


Putting all adventures into one spot.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -- Mark Twain

North America » United States » New Jersey » Newton June 13th 2017

Hey everyone, Thank you so much for following me on my many adventures via this forum. At the beginning of this year I switched over to a wordpress blog that both Derik and I have been contributing to. There may be a few stories that you have seen before on this blog but for the most part these are stories of our shared travels together. I hope you guys are intrigued enough to follow me on over to the wordpress world! My new blog is found at that I am doing my best to keep current on :P We also have an instagram at ourtravelingtales which I definitely do stay current on. Thank you for joining me on my travels in the past and I hope you choose to join me on the travels in ... read more

North America » United States » Pennsylvania » Gettysburg April 23rd 2017

Since I picked up running and slowly checked off a 5k then 10k and finally a half I decided that next on my list was a full marathon. This full marathon thing has been on my Bucket List for the last three years and somehow each year passes and I haven’t been able to check off the marathon box. But this year is different, New Year’s Eve I signed up for the Gettysburg North vs South Marathon. Affordable, not far away, and a place Derik had never been seemed like the perfect trifecta. Plus I was told that it was a net downhill which just sounds even better to my inexperienced ears. So I started training week one of 2017 and trained consistently (with the exception of my week in Guatemala) and felt prepared, nervous but ... read more

North America » United States » Massachusetts » Boston October 31st 2016

It always feels like we are doing a drive by of Boston during one of the last weekends in October. It isn't our main agenda but we are "so close" we feel the need to stop there. Well this past weekend was no different. When one of my beautiful amazing Peace Corps gals invited us to a shin dig to celebrate her marriage up in Newburyport, MA we made a jam packed weekend out of it. It has become our M.O. to not bother planning anything. I don't know how wise that it but it seems to be working out (if you don't mind sleeping in the occasional car now and again). Once again we made no real plans until Friday morning when we decide what the hey, why not start our journey today. So after ... read more
Louie's Lunch
Look at all those tracks!
Riverside Park

North America » United States » New Jersey » Paterson October 23rd 2016

Happy 100th birthday to the National Park Services. Little ole New Jersey has a lovely park in Paterson, New Jersey with one of America's largest waterfalls.... read more

Europe » France » Burgundy » Beaune October 12th 2016

Wine Country Beaune wine tasting wine pairing wine museum hotel dieu tasty dinner cute hotel just wanna eat something that doesn't take two hours to recieve... read more

MISSING October 11th 2016

I understand that not everyone is obsessed with Pokemon Go (even if they should be :P) but Derik and specifically visited Geneva, Switzerland for one purpose, Mr. Mime.We had actually had written off Geneva because we wanted to avoid cities and there wasn't really anything in particular that we wanted to see there. The problem arose when Derik caught Mr. Mime on day two and I was left without it. You see, Mr. Mime is a regional Pokemon meaning you can only get it in Europe. It is had to accomplish this without unlimited data and minimal wifi but when we heard that it was nearly a guarantee to get him there we decided what the heck. Geneva was on our route to Beaune, and at this point the trip had been nice and easy driving. ... read more

Europe » France October 9th 2016

Chamonix Michelin Star Meal Relaxation Spa time... read more

Europe » Switzerland October 6th 2016

Grindelwald - Eiger Adventure Pack AirBnB experience... read more

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