Tamara Warner Minton


Tamara Warner Minton

I am an avid diver, an amateur underwater photographer, and traveler. In 2012 I have been to spots in the USA, Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya, South Africa, Cozumel, and now, I have returned from a dive trip to the Revellagigados Islands, south of the Baja, Mexico. I LOVE to travel, especially places where I can see nature at its best. Adventure for adventure's sake!

North America » Mexico » Baja California December 12th 2012

Ah, I continue my search for diving with Manta Rays and Whale Sharks, and sharks of any kind. I enjoyed my Volunteer trip to Mozambique, but as I said in my blog, the diving was disappointing. So, a friend who has a non profit called Pelagic Life, recommended the Revillagigedo Islands, archipeligo commonly called the Socorro Islands. Randy and I left Dec 1 for Cabo San Lucas so we could relax before boarding the Solmar V dive boat on December 2nd. We stayed at one of the hotels recommended by the Solmar V, the Playa Grande, a very nice hotel. We only had one mishap....usually it is me falling or doing something else stupid, but this time it was my esposo, Randy. Going to dinner he fell up the stairs. Yes, UP the stairs. We sat ... read more
Leaving Cabo's Marina
Playa Grande, Cabo
Beautiful Moorish Idol

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Cozumel July 20th 2012

The diving and surface interval have been exciting and unexpected in Cozumel this last month! As I have already blogged, a couple of days ago we saw False Killer Whales on our dive at Yucab reef, today we had the incredible good luck to run into Pilot Whales during our surface interval! One of them swam right under the bow as I leaned over and took photos. I wish I had had my little GOPRO Hero2...a video would have been better than photos. Of course, you never have what you need handy, right? zuWe saw Pilot Whales last year at this exact time, and apparently the False Killer whales have been seen this time of year for 4 years, so it appears a migration is taking place. No complaints here! It is so exciting to see ... read more
Pilot whale!
Cushion Sea Star
coz 12 cielo cush seastar

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Cozumel July 18th 2012

It is all over the island: False Killer Whales spotted near dive boats and on dive sites. My husband, Randy, our son Wes and his friend Charlie were diving Yucab Reef when we spotted them. They looked like HUGE dolphins....but dolphins don't grow to 10 feet or so, do they??? They swam around our boat and we spotted them on the dive. Sadly, I wasn't close enough for a photo. But the dive was fantastic: smooth trunkfish were mating, lobsters and crabs everywhere, several Splendid Toadfish which are only found on Cozumel, and a lovely, large nurse shark! A truly wonderful dive. After we dove Yucab we headed to Villa Blanca for a twilight dive. We found dozens of baby lobsters under a coral head! I have never seen anything like it....they were everywhere. A Common ... read more
Common Octopus
Caribbean Octopus
Lobster Fest!  Babies!

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London June 13th 2012

Ah, I sit at London Heathrow waiting for the plane taking me home to Dallas. I have some thoughts to share regarding travelling in Africa, or any developing nation. The developing countries are truly a different world for the western traveler. Know what to expect when you go! 1. Expect all services to be S L O W. Customer service has never been considered or taught in these countries. You will feel as though you are inconveniencing them at times just to ask a question or order a drink! 2. Plumbing, buildings, streets, etc will not be similar to conditions in the west. Be prepared. I still haven’t figured out the women’s bathrooms where one stall has a seat in the ground…I mean, what am I supposed to do? Not sure I even want an answer. ... read more
tan 12 lm acacia umbrella tree
Famous tree climbing lions
tan 12 marketday

Africa » Kenya » Nairobi Province » Nairobi June 12th 2012

I am now in the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi, waiting for our flight to Johannesburg. Ah, Johannesburg and the British Airways Commodore Lounge! It will be smooth sailing after that. Yesterday morning our flight from Serengeti to Arusha, Tanzania left at 11a, so we got up early and did a game drive on the way to the airport. It’s hard to believe, but on the way to the airport, we witnessed a lion stalking and kill. A big, beautiful lioness was standing like a statue on a dead tree that had fallen over. We watched for a while, and then she headed across the field and got up on another dead tree. She was close to the road at that point, where 3 vehicles waited, watching her. Leaping down, she proceeded to come our ... read more
Canvasing the Savannah
tan 12 sg lion hunt94

