Roger Sutherland

Whirl Traveller

Roger Sutherland

My name is Roger and I am originally from the Caribbean island of Saint Lucia but now live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. My wife Jeanette and I have traveled to all the continents with the exception of Antarctica but nevertheless still have many other countries and areas that we wish to experience in the future. So far we have visited nearly 76 countries and territories worldwide, some of which we have visited multiple times and counting. We are particularly attracted to Europe and as an example, have visited Belgium six times and Spain four, making it eight times on the continent as of July 2022. We plan an additional trip to England, France and Spain which will include a first visit to Scotland.

I did my first blog when we visited European continent for the second time in 2012, entitled Europe Potpourri. Had I known that I would have enjoyed blogging as much as I do, I would have started doing it earlier. In recent times, finding that video recalls memories more vividly, I started vlogging and find that I love that medium as well. Combining the two is very time consuming but I nevertheless confess a deep love for writing so blogging has become a casualty.

Usually, before one vacation is concluded we are already busy making broad plans for the next, God willing. Being born on one of THE most beautiful islands in the world (Oprah's No. 1 place to visit before you die), does not preclude us from enjoying and appreciating an incredible world out there. And we do. Scroll back to view my blog on St. Lucia called "Sex appeal...that is what the Helen of the West has." (Click on page 50 below)

The great joy of travel can be intoxicating. We both thoroughly enjoy the varying cultures, cuisines and people, many of whom were simply amazing. We engage any and everyone during our trips and are often blown away by the warmth and helpfulness of the people we have met over the years.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Rather than the other way around, the more I travel, the longer my bucket list seems to get!
We have visited Australia, New Zealand and China but are considering visiting that general area again with a focus on Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Malaysia.

Of the individual countries we have visited the most, the USA (16 times) and Mexico (10 times) top the list but Europe continues to be a magnet. We have only visited one country in Africa so far, viz., Morocco but that continent is also on the cards for the future.

By the way, I welcome comments.

Please visit my Youtube channel: Whirl-traveller.

Europe » France » Lower Normandy » Honfleur April 19th 2022

Driving throughout north-west France was a most enthralling experience after which we turned south to the Dordogne region. In my series of special locations that I have visited, which I started with Vernazza on the Italian Riviera, this little town kept fighting in my subconscious to be the next in line. And a most well deserved place to be high up on my list - Honfleur! What a magically alluring medieval location on the Atlantic coast of France. Walking past the quaint shops after parking the car, we entered a narrow street and soon emerged into the harbour area. The row of ancient buildings, wedged up against each other like a stack of well read books, beckoned in their appeal. Below them, butted up to water's edge, inviting outdoor restaurants inescapably pulled at my gastronomic urges. ... read more

Europe » Italy » Liguria January 14th 2022

As a blogger, some of the most frequently asked questions that I field, as I am sure many other seasoned travellers do as well are, "Which is your most favourite country?" or "Which is the best country you've ever visited?" From reading my blogs, you will already know the answer, which is "I can't answer that because each one has its own special and unique appeal." I was recently pondering about likes and loves and realized that very much the same questions may be asked about the many cities, towns and villages that we have visited over the years. This is even more difficult to conclude and I will answer in like manner. However, I thought that I would share some of my own perspectives on this highly subjective topic and hopefully get responses from you ... read more

North America » United States » Virginia February 27th 2020

I buried myself momentarily in the deep and fascinating history of America's beginning when the new world revolted against the old and bitter conflict ended England's rule over her colony and the United States elected its great general, George Washington as its first President. Some years later the Civil War then took its unrelenting toll on families, friendships, businesses and tore apart one entrenched lifestyle and sought to replace it with another. America's heart and soul are truly buried right here in Virginia and the environs, for here raged the most wrenching of discords between peoples with divergent ideas for building a new country. Contrary to popular thought, that devastating war was not only over slavery but first and foremost, over who would control the country. Slavery was the central part of an economic system that ... read more
Red coats re-enactment
Re-enacted militia
Militia manouvering gun

North America » Canada » British Columbia February 4th 2020

Having spent many a glorious vacation in several corners of the world, from viewing the magnificent glaciers of Alaska up close, the peaceful civility of New Zealand and the cultural dynamism of modern China, to name a few, through this blog, I showcase our very backyard - Vancouver Island and mainland British Columbia. How better to spend six summer weeks than with one's own family, touring the spectacular majesty of western Canada, albeit a mere sampling of its quintessential magnificence? I have chosen to publish this blog now (better late than never) because at the time of this vacation, I chose not to disrupt group activity by being glued to a tablet writing. This is neither an account of an adventure into some mysterious and strange faraway land nor is it a description of museums like ... read more
Ready to head out from Calgary, car in tow.
Floating homes near our site in Oak Bay, Victoria.
The Sutherland  flag

