Peter & Alison The WorldWideWanderers


Peter & Alison The WorldWideWanderers

We have taken early retirement - and we are now wandering the world!! We are travelling and photographing new and varied destinations, enjoying local food and drink on the way.

Asia » India » Gujarat » Ahmedabad March 15th 2018

Our next destination on the tour of Gujarat was Ahmedabad, the main city & textile centre and also the former capital of Gujarat. En route we stopped at the Modhera Sun Temple, built in 1026, which consisted of a large “stepwell tank” with steep steps leading down into the turbid green water. Two small sandstone temples, decorated with multiple carvings of Hindi deities, elephants and intricate designs, were situated nearby. After a further hour of travelling we stopped at another spectacular 11th-century stepwell, in the shape of an inverted Temple which plunged deeply down steep steps into the depths. Numerous shrines and elaborately carved statues were present on the walls and steps - a most unusual and interesting structure. That evening we enjoyed our first Gujarati Thali - a meal consisting of many small dishes of ... read more
Gujarati Nomad Gypsies on the move
Diu Fish Market
Modhera Sun Temple

Asia » India » Gujarat » Vadodara March 1st 2018

The “Beast from the East” almost prevented our wanderings as heavy snow showers resulted in our Heathrow flight being the last plane to leave Newcastle that day. We felt very lucky to be able to meet our friends at Heathrow and make the connection with our overnight Jet airways flight to Mumbai and then transferring to a small domestic flight to the city of Vadodara in the Indian state of Gujarat. We noticed an immediate difference, -4c suddenly changed to a sweltering 36c!! What a first day in India – next morning the colourful Hindi celebration of Holi was in full swing - as Hindus of all ages celebrated the festival by throwing multi-coloured paint powder over themselves and their friends ending up in a myriad of rainbow colours accompanied by much shouting, laughing & merriment ... read more
Multi-coloured Holi Paint powders
Locals enjoying the Holi Festival
Locals enjoying the Holi Gestival

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon February 1st 2018

After staying in Kalaw, an old British Colonial town set within the cooler mountains, we drove back down the hair-pin bends to Nyaung Shwe, stopping en-route at Pindaya Buddhist Cave Temples. What an unbelievable sight they were - a wide high-roofed cave almost filled from top to bottom with approximately 6000 Buddha statues of all shapes and sizes. At Nyaung Shwe we board a “James Bond-style” longboat for a fast journey across Inle Lake to our lakeside hotel. WanderingPeter is feeling unwell with an upset tummy and so unfortunately has to stay at the Hotel the following day while WanderingAlison enjoys a wonderful day touring the sights of Inle Lake. The famous leg-rowing fishermen, water gardens, a lakeside temple with numerous Stupas & a lakeside market. WanderingPeter fortunately didn’t miss out too much as next day ... read more
Shwedagon Pagoda - Yangon
Pindaya Buddhist Cave Temple
Pindaya Buddhist Cave Temple

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Bagan January 25th 2018

A relaxing 2 day cruise on the RV Kindat Pandaw downstream on the Ayeyarwady River transported us from Mandalay to Bagan - famous for the 3800 Buddhist Temples and Stupas in the area. On arriving in Bagan the vistas were amazing with numerous brick-built Stupas, with many different shapes, tall and thin, short and squat, bell-shaped or pointed, scattered apparently randomly across the countryside. As we slowly made our way along narrow sandy tracks on a horse and carriage we watched Stupa after Stupa pass serenely by and occasionally a special dazzling golden pagoda would be spotted in the distance. We would stop at occasional temples where 13th Century Buddha Statues would be found within small central chambers. In addition to the culture we also visited a local village, colourful markets, a lacquerware workshop, watched hot-air ... read more
Market trader with Thanaka on her face
RV - Kindat Pandaw - Our boat for the Ayeyarwady River Cruise
Boat activity on the Ayeyarwady River

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Mandalay January 23rd 2018

The wandering road to Mandalay was certainly long and winding, from Newcastle via Heathrow & Singapore and we then followed the road into Mandalay 24 hrs later. Mandalay, in the central region of Myanmar, was a typical bustling Asian city. We were spending three nights in the city, prior to joining a small group tour entitled “Discover Burma” - a tour around the major tourist sights of Myanmar. After an easy day recovering from the time difference and flight we booked a photographic tour around the non-tourist sights of the city. In the early morning we visited a local flower market, where great mounds of chrysanthemums, in a rainbow of colours, were stacked on stalls and motorcycles beneath large shady trees. The local sellers were welcoming and friendly and were happy for us to take photographs! ... read more
U Bein Bridge Sunset
Singapore Airlines flight
Motorcycle flower stall - Flower Market Mandalay