Africa » Tanzania » North » Arusha June 11th 2012

Serengeti: THIS IS AFRICA! The Serengeti is what you picture when you think “African Safari”. The Savannah (Swahili for “endless plain”) with its umbrella acacia trees, waving golden grass as far as you can see, and HERDS of animals. I have never seen so many animals! It is the “Great Migration”, and Wildebeast and Zebras in thousands and thousands dot the landscape. THIS is Africa. We have seen just everything here, from herds of elephants touching our car with their trunks to giraffes looking at us curiously from the side of the road, baboons in the trees, herds of zebra and wildebeest (they are almost always together, they apparently get along fine, and there is safety in numbers.) We have seen bat eared foxes (they are adorable), hyenas who were 5 feet away in the dark ... read more
A full belly!
Famous tree climbing lions

The Ngorogoro Crater is spectacular. It sits about 7000 ft above sea level, at least the rim does. Our hotel balcony overlooks the crater, it almost looks like a satellite map or that you are looking at it from the plane. It is a LONG way down. The Maasai, a famous African tribe, live on the craters edge and often graze their cattle in the nutrient rich grass. Actually, Ran was on the balcony today when he heard bells and talking. The Maasai warriors were bringing their cattle by the hotel. The crater is so rich because of its history, millions of years ago it was a huge volcano, but it erupted and collapsed upon itself, creating the crater. Almost all of the animals in the crater are born and die there, the bull elephants are ... read more
tan 12 cr hippo
tan 12 cr lion
tan 12 cr lion male4

Africa » Tanzania » North » Lake Manyara June 8th 2012

Lake Manyara is a lovely area, and the perfect place to start serious safari. There is plenty to see in this lake region! Tanzania's national animal is the giraffe, and they are EVERYWHERE, which suits me fine since they are my very favorite. I've seen them in zoos, but nothing compares to giraffes in the wild. The Maasai giraffe is the national symbol of Tanzania and it is much darker than the other subspecies. The pattern is also a bit different, almost more geometrical than spotted. They are the epitome of gracefulness, and they seem gracious about allowing one close to take photos. Ah. So beautiful! Lake Manyara has its share of elephants! They, too, are everywhere. Some of them have incredibly huge tusks. Unlike the Indian elephant, the African elephants, male and female, have tusks. ... read more
tan 12 lm giraffe munch
tan 12 lm giraffes beautiful
tan 12 lm giraffes moving

So, after a nice few days together in Tofo, it was time to move on to new adventures in Tanzania. (*Tahn Zahn ya). We left Inhambane for Joburg, then the next morning we boarded a Kenya Airways flight for Kiliminjaro with a connection in Nairobi. Kenya Airways was quite nice, it is on the approved European list of African airlines. We landed in Nairobi and headed for the connecting gate to Kiliminjaro, where I quickly learned my passport was missing. I am always very paranoid about making sure I have my passport, so Randy and I were both in shock. And so the saga begins…. First, I retraced all of my steps from gate 9 to gate 5. No passport. We suggested they check the plane we came in on. That plane, we were informed, has ... read more
tan 12 new friends at Lake Manyara

So, after a nice few days together in Tofo, it was time to move on to new adventures in Tanzania. (*Tahn Zahn ya). We left Inhambane for Joburg, then the next morning we boarded a Kenya Airways flight for Kiliminjaro with a connection in Nairobi. Kenya Airways was quite nice, it is on the approved European list of African airlines. We landed in Nairobi and headed for the connecting gate to Kiliminjaro, where I quickly learned my passport was missing. I am always very paranoid about making sure I have my passport, so Randy and I were both in shock. And so the saga begins…. First, I retraced all of my steps from gate 9 to gate 5. No passport. We suggested they check the plane we came in on. That plane, we were informed, has ... read more
New friends at Lake Manyara!

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