Europe December 31st 2019

As 2019 is done and dusted, it struck me that I had not published a blog for over two years, primarily due to my new love of Vlogging. I have been contacted by many readers inquiring about my apparent silence. Actually, I thought that I would embed video into my blogs and so cover both aspects but I encountered a technical challenge when many reported that they were unable to view the video, causing me to shy away from repeating that approach. I have tried to get help from Travelblog's administrators but without any luck so far. Therefore, this is a modest attempt to get back into placing my thoughts on paper. Many of you have received videos of our recent trip to Europe which included Ireland, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia Herzegovina, Slovenia and Italy. The vacation ... read more
Jeanette overlooks Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Delightful dinner at Konoba Dubrava restaurant, Dubrovnik.
Restaurant on Croatia's seaside.

Europe July 21st 2018

Here I am in wonderful Idaho, where we are relaxing with eight members of our family, playing golf and enjoying all that the area offers and it occurred to me to publish this blog on a subject that many have requested of me, so here goes. I have compiled these ideas which I hope may be a helpful guide for those in particular who have seldom traveled or have never ventured much beyond their own environment. Having said that, anyone can probably pick up a useful tip or two anyway. These suggestions are not intended for the seasoned traveler, necessarily. Advanced planning is recommended, especially if it will be your first trip as many issues can be identified at the early stages and thus avoid unexpected and unpleasant su... read more
The road ahead, somewhere in Europe.
Tasty lunch, somewhere in Europe.
The traveling couple, somewhere far away..

Middle East » Israel March 2nd 2018

In this my final blog of my recent trip to Israel, I find myself deeply conflicted and immersed in a dilemma, which is the reason for my delay in publishing. How do I write a summation of this unique exposure which adequately captures what I experienced and saw, yet expressing it in such a manner recognizing that, first and foremost, this is a travel blog, which should exude with enticement for my readers to visit the Holy Land? How do I accomplish that goal yet ignore the stark realities on the ground? The short answer is that I can't. Some of my photographs (in Hebron and Bethlehem in particular) will be disturbing to many but I will not compromise my integrity by avoiding truth and honesty, as I see it. I feel that I have no ... read more
Fransican monks on the Way of the Cross, the Via Dolorosa, Jerusalem
Citizens walk past soldiers
Celebrations in the old city.

North America » United States » Alaska December 10th 2017

This was a highly personal endeavour - celebrating the 50th wedding anniversary of my brother Norm and his wife Jenny, on board a Holland America cruise line, Zandaam - and what a backdrop to have for the occasion - Alaska! This blog was written mostly while in Jerusalem but completed on my return to Calgary because Israel was totally absorbing. After this Alaska cruise we had only three days before boarding the plane for Israel. Pretty calm waters, excellent on-board service and a great family sojourn was the setting which climaxed with the spectacular Glacier Bay. Enjoy the photographs as they speak for themselves. Here is the link to my youtube video: (copy and paste, if necessary)... read more
Champion at pool - Roslyn.
An interlude with our friend Rosemary in Vancouver, just before boarding.
Learning the art of mixing special drinks on board with Richard, our host.

Middle East » Jordan November 11th 2017

We left Jerusalem very early on a Friday morning and headed north to the Jordanian border, there to meet up with others for our coach tour to famed Petra, now a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. Before Petra, we would drive to the city of Jerash, an important city of the then Roman Empire, on to Amman, the capital, then further south to spend our first night at a Bedouin camp in the desert before proceeding to Petra the following morning. After the second night in the camp we would drive across the desert to Wadi Rum, the location for many movies including the recent “Martian”. The forty percent of excavated Jerash was a sprawling city of Roman architecture, complete with hippodrome to seat twenty-five thousand, promenades ... read more
Roman ruins in Jerash, Jordan.
Roman promenade in Jerash, Jordan.
Everyone loves shopping.

Middle East » Israel October 12th 2017

Towards the end of only our second week in Jerusalem, it is beginning to feel that I have been here for many years, as we have settled into life here unbelievably well. I will share below how a mistake led to an incredible and unexpected blessing. But first, our trip south to the Dead Sea. The area is dry and arid and reminded me in part, of areas in Morocco driving towards Casablanca. We passed the towns of Hizma (population about 15,000) and Anata (about 30,000), both Palestinian. Later, we made two stops to drop off some young passengers and when the driver announced "Kibbutz" each time, I knew we were then in Israeli areas. We noticed some irrigated agriculture and palm tree plantations on the way. The palm trees were all lined up in attractive ... read more
Lining up for tickets to the Dead Sea, at the Central Bus Station.
The ever present military.
Scrub land.

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