Middle East » Iran » West » Esfahan October 18th 2017

Travelling further south we are aiming for Shiraz, but we have a lot of Persian history to learn about, and see, on the journey. Initially we head into the mountains, passing through remote rural villages - the going is slow. We stop, for an enjoyable picnic lunch, and eventually reach our destination for the night, at a home stay in the small village of Faraghe. We stroll around the village, sampling hot breads straight from the wood-fired ovens, and later sample figs and pomegranates picked from the orchard trees. We enjoy a simple but tasty home-cooked meal around a blazing brazier. The following morning the history commences when we visit the Tomb of Cyrus the Great, the founder of the Persian Empire, a high stone tiered edifice. Iranians are forever drinking tea, lightly spiced with mint, ... read more
Mirror-tiled Interior Ali-ibn-hamzeh Shrine - Shiraz
Eagle head Statues - Persepolis
Reflections at night of the Imam Mosque - Isfahan

Middle East » Iran » North » Tehran October 10th 2017

What a thrill to fly from cool autumnal Britain, overnight from Heathrow and arrive at Imam Khomeini International Airport to a cool clear dawn in Tehran. Many of our family and friends were incredulous at our choice of this latest Wandering destination - we are hoping over the next couple of weeks to show what an inspired choice it was!! We are travelling on a Wild Frontiers small group tour, commencing in Tehran and then travelling south through the central and eastern deserts to Yazd, Shiraz and Persepolis and subsequently heading back north through the mountain ranges to the amazing Silk Road city of Esfahan. Tehran is a sprawling metropolis, suffering with dreadful traffic congestion, but the slow moving traffic does allow one to cross the busy roads dodging between slow moving traffic! Between the modern ... read more
Saffron in the Bazaar - Tehran
Mosque - Tehran
Tile decoration Jama ‘Friday’ Mosque - Yazd

Asia » India » Karnataka March 16th 2017

On our way to our third and final Indian State of Karnataka we initially take our first Indian mainline train, from Cochin to Coimbatore, in the relative luxury of a “2nd Class air-conditioned Chair Carriage” as opposed to the overcrowded stereotype of Indian trains in the unreserved 3rd class carriage!! We then have a 4 hour drive up a fairly hair-raising narrow road, with so many hair-pin bends we lose count, into the Western Ghats where we spend another couple of nights in Tamil Nadu in the hill station town of Ootacamund or Ooty for short! Set within the high hills, surrounded by tea plantations, this former British Raj town is pleasantly cool compared to the high humidity and temperatures on the coast of Kerala! Ooty is famous for the “Nilgiri Mountain Steam Train” - also ... read more
Indian Mainline train - Cochin to Coimbatore
2nd Class Air conditioned Chair Carriage
Unreserved 2nd Class Carriage

Asia » India » Kerala March 8th 2017

We leave Madurai early and drive west heading for the Western Ghats - a chain of mountains, up to 4000ft, running north to south in Southern India. Hairpin bends, steep slopes, forests and distant views become the norm until we reach the border town of Kumily. A bustling small town where banana chips are the speciality - we all crowd into a small shop and purchase plastic bags bursting with bright yellow discs of delicious crispy deep-fried banana!! Overnight is at Periyar National Park, where, the following morning, we are up at the crack of dawn for a 3 hour nature walk before breakfast. Colourful birds with exotic names - Paradise flycatcher, Raquet-tailed Drongos etc - are a delight. After a late breakfast we are on the road again, with breaks to visit tea and rubber ... read more
The colours of Kerala - Paint powder
Kathakali Dancers - Cochin Kerala
Fruit stall - Cochin Kerala

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu February 27th 2017

We are wandering around Southern India - our third visit to India - on a small group tour. Our arrival into Chennai brings back the reasons we like India so much - the colours, spicy curry aromas, mayhem, hot weather, friendly locals, street food stalls - as the India tourist poster states - Incredible India - we are certainly glad to be back. Initially, a few days of rest recovering from jet-lag, visiting a FabIndia shop to purchase another couple of colourful shirts at very reasonable prices, trying out the Southern Indian curries and acclimatising to the hot and slightly humid weather prior to the tour commencing. We travel to Mahabalipuram, stopping off at Kanchipuram to visit magnificent Hindu temples - alive with activity, colour and chanting. Our hotel is situated on the beach overlooking the ... read more
A Southern Indian Curry
Hindu Temple - Kanchipuram
Hindu Deity - Kanchipuram

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