
Scott and Kristy


There once was a girl from Vancouver who traveled to Cuba with a friend for some much needed time away. While there she met a young man on vacation with his family. They became friends and kept in touch for many years. The young man, at the time, lived a world away from the girl and so they utilized the wonderful technology known as the internets until one day he returned to his homeland in Canada, and the online friendship blossomed into much more and they moved in together.
After a year of living together and working jobs for the man and the music industry they were considering taking it a step further and purchasing a condo together.. it was short lived and they changed their downpayment in for a ticket to the far east, and off to Asia they went on what was to be the start of a wonderful adventure together......

to be continued...

275 days spent exploring on our last trip

We are currently in Vancouver, Canada

Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

Our trip so far...

Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo May 17th 2011

Location: Norway Day: May 17th Reason to celebrate: Independence The only day in the year when it is acceptable to make noise in public without it being a federal offence. They hope for great weather, check, they hope for a country wide cheer, check, cheap ice cream for everyone! Not a chance! Even though Norway has been an independent country for nearly 200 years they still feel that dressing up formally and showing national pride is very important. National days in most countries vary the way they celebrate and from my experience how it’s done here in Norway and especially in Oslo is unique. In the past, when areas of land were divided by mountain passes and rivers, families would make their own formal wear and pass it down to younger generations. This formal wear was ... read more
statues are even dressed up
Every house has a flag
Showing our spirit on the water

Europe » Italy November 4th 2010

We arrived in Florence after nightfall to slightly chilly weather. We're starting to notice a change in the weather, the beginning if autumn is upon Italy!! We're staying at a massive hostel/hotel in the center of town. It seems a bit much with so many guests but they have a free pool, sauna and Turkish bath which (in our opinion) more than make up for the un-personal feel of the place. We had one idea of what Florence would be; museums. We spent our first day wandering the streets armed with a map and a bunch of 'points of interest'. There are a lot of really cool statues in the city! We visited only one museum, which houses the famous sculpture of (the real) David, along with some amazing paintings and a few unfinished carvings by ... read more
Scott and Kristy
The Grand Canal
a glimpse of the wild waters outside the peaceful city of Venice

Europe » Italy » Campania » Naples October 30th 2010

We arrived in Naples to rain, which I wasn't too happy about as my feet were still in the process of healing (Rome beat them up) and I was in flip flops. Smart, I know!! We caught the local train to just outside the old quarter and were greeted by mounds of garbage. Welcome to Naples!! (We later found out that there was a garbage strike). We were staying at a hostel called Giovanni's home, it was actually his home that he had converted into a three dorm-room hostel. He quickly dismissed our idea that all there was to do in Naples was eating pizza and catching the train to Pompeii. Naples is riddled in amazing history from before medieval times, and is still proudly showing it off. There is also more to the surrounding area ... read more
Ash-covered remains
Grand entrance to Galleria Umberto
Street in Pompeii

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome October 26th 2010

We landed in the Italian capital quite early in the morning and caught a shuttle bus into the center right near the main train station. As we didn't have anything booked we dropped our large rucksacks at the bag deposit and went searching. We got lucky and found something almost right away and decided to spend the rest of the day orientating ourselves and wandering the streets of Rome. The first site we stumbled upon almost knocked us off our feet, the Victory Monument of Victor Emmanuel, it wasn’t as old as I would have hoped (construction started in 1885) but it was HUGE!! Rome is so filled with massive monuments, statues and buildings, all breathtaking, impressive and intimidating. We headed back after making a brief tour around the Colosseum with plans on spending the next ... read more
oh hai!!
Inside the Pantheon.

Europe » Greece » Crete October 22nd 2010

We had two choices to get to the island of Crete from Santorini. The cheaper of the two left at 9pm and got in to the port of Iralkio around 5am. The more expensive left at 5pm, arriving at 9pm. We chose the later of the two, wanting to arrive earlier so we could have a good night’s sleep before going to explore the ruins of Knossos the next day. Our hostel was fairly decent, although the noise level on the street was a bit much. We also found one of the coolest bookshops I've seen on the trip, with an ever so fitting old man behind the desk who was so enthusiastic about helping us make our way up to Norway (Scott had a chat with him while I was off in never never land ... read more
Hiding in the bushes
lining up the perfect shot

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Santorini October 11th 2010

My mum made a last minute decision to come and meet us in Greece, and we decided this would be perfect timing to give back the car and start seeing some of the islands. We picked Santorini as our destination as she was only out for one week and we wanted to find something beautiful, relaxing, and with a few activities to do during the week. Her flight landed in the late afternoon and we met her at the airport. we had a slower evening as she had just flown for a ridiculously long time. Of course after almost a month of bragging about how delicious the food was in Greece, the first time she gest to try to real stuff is the first time we experience a bad meal at a less the decent resturant. ... read more
Tortoise vs Girl
Oia, Santorini

Europe » Greece October 1st 2010

Day 13: Cleaning day Sept.19 Drove 23km In 6 and a half months very little has been expected of us; no deadlines other than visa's expiring; no worry of being late;, no waking up early unless we want to catch the sunrise or once in awhile a bus or ferry. A rare thing for me, having someone else do my laundry, has become the norm, not by choice but because that's the only option 98% of the time. No dishes to be washed, carpets to be vacuumed, bathrooms to scrubbed or living rooms to tidy. No fish to feed, plants to water or Dima's to nurture. Don't get me wrong, it hasn't all been peaches, cream and relaxation; we've had some hard times