Victoria Mary Baxter


Victoria Mary Baxter

Spending 3 months volunteering in Uganda, Africa as part of the QES scholarship.

Africa » Uganda July 31st 2019

I finished up my last week in Rugazi and have completed our two-week rotation at the Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital. I worked in the Toto and Natasha wards (malnutrition) as well as Pediatric Admissions and Outpatient Department. The latter two were definitely my favourite as I enjoyed listening to the differentials and learning more about the Ugandan healthcare system. One case that stood out to me was a jaundice baby that was born with a defective liver. The doctor in the room informed me that organ transplants are not done in Uganda so the mother would have to take the baby to another country, which she likely could not afford, and thus the baby was going to die. The following week one of the nutrition students and myself gave an impromptu nutrition talk on hypertension in ... read more

Africa » Uganda July 3rd 2019

It has been a while since my last blog post. Things have been quite busy in Rugazi and it seems like I blinked and 3 weeks have gone by. I love it here, it’s so beautiful and I’m learning so much at the clinic. I have spent a lot of time in the out patient department and really enjoy discussing each patient’s case with the other healthcare students. I have also gone the 3 c-sections since the first still born c-section I attended. All three went very smoothly with happy healthy baby and mama. I think the best moment of the trip was when I got to give a new baby to the family. Everyone was so excited and I was able to share in their joy. I’m sad that this is my last week in ... read more

Africa » Uganda June 16th 2019

After 1 week in Rugazi, we returned to Mbarara to receive the week long community training. The training was very slow and we often went over the scheduled end time, sometimes more than an hour. I found it difficult to stay engaged and focused because the teaching style was different than I’m used to as it was very slow with many rhetorical questions and too much time be allotted for students to try and come up with examples. We are now in Rugazi but unfortunately we discovered there is no water and we are not sure when it will return. I’m curious what the clinical work will be like now that all the Ugandan students are here and Dr. Amber is gone. I’m hoping it will be as fulfilling as our first week in Rugazi. ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Rwenzori Mountains June 8th 2019

After 2 weeks of being delayed (due to the professors at MUST going on strike), we finally came to Rugazi. I have absolutely loved being in the clinic as I’ve been able to assist in physical assessments and observe procedures being done, however some days have been hard. The night before last I got woken up at almost 1:00am to see if I wanted to observe a C-section. I had never seen one before and wasn’t sure what to expect. I ended up fainting before they even cut through the adipose tissue. Once my sight came back I continued to lay on the floor of the OR for a few minutes until I felt comfortable standing again. I got up just in time to see them take the baby out of the uterus. The baby wasn’t ... read more

Africa » Uganda May 30th 2019

May 30th marked my birthday as well as two weeks that I’ve been living in Uganda! Celebrating my birthday in Africa was definitely a first me, but my fellow QES scholars made it special. A birthday cake lit with a match (we had no candles) made my day. Excited for what the coming weeks are going to bring!... read more

Africa » Uganda May 18th 2019

Made our way from Entebbe to Ssese Islands today. We arrived at the pier to take the 1:00 ferry, but ended up getting delayed until 5:30pm because the truck carrying the fuel for the ferry got stuck! We spent our afternoon hanging out by the ferry and relaxing. A few members of the group got some funny sunburns, but I managed to make it through the day without burning anything. When we finally got on the ferry it was very crowded. We ended up moving around the ferry a lot and talking to a lot of locals. We finally made it to our island resort around 10:00pm, had a quick supper, and we are now relaxing in our rooms. ... read more

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