Joseph Cirillo


Joseph Cirillo

I am a travel enthusiast who enjoys experiencing new culture, seeing historic sites, and especially sampling exotic delicacies. When I am not traveling I enjoy snowboarding and relaxing...I excel at the latter.

Europe » Italy » Lombardy » Milan April 28th 2014

When I returned to the fields everything was flooded. Luckily I picked out some primo real estate when I got there and my area was pretty good. I helped some pilgrims relocate then took a well needed nap. We attended a mass at a local church because of the weather. The priest was Italian and seeing his church filled brought tears to his eyes. Afterwards, I attended a Polish first degree to show solidarity with our brothers. They took the degree very seriously. Afterwards I ate with my friends one last time before retiring. When I awoke a quick breakfast and I was off. Unfortunately, my cab driver got lost and I missed my train...great! He was very apologetic about it as I now need to purchase a new ticket! I think he said construction made ... read more

Europe » Vatican City April 27th 2014

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…the moment of truth. Before we left Father John gave us the priestly blessing of safe travel. We arrived and tried to get some recon at 5pm. The mass began at 10am Sunday. We determined they would close the square and got a good camping spot on Via del Conciliazione, which I kept confusing with colazione the Italian word for breakfast, after talking to three guards with three different stories. It started to rain as set up our camp and within a half an hour the police showed up and decided to shut down the street as well. They herded people who were already camping there before us out and they were not happy about it. Many traveled very far to get an opportunity to see the Pope canonized not one but two influential popes in ... read more
A Blurry Shot of the Crowd
Syzmon and I

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome April 26th 2014

Remember on this trip that you are a pilgrim not a tourist. It was on this day I would soon test the meaning of this statement. So in the morning we had a quick mass then bought some meat and cheese for the staff and the pilgrims. It is kind of a pilgrim tradition to share food with other pilgrims on the trip. It is our way of “breaking bread” in both a literal and metaphorical sense. I elected to take an easy morning as we had a long day ahead of us, but first whenever I travel abroad there is always that, “I miss America moment” and that day was today. As I have said before, when in Europe people tend to avoid going above and beyond in the service industry. Many people I have ... read more
Papal Selfie with JP2

Europe » Italy April 25th 2014

April 25, 2014 Rome Rise and shine! Well this is the big day; time to greet the Bishop. In the morning, his excellency the Archbishop of Baltimore said our mass. It was done with parts in English and Polish. The mass was beautiful and afterwards I got to meet the Bishop, our Supreme Knight Carl Anderson and his wife, and Count Enrico Demaio the head of i Cavalieri di Colombo, Italy. The Knights are very active with the Vatican, restoring many of the beautiful sites the world enjoys. When introduced I greeted him with a hearty “piacere.” He smiled for a moment acknowledged my sign of respect and returned a piacere back. I totally marked out as well and kissed the ring of the Archbishop. He did not expect it, but I am an old school ... read more
Marching through the Streets of Rome
The Radom Group at the Vatican
La Piazza di San Pietro

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome April 24th 2014

Well today was a crazy day. I introduced Ray to the Italian breakfast, which like most continental european breakfasts is very tasty but very underwhelming. However, if you appreciate it for what it is, then it is rather enjoyable. Though, if you put me to a vote of the worlds best breakfast, I would vote USA in a heartbeat. You may dispute this as many have tried. The French bragged to me about their baguettes et beurre, the Belgians flaunted their brood en jam (le pain et de la confiture) and the Italians touted their cornetto al cioccolato; trust me I’ve heard it all before. To that I have only one word...bacon. Quite frankly, that is the only word you need. Game, set, match! I struck a conversation with an italian woman in the bar run ... read more
Setting up our Camp
Riccarda and I

Europe » Italy » Lombardy » Milan April 24th 2014

Ahhhhhhhhhh Milano! A rather industrious city, but beautiful in its own way. The flight was amazing, the best experience in the air I have ever had! Not only was Air Emirates the cheapest direct flight from JFK to Milan Malpensa, but the service was outstanding. In flight movies, TV and music in multiple languages for free. All alcohol was free except for champagne. The food was restaurant quality and all pillows, blankets and headsets were complimentary. They even gave you a warm towel to clean your hands before the flight took off. When I arrived in Milan, my first task was to find Ray. the airport was not very large and we had agreed to meet at the McDonald’s at 12:15. I mayyyyyyy have sent Ray a misleading photograph of myself from when I was snowboarding ... read more
Il Duomo

North America » United States » New York » New York » Queens April 23rd 2014

April 22, 2014 JFK Airport New York, NY Well I'm sitting at Tigin in JFK so I guess you can say that my journey has begun! I am enjoying a beer and watching the Yankee's play the Red Sox at Fenway. There is not much that is more American than baseball and beer and since this will be my last time in America for the next week I might as well enjoy it. I will be traveling to the motherland, Italy. This journey was a year in the making and a welcomed retreat indeed. In just a few hours I will be in Milan where I am meeting a Mr. Raymond Soha. I know little about my new travel companion but that only adds to the excitement of my adventure. He was the friend of Fr. ... read more

North America » United States » Kentucky » Louisville October 4th 2013

Outside of the trail my father and I took the opportunity to see what else the great state of Kentucky has to offer. Horse racing and bourbon go hand in hand in Kentucky. While we were unable to catch a race we were able to tour Keensland and The Churchill Downs. The Downs is where the Kentucky Derby is held and they have a great museum of the sport. We enjoyed a traditional Mint Julep at the Derby Cafe and got to see where the millionaire rows were. My sister would have really enjoyed the downs. I could picture her strutting around with her fancy hat drinking a julep. While we were in Louisville, we enjoyed the Urban Bourbon Trail, which basically was a pub crawl that takes you all over the city. It was fun. ... read more
Mint Julep
The Taste
The Original Hot Brown

North America » United States » Kentucky » Bardstown October 3rd 2013

We are in the home stretch! A few more distilleries to go and we have completed our journey. Maker's Mark is the first today, and one of the distilleries I was looking forward to the most. You can easily spot Maker's Mark at the bar because the bottle tops are dipped in red wax before shipping. Originally a clever marketing tactic by the founders, the Samuel's Family. It was supposed to give it a classy look similar to that of a cognac. Also the label carries the "maker's mark" which is a stamp that ranchers would use to distinguish their cattle from other herds. One of my favorites, Maker's is more than just a great marketing campaign, the bourbon is the real deal. It has a sweet soft taste that is hard to find in other ... read more
The Dipping Line
The Dip
The Heritage Center

North America » United States » Kentucky » Lexington October 2nd 2013

Day two on the trail was a good one. We took this day to check out some of the remaining distilleries on Lexington. Buffalo Trace, while not officially on the trail, was my favorite distillery. Named after the buffalo crossing of old, Buffalo Trace easily won a place in my heart and a spot in my liquor cabinet. Our tour guide Freddy was quite knowledgeable and very friendly. One thing that deeply impressed me about the bourbon trail is that the industry is like a big family. Buffalo Trace trains all its workers to do every job from the bourbon line to the lawn care. During periods of slow production, they will employee their workers with beautification projects to keep them employed. In a day and age where corporations are villainized as being only out for ... read more
Woodford Reserve
Triple distilled

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