Anthony Falcon


Anthony Falcon

I am a travel addict and world traveler. Sometimes for work, but most often for pleasure. I get bored at home and the world is my diversion. I'm a people watcher. I'm constantly in search of new types of people and ways of life.

I have always believed that "You only get one life to live, so live it. " The crazy thing is that means something different to everyone. And for me, I never knew what it meant or what life I was suppose to be living. So, I did what anyone in my situation should do which is to get out and see the world, find all kinds of people and different lives, and eventually choose the one you want. Discover the life for you and then choose it. Live it. For me, trying to discover my life is my life. New places. New people. New lives. How can I ever see them all? The journey to self discovery is a long one full of twists and turns, but thankfully, i enjoy the open road.

"I was thinking thoughts that fit me. While walking in the forest, raindrops dropping on me from the trees. I found myself arriving here and there. And always, everywhere, I knew was the right place for me." –P. SAARIKOSKI, “I Wander Where I Wander”, 1965.

Europe » Portugal » Lisbon & Tagus Valley » Lisbon October 15th 2011

I must look Portuguese. As I travel around Brazil and Lisbon Portugal, I often have people come and ask me questions as if I have any idea what they are saying to me. Just now, an old woman carried on a one sided conversation with me as I waited for the bus. She was going on and on about the people in the square, politics, and Brazil life versus in Portugal. At the end of it her friend came up and she wished me a good day "Bom Dia". She never knew I didn't understand but a few words of her entire 10 minute diatribe. I was glad to do it though. For one it was interesting to hear her talk. Second I wanted to see just how long I could carry on the charade. And ... read more
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The price for beer depends obviously on where you go. In general, I paid anywhere from 2-5 Real (Brazilian currency) for a beer. The normal is to buy a large bottle of beer and share it with your friends. That is generally a better deal and will usually only cost around 4.50 or possibly up to 8 depending on where you are. As a general rule, anything not Brazilian cost more. That makes sense, but it is true for food and drinks. Vodka is more expensive than their local alcohol "cachaça" which is made from sugar cane, similar to rum. A shot of cachaca will cost about 2-3 Real. Their national drink "caipirinha" is a mixture of cachaca, slices of fruit usually Lime, ice and sugar. The taste is good, but all that sugar and alcohol ... read more
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South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Paraty October 14th 2011

We arrived in Paraty by bus from Santos via a quick over night stay in Caragatuba. Both Santos and Caragatuba are beach cities, but neither seemed to have much “charm.” The six hours we spent walking around Santos was more painful than productive and by the time we arrived in Caragatuba, we were so exhausted we could only grab a room and sleep for 6 hours before we had to catch the bus to Paraty. When we arrived in Paraty, the terminal area was exciting! It was full of all sorts of people going places. A quick exploration down a side street resulted in finding a shopping area and grocery store full of people. It is always good to know where that is at. While we were waiting at the big sign that said “Tourist Office” ... read more
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Rio - Nothing gives you a feeling of adventure like a black out in a foreign city in South America. Luckily for me, I know reputable people and there are certain places which never seem to lose power. Generally they are affluent places that make money. Rich people enjoy their luxuries especially when they are on holiday. It just wouldn't do to have a 5 star hotel without power. And so, I have relocated from my meager lodgings to the bar in the Hotel Santa Theresa, and I wait out both the power outage and my friend's occupation. Both of which prevent us from enjoying a night out on the town. There are worse ways to spend the evening. :) ... read more
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Rio is pretty awesome. A big city full of people but right on the beach and also in the mountains. Beautiful like Hawaii, busy like New York, fun and crazy like Las Vegas (without the gambling but with better hookers), international and yet very very Brazil. Here I get a sense of wild west freedom. There are rules and people obey them when it makes sense but mostly people are just doing what they want. That being said you can see the best and the worst of human nature. I've watched taxi drivers apologize for cutting each other off. I met a stranger who shared a cookie with me and who lent me a dollar for no reason. But also drugs are rampant here. Some parts of the city aren't safe and you must constantly be ... read more
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Europe » Poland » Masovia » Warsaw August 19th 2011

Poland - The woman who walks by making faces at her reflection as she adjusts her outfit. Completely absorbed with her momentary beautifying task while walking by, as if she were in a room by herself with a mirror, she is oblivious or indifferent to the airport full of people who may be watching her. The group of Russian men. Identifiable in their identical charcoal colored suits, black tee shirts, shiny black shoes, silver watches, and mostly shaved heads in a hurry as they scuttle by. I hear them speaking Russian. And so, I sit in an American style pub restaurant that reminds me of a very small TGI Fridays. The walls are covered with cool old school 1950s signs. Pepsi-cola, Phillips 66, red rock cola, and that sort of thing. If that weren't enough, they ... read more
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Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Weiden in der Oberpfalz May 27th 2011

So I have found something interesting. The Weiden "jazz circle". It's on the third floor of the Alles Enchantment restaurant. I have no idea how often they perform but it seems to be an occasional thing. I am always amazed at how I can be in a room full of Germans who speak very little if any English and yet when it comes to musical singing, the lyrics are always in English. I had no idea that American (or just English) had taken over all musical culture. But, I see it often. On TV as well. The group is composed of a bass, a sax, a key board, an acoustic guitar, an electric guitar, drums, a French horn, a trumpet, and a singer. Though it seems they change out singing depending on the song. Not a ... read more
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Europe » Italy January 23rd 2011

I think that I have found myself in Roma. Rome is a city full of life. Full of people and history and splendor. But what spoke most to me was that it was full of love. Everyone everywhere. It is not difficult to understand why people here are happy. A trip to any restaurant, bar, cafe, or historical museum will impress you. But more than that i think it is in the spirit of the Italian people. Their passion for everything they do overwhelms the senses and permeates every pore of your soul as you soak in the much needed medicine to combat the stress of everyday life. To me, to know Roma is to know happiness and love and passion. I would rate the hostel I stayed at as awesome (La Controra Hostel, Via Umbria, ... read more
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Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich January 16th 2011

Thank god for the free toilets on the train! I had to piss SO bad! I went to the hofenbru in Munich. I think it is the original hofenbrau. I have been to the same in Panama city, FL. This One is much better. One can Feel the Party Atmosphere in the Air. I had two of their Hüge 40oz beers. Also a Full meal of pork Steak, potato Balls, and bread. The bread came from the bread-girl. And it was a Large pretzel (and she was hot). A Strange man sat with me. Originally there were 3, me and two Spanish (a couple. Very uptight), but then a German man with Long grey hair and a Long grey beard Sat down. He invited His Friend to join. Such that there were Five of us. Two ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Nuremberg (aka Nürnberg) January 14th 2011

Note to self. Get out more. I came out tonight with the intent to have dinner maybe. More to find wireless (free) and to update my phone since I'm still living in a cheap hotel and they dont' have WiFi. I have no real plan. Which can be good. I have found the Skybar. It appears to be on the top floor of the movie theater complex. I think this is a good location. It has a beautiful view of the local cathedral. There are mostly couples here. It begs my usual question of where do single people go to meet people? I have not answered this but at least it know where to go if ever I find a partner to join me. It is literally just up the street from the main train station. ... read more
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