Jane worrall

Worralls India 2019

Jane worrall

Asia » India » Goa » Candolim March 17th 2019

Hi Everyone, Well today is the last day of our adventure and an adventure it has been.We’ve been out of our comfort zone on more than one occasion but we rallied on?. We decided it was not a good idea to walk into the village in case it made my breathing worse again. A great shame as we passed some rather interesting shops when we first arrived here.Oh well at least we made the right devision to finish the holiday.It has been relaxing and the hotel top notch.There is a a good selection of food which is not curry.Ive been shell collecting again. The beach is covered with pretty shells. We’ve been in the pool and had a sunbath.Soon we are popping out to see our final Goan sunset. After dinner its last bits of packing ... read more

Asia » India » Goa » Candolim March 16th 2019

Hi everyone, Feel so much better today.Woke up earlyish and laid outside on balcony sun beds,watching the waves....so relaxing and warm. After breakfast we took a stroll along the beach and there are some really pretty shells which I have stared to collect as I have an idea as to how I can incorporate them in my next craft idea. ? The sea is so beautifully warm. We then dragged ourselves to the poolside and made ourselves have a lovely cooling drink. I tried the local coconut water, fresh from the coconut itself. Quite nice for a change. The sparkling refreshing water encouraged me into the pool.This was the first time all holiday I have been swimming. After lunch,we returned to our room to change and the staff had put a towel swan arrangement on the ... read more

Asia » India » Goa » Candolim March 15th 2019

Hi everyone, It’s been a long day,set off at 7 am and luckily Pats underwear was dry.lol.Last night he got into the shower and forgot to take off his underwear until it was too late. What a twit. Lol.Arrived in Goa about 4.30pm. Weather is much hotter and more humid here. With a bit of luck that will help my breathing also,it feels like the air is much fresher.I’ve struggled a bit with my breathing today but the cough seems a bit better.What a relief.We have two whole days here and three nights.We intend to get up at our leisure then if we feel like going out we will if not we have a lovely balcony to sunbath on.From the sun bed we have a great view of the sea and beach.If reception can convince me ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan March 14th 2019

Hi everyone, well where shall I start? .......I had the most horrendous night.Didn’t get any sleep due to my hacking cough which is making me breathless and I’ve developed a wheeze.I was so concerned this am we even concidered coming home early.Theres nowhere like home and the NHS when you are ill. Decided to ring our local pharmacy UK to check the meds I’d been given were correct. Pharmacist put my mind at rest but suggested I see the Dr again just to be sure. The Dr was here within the hour and prescribed even more drugs including cough syrup and inhaler. Glad I’ve seen her but now my case will incur huge excess charges due to the weight of the drugs I now have to cart around lol.Lets hope they work and quickly.Our flight home ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan March 13th 2019

Hi everyone, I’ve still got a bad cold and cough but Pat seems ok now.We spent 3hours getting to Udaipur,most of which was in the rain.By the time we arrived the rain had subsided and the sun was trying to break through. Our hotel is just outside the main town and up a rather steep narrow winding road. My breathing isn’t good at the moment and so staggering up quite a few steps to reach reception made me wonder if the dr should have prescribed an inhaler. The hotel was a crumbling 150 yr old palace that has been moved stone by stone to the top of a hill. It has then been updated and is totally eco friendly.All fixtures and fittings have been recycled. It’s not our favourite hotel despite all of this. Anyway we ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan March 12th 2019

Hi everyone, yesterday we traveled from Jodphur to Deogargh. We reached our home stay after a 4 hour drive. The place we are staying in is beautiful.The family who built it live here and join us for meals and excursions. It’s so nice to be somewhere you can relax. However things took a turn for the worst last night as we ended up having to call a Dr for me.Im glad I didn’t need to undress as one of the male staff stood in the room during the consultation.Maybe to help interpret the conversation or maybe as a sort of chaperone. My cough worsened and I had a fever. Turns out I have a throat infection.Im now taking 4 different pills aswell as normal meds and our holiday probiotics. I re A new day ,and I’m ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur March 10th 2019

Hi everyone, this morning was a resting time for my poor tummy.yes.....even though I have been meticulous with hygiene and avoiding dodgy food, Delhi took up residence in my belly ?For a short while there was a minor panic on my part as Imodium supplies were running dangerously short . Luckily Pat found a little pharmacy down the road and we cleared them out of the required medication ? After a lovely breakfast of dry toast and banana ,we relaxed on our pretty balcony in the increasingly hot sun.I was able to watch an art group painting a portrait each ,of one of the male staff in his turban. I couldn’t resist a close up look at the artwork,some of the artists were really very accomplished.The group were from Canada and remarking on the fact that ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur March 9th 2019

RrHi everyone, today has been a very interesting day. We went on a tour of Mehrangarh Fort. Within this area was the most beautiful palace. As we came out to look at the views we were persuaded to have a free 5 min yoga lesson. Pat couldn’t wait ?I found it very relaxing but Pat thought it was a load of old rubbish and nearly left 1/2 way through. That would have been so embarrassing. Our guide was hilarious and after we took a photo of an elderly man smoking what may have been opium our guide got some crystallised opium for Pat to taste it’s supposed to help with pain relief and as an aphrodisiac among other things! Moving on.....the views of the Blue city are quite breathtaking. The fort itself houses a museum. There ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur March 8th 2019

Hi everyone, Hope I’m not boring you all too much,but I’ll carry on because if nothing else it’s a good way of me remembering what we have been getting up to. Another fairly early start and our luggage packed up again ,we set off towards Jodphur. Unfortunately I seem to have developed a rather annoying cough.Definitely the result of all the dust and pollution. Also Pat is on the verge of Delhi belly but valiantly fighting it off at the moment. The drive was again just a succession of dangerous overtaking for a total of 6 hours. Luckily our driver is very good so we arrived safely. This hotel is different again to all the others so far. It was originally built as a residence by a maharajah many years ago and his great grandson now ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur March 7th 2019

Hi everyone, our driver took us to his friends jewelry shop and as expected we had the hard sell and succumbed to buying a reasonably good priced pair of earings.I tried to stop Pat buying but unfortunately failed ?? Decided to go to the local bazaars and market. Not for the meek and mild! As soon as we exited the safety of our car we had to cross a busy main road and I mean BUSY. I think we were a source of amusement for the locals as we stepped off the pavement then changed our minds at least three times before taking our lives into our own hands and committing to go. As always every stall or shop owner wants to drag you into his shop. You have to be tough ,smile and walk on. ... read more

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