Nick Smith


Nick Smith

My first overseas trip was in 1970 when my parents dragged me kicking and screaming (and crying) from the UK to Australia. Nowadays I thank them for that move. Our family were great campers and I inherited the nomad gene from my parents. I was 16 when I made my first solo travel adventure. I have not looked back.
I have a trove of photographs, memories, maps, brochures and other paraphernalia of over 40 years of independent travel. Africa, Asia, Europe and some US. Australia of course - my home.
Now it is time to start documenting current and past and upcoming travel.
I have been based in China for 3 years now, covering most of the Covid-19 era. I intend to start documenting current travels.

Asia » China » Yunnan » Lijiang August 10th 2022

Today was a day that I had been concerned about. I wanted to do this, I needed to do this to test my health, but it could have had repercussions. Today the trip took us up Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. We were to reach an altitude of about 4680 metres. The air is thin, it was also going to be cold and I had forgotten to bring warm clothes, they were sitting on my bed, somehow overlooked in the packing. But the altitude was the concern. You see 6 years ago I had open heart surgery and a quintuple bypass. Generally I am fit enough but thin air, lower levels of oxygen and the exertion of the climb was causing me some doubts about whether I should do this. In my 20's I climbed Mt Kenya ... read more

Asia » China » Yunnan » Dali August 8th 2022

Dali and Surrounds I honestly would like to go back to Dali and have a longer opportunity to look around. Our day started with an opportunity to photograph "the Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple". This was done at a distance, time did not allow us to visit the temple. Some vendors were selling objects and nick nacks primarily made from the local stone. The patterns within the stone were fascinating. We then proceeded to a village market place. I never got the name of the village. Here I had a small bit of Covid-19 unpleasantness. Many people were maskless, however as the only foreigner a security guard at the market entrance insisted that I wore a mask, I stopped to watch, I was the only person told to wear a mask in the short time that ... read more
2022-08-08 19.36.26

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming August 5th 2022

Arrival Kunming was my first stop on a tour of Yunnan Province. I chose to go with a tour group to ensure that I was with foreigners and an English speaking tour guide. To be honest I was reluctant to book this trip. I am not sure why. I was also considering simply booking a flight to Sanya and having a beach holiday. I ended up in Yunnan and with hindsight it was a very good decision to avoid Sanya as an outbreak of Covid-19 began about the same time. Sanya ended up going into lockdown with media reporting 80,000 stranded tourists. There are still people struggling to leave Sanya as I write this 2 weeks later. Internal flights are becoming more routine now. Covid Tests within 48 hours before flying. Setting up the Health Code ... read more
2022-08-05 15.15.06
2022-08-05 15.18.02
2022-08-05 15.19.12

Asia » China » Xinjiang » Lake Kanas July 3rd 2022

Hemu Hem was a relatively short drive from the Lake Kanas National Park. We arrived in the early evening after leaving the Park. As we drove towards the village it looked like there were two locations. The larger habitat was a little bit lower down the valley. We ended up at the smaller and higher of the two. We were picked up and taken to our accommodation. By this time it was getting late and after dumping our bags we congregated in the nearest restaurant for an evening meal. Shortly after to bed. The next morning I arose early and walked around the town. It was fairly small and there was a lot of construction going on. This place is being developed at an amazing rate, Breakfast was simple local fare back at the same restaurant ... read more

Asia » China » Xinjiang » Altay July 2nd 2022

Rainbow Beach, Colourful Beach, Wucai Beach There seems to be many translations of this area. Basically the banks of a river at this stage runs through an area of I guess sandstone. The river has carved through the land and erosion has exposed many different colours of material. It is interesting scenery. There are interestingly shaped and coloured features. Once again however, if I missed this I would not feel that I had missed much. The area was about 40 minutes drive from Burqin on the way to Lake Kanas. The day was hot, it was very dry. Boardwalks kept people off the sensitive areas and gave viewpoints at different locations. It was scenic. The river that runs through the area is variously called the Irzise or Irtysh and is the only Chinese river that flows ... read more

Asia » China » Xinjiang » Burqin July 1st 2022

Devil City or Ghost City Well it isn't even a real city. Today was a long drive again. We left the hotel and hit the road. The City is an arid dry hot area of strange landforms. The land has been sculpted by the wind and eroded by the dust blown in the wind. Strange forms and shapes resemble "animals" and have been given names. When the wind blows it creates noises and sounds that the local inhabitants described as the cries of the dead, hence the name. Displays have been set up to serve as attractions for tourists. One can get camel rides, there are displays of horsemen and even (fake) dinosaur bones. To get between the different displays and activity areas there is a hop on hop off "train" to ferry people around. Beyond ... read more

Asia » China » Xinjiang » Burqin June 30th 2022

Duku Highway The guide books and travel advice web sites rate the Duku Highway as one of the most beautiful drives on the planet. I have to agree, the section that we drove was spectacular. Our day started with what was going to be a long drive. Our instructions from the driver were to call out when we needed a photo stop. The section of the Highway that we drove on started at the Nalati Grasslands and ended up in Burqin (Beurjin). The route is numbered G217, but sometimes we were on G3014 travelling in a general Northerly direction. There are warning signs in Chinese along the route to only stop in designated parking areas. Our driver was very careful and took us safely through the winding roads, sharp bends and steep sections. Fortunately the makers ... read more

Asia » China » Xinjiang » Yinning June 29th 2022

Lalati Grasslands Different publications have different translations of the name. This is a huge valley bounded by mountains. The grasslands are inhabited by Kazakh people. There was a longish drive to get to the grasslands. Once again we were treated to hot sunny weather with cloudless blue skies. The air was fresh and clear. To get into the valley proper we needed to descend from the higher ground. A steep winding road with many hairpin bends (switchbacks) led down into the valley, later of course we had to ascend once more. It is once again stunning scenery that awes the senses at the enormity ang the huge expanse. A lovely fertile river valley with the snow capped mountains making for postcard type pictures. The are caters for tourists and the people that make it their home. ... read more

Asia » China » Xinjiang » Yinning June 28th 2022

Karajun National Park Our tour of this park started with a boat ride. A large dam creates a lake and to get to the park proper we had a short boat ride to where the tourist buses wait. The idea is to take the buses and get off at various stations and explore parts of the park. At these station you ay simply walk, take photographs or indulge in other activities such as horse riding or off road carting. Once again the scenery is stunning. Mountains in the background tower over the plateau where we were. Down below a river feeds the lake and dam, the walls of the valleys are steep. Once again we had a glorious day it was warm to hot and sunny with a nearly cloudless blue sky. Later in the day ... read more

Asia » China » Xinjiang » Yinning June 27th 2022

Sayram Lake In the morning we were picked up by our new driver and agency. We had a long drive ahead of us as we drove out to Sayram Lake. Covid tests and police checks continued to be a dampener on the enjoyment. We travelled a road that used to be closed in the depths of winter due to snow drifts and storms. It now has a new elevated bridge that to my eyes was more exposed to the weather but we were told keeps the highway open most of the year. The highway leads to Pakistan. It was a huge structure. The views from the vehicle do not really show the perspective. Sayram Lake was our destination. The day was sunny, the weather hot, a cloudless blue sky and clear air allowed us to see ... read more

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