over new ones, to preserve the look
Dubrovnik and Lokrum island

Europe » Croatia May 28th 2018

By Riana It's quite easy to adapt to life on deck. Wake up, slowly get ready for the day, take your book and head up to the deck. Breakfast consists of instant coffee and juice, yoghurt and muesli and bread with ham, salami, cheese and condiments like honey, jam and patés. Then back to the deck, find a comfy spot and continue reading while keeping an eye on the bluest blue ocean and passing green islands. Breakfast this morning came with an extra bit of excitement: dolphins! I spotted them through the window just as we finished breakfast. We quickly climbed to the top deck and watched them from above. The dolphins were quite far away, but as there were lots of them spread out over some distance, we still managed to see them quite well. ... read more
St Mary's island
Bridge over a narrow part of the big lake
On an island in a lake on an island in the sea

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