Page 4 of Welf Travel Blog Posts

South America » Argentina » Tierra del Fuego » Ushuaia November 4th 2014

Guess where I am? Ushuaia in Argentina. Literally at the arse of the world. And it feels like it as well. But it is a wonderful feeling to be here and experience life at this remote place. But let’s start where I finished off with my last blog entry…….. The last night I was in Punta Arenas the guys and gals I have met there organised a sort of fare well party for me and a welcome party for a Mexican guy that moved into the house. In the typical Chilean way the people did arrive about 10 pm and dinner was prepared and cooked to finally we ate at around 12.30 am. Good that Sebastian and I had an early snack around 8 pm so we didn’t feel so hungry. But it was a fun ... read more
Punta Arenas to Port Williams
Punta Arenas to Port Williams

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Punta Arenas October 30th 2014

It’s snowing here in Punta Arenas right now; not a lot but it is snowing. And today in the afternoon at 16.00 hours my ship is leaving to Port Williams…. So after my last blog entry I Puerto Natales about my amazing trip into the national park I spend one more day in the town. I just walked around and reflected on the day before and where I have been. It is not every day that one sees such an amazing place and a lot of things went through my head. Not only about what I have been experiencing in Torres Del Paine, but life in general. One has these moments sometimes. The next day was travel day again; from Puerto Natales to Punta Arena. It was only a 4 hour trip bu my seat was ... read more
Sebastian's work place
Sebastian loves the tip

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Puerto Natales October 23rd 2014

Bucket list stuff my friends, bucket list stuff is what I am telling you about in this blog entry. One of the most amazing and breathtaking places I have ever seen in my life…. My last entry was from El Calafate which was an impressive place, but too much like a ski resort in Europe, or at any other place in the western world. The main streets are full with cloth and souvenir shops as well as travel and adventure tour companies. There were several tours that one could do but they were very expensive and really didn’t attract me at all. So I just hung out there and did some walking around the lake and up into the mountains. The only exiting thing that happened was that I finally found my black market money exchange, ... read more
Crossing back into Chile
Sued Tirol bleibt Deutsch. Politice even here...
The mighty condor

South America » Argentina » Santa Cruz » El Calafate October 19th 2014

OK, here I sit in El Calafate in Argentina and it is now 6 days since I have written something. Now one might think that a lot happened, so to find out just read on. After my last blog entry in Chile Chico, which was a really nice town and worth a stop, I hit the road early morning, making my way to the Argentinian border. Sine I couldn’t find a bus company I just planted myself on the edge of the town on the side of the road and put my thumb up; international language for “Hey, I need a lift as far as possible to where I am going”. And it was a funny feeling as I haven’t done something like this since I was a teenager. But it worked and soon I was ... read more
Flat and boring
At least a front seat...
Putting my feet up

South America October 12th 2014

Chile Chico is a town half way in Patagonia that produces most of the fruit for the country. The town lies on a huge lake and is totally exposed, so it is bloody windy here. After I updated my blog last time I took the bus from Coyhaique to Puerto Ibanez where I had to take a ferry to Chile Chico. And what a ride it was. I really try to describe it as good as I can but one has to experience it in person to know what it is like. Just sitting in the bus and passing these amazing mountains that are snow covered and so majestic. Passing lakes and waterfalls, small one, big ones and crossing rivers on bridges you think will collapse anytime. And in the bus they are playing South American ... read more
Ferry trip to Chile Chico
Ferry trip to Chile Chico
Ferry trip to Chile Chico

South America » Chile » Aisén » Coyhaique October 10th 2014

Now I am a person that likes the heat. The heat and humidity of Asia is just what I crave right now. It is so bloody cold here that I even had to get some gloves and more thermal stuff just to keep warm. And it is just getting worse the further south I go. Ah well, the things one does to see the world. And that is my last whinge for this report. Promised….. So here I am in Coyhaique, the capital of the Aysen region. And I set myself a new travel record; never ever have I been any more south on this planet as I am just right now. That deserves a celebration beer later on. After I wrote my last report in Chaiten I had two more nights and one full day ... read more
Chaiten volcano
At the end of the river walk... The waterfall
Chaiten volcano

South America » Chile » Los Lagos October 7th 2014

So I am in Chaiten, a town that was nearly destroyed by a volcano in 2008. Think about it; 2008 is not so long ago and one can still see houses that are totally covered in ash. But more to that later… So after an eventless night in Puerto Montt I got up rather early to catch the 7 am bus out of the town, direction Chaiten. The bus station was complete deserted and I thought that they must have cancelled the bus or I got the time wrong. But punctually at 7 am the bus rocked up and I stored my stuff and got to my seat. And then a little bit of waiting was in order. Remember, I am in Chile and time is a fluent thing here; German punctuality doesn’t go down here ... read more
On the way to Chaiten
On the way to Chaiten
On the way to Chaiten

South America » Chile » Los Ríos » Valdivia October 4th 2014

The ups and downs of traveling. From great places like Pucon to shitholes like Puerto Montt. Well, more to that later. When I got up the day after the volcano climb I can not tell you how much I knew that I have legs; they hurt like hell from the previous day activities. But I was still on a high from the experience. The day was absolutely gorgeous but I decided that it is time to move on. Friends in Santiago told me to go to Valdivia, a town on the coast. I was told that it is a relaxing place with some good places to visit. So I booked my ticket, went back to the hostel and packed my bag. The trip into Valdivia was only about 3 hours and after a short walk to ... read more
Steak Tatar - Yummy
Clock tower

South America October 1st 2014

Ever climbed a volcano? Ever walked up a volcano that is still active and rumbling? Well more to that later….. After my last blog report from Villarrica a lot had happened. The morning after my last report I walked around the town, in the rain of course, and thought to myself that I had enough of this shit. There was nothing else to do and I must have walked the streets about a hundred times already. While it was a nice town there really wasn’t much to do. The highlight was the visit to the thermal springs which I thoroughly enjoyed. And to be honest after 3 days without a shower it was great to be clean again. One thing that you have to realize that when you are backpacking there is not always a shower ... read more
The day before - Waterfalls
The day before - Waterfalls
Lake shot with change of light

South America » Chile September 29th 2014

For once it wasn’t raining when I arrived in Villarrica and I was a happy little camper. After about an 3 hour ride from Temuco I arrived in Villarrica and the sun was out in all its glory. After checking my stuff in a hostel that looked like a Swiss alpine ski lodge (more to that later), I walked down to the lake and was greeted by the most fantastic volcano. The volcano’s name is Vulcan Villarrica and is about 2847 meter above sea level. The last time this baby popped its top was in 1971. The volcano is still active and apparently you can see lava inside the crater once you climb up to the top. I just sat at the lake for a while and took in this beautiful sight. It is now every ... read more
Villarrica lake
Villarrica lake with volcano in the back
Landscape around Villarrica

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