Page 3 of Welf Travel Blog Posts

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires February 23rd 2015

Buenos Aires, the city of Tango, Evita Peron, amazing cemeteries, coffee shops, outstanding bookshops and an amazing atmosphere. I can tell you that this city is by far the best city I had the pleasure to explore in South America. Having spent only 7 days there, which is not enough in my books to really get to know this town, I can tell you that I would be more than happy to live there. Well, that is from a tourist’s perspective and I am aware that reality is different. But what a place….. Carla and I took the plane from Brasilia to Buenos Aires early on Sunday morning. We didn’t fly together as Carla’s flight was purchased with points and I had to pay for mine. So Carla's flight departed at 5.00 in the morning and ... read more
Old building - Buenos Aires
Change of the guard - Buenos Aires
Congress house - Buenos Aires

South America » Uruguay » District of Montevideo » Montevideo February 20th 2015

Well here I sit in Villa Maria / Argentina and it is absolutely pissing down. Heavens just opened up this morning and the gods just used buckets to deliver the wet stuff to the planet. I have been lucky over the last few months regarding the weather so I am not complaining. And what does one do when it rains and nothing else can be done? Update the travel blog of course…… So let’s get started with my trip to Montevideo in Uruguay. After Carla and I had a fantastic time in the south of Brazil, visiting some awesome places and I personally learned a lot about this part of the world, it was time to go back to Porto Alegre. Carla had a plane to catch to return to Brasilia since she had some prior ... read more
Night boarder crossing into Uruguay - Country #76
Main plaza - Montevideo
Main plaza - Montevideo

South America » Brazil » Santa Catarina » Florianópolis February 7th 2015

Well one thing I have learned so far travelling in the south of Brazil is that my preconceived ideas about this country were absolutely wrong. Brazil is not only about Samba, football and Rio’s famous beaches; Brazil is a country that has many surprises like all these cities and towns tucked away all over the place where European cultures survive and thrive in a way I would have never thought possible. And to show me more of this Carla wanted to show me the state of Santa Catarina….. Carla really dragged me from one Germanic settlement to another. But Blumenau, and especially Pomerode, was something special. It is not every day that you are in areas so far from Germany where people speak Portuguese and German dialects. But let’s start where I finished the last update. ... read more
Carla sleeping on the bus - Blumenau
Typical house in Blumenau
Typical house in Blumenau

South America » Brazil » Rio Grande do Sul February 3rd 2015

OK, I know I am far behind in my updates. And there is no excuse…. So let’s get on with it with my trip to Gramado and Nova Petropolis, two cities about two hour’s drive from Porto Alegre. And what a different place it was. With Christmas over and done with, and for the first time in over 25 years not celebrated the event with family and friends in Australia, Carla decided that New Year’s Eve should be spend outside Porto Alegre in a small town about two hour’s drive west. So we hired a car and set of early one morning to reach our destination in time to still fit in some sightseeing. Because it was New Year’s Eve we had difficulties in booking a hotel as everything was booked out, but thanks to Carla’s ... read more
Old water mill in German Region
Fountain at the Center of Gramado
Catholic Church in Bento Goncalves, Italian city

South America » Brazil » Rio Grande do Sul » Porto Alegre January 15th 2015

Well, it is pretty hard to get this blog updated all the time when travelling to all these wonderful places. And Carla is keeping me busy as hell with her planed approach to sightseeing. It looks like I need a holiday from the backpacking soon. And Porto Alegre was not different with the added bonus that Carla was born and has lived in POA for a long time, so she knew the place pretty well and I was dragged around every place there was to see. Not that I complain as I got a superb tour of the city, but an old man like me needs its rest from time to time. But let’s see what happened in POA. São Paulo was our starting point to get to Porto Alegre and in true backpacking style we, ... read more
Another Cultural Center -  Porto Alegre
Astronomic Observatory of local University -  Porto Alegre
Astronomic Observatory -  Porto Alegre

South America » Brazil » São Paulo » São Paulo January 11th 2015

Have you ever been to a city with 22 million inhabitants? No? Me neither. And I can tell you it is a pretty amazing feeling and experience to have been there. Its amazing seize, mixed with the multicultural appearance, the vibe of the city and the people makes this place a pretty awesome destination. But let’s start where I left of with my last updates . So Rio de Janeiro and the day trip to Petropolis were pretty cool to visit and after a 6 hour bus ride to Sao Paulo we arrived safe and well. The amazing thing of the bus trip was that after we entered the city limit of SP we were still travelling about for 2 hours until we reached the bus station. One immediately gets the feeling on just how big ... read more
Skyline of Sao Paulo
Skyline of Sao Paulo
In the biggest city of Americas and one of the biggest in the world

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro January 8th 2015

An “Imperial City”, which motto is “always seeking higher things”. That is Petropolis, a city about 1 hour distance from Rio and easily reached by bus. And the contrast between Rio and Petropolis is just chalk and cheese. Petropolis is a city that is calm, well design where one thinks that is in a traditional German town. The buildings are just amazing and so well preserved that you think that they were built just a few years ago. Walking through the town was just like a time warp……… So just for you to understand a bit of this history of Brazil here a bit of a background… The Royal Portuguese family came to live in Brazil in 1808 running away from Napoleon Bonaparte and the headquarters of the Portuguese Empire was transferred to Rio de Janeiro. ... read more

South America December 30th 2014

Rio de Janeiro, known for Samba, the Rio Carnival, Copacabana beach and of course the infamous slums, also known as Favelas… And what a place it is. A city with over 12 million people, chaotic in most parts, touristic in others but absolutely charming and worth the days I have spent there……. But let’s start at the beginning….. After flying from Brasilia to Rio I had my first, and so far only, run in with the law. I am normally a pretty environmentally minded person, but since I am in South America it is pretty hard to find a ashtray or any other devise to put in your smoked cigarettes. So you normally only have the option to throw them on the streets. And I just did that at the airport only to be confronted by ... read more
One of the landscapes in Rio
Street food in Rio

South America » Brazil » Distrito Federal » Brasília December 17th 2014

Talk about a relaxing and lazy time I had in Brasilia. After nearly 2 ½ month of nothing but traveling, trekking, climbing mountains and exploring Antarctica I had 3 weeks of doing not much at all. The backpack wasn’t packed and slept around for all this time and life was pretty normal for a change. And one needs that after a full-on travel schedule….. But let’s start from where I finished off on the last blog entry. So after Antarctica I took the plane to Brasilia to escape the cold for a while. After all that time in cold areas I was more than ready to get into some warmer climate. What also helped was that I had an invite from Carla, who I knew for over a year via Facebook, and she was eager to ... read more
Hash House Harrier run
Cool couple.....

Antarctica » Antarctica November 27th 2014

Awesome, incredible, beautiful, breathtaking, stunning, magnificent, striking…… One cannot find enough words, or better said the right words to describe Antarctica. One of the most beautiful and memorable places I have stepped foot on so far. And one of the reason why this travel blog entry is so late is that I simply had to digest this adventure for a long time as it is truly one of the most amazing things I have done so far in my life. But let’s start from the end of my last entry…….. I wrote my last blog entry on the 4th of November so I had 3 days to kill until I had to join the cruise to Antarctica. And there isn’t really much to do in Ushuaia. While it is one of the most southern city/town in ... read more
Penguins - Antarctica
Landscape - Antarctica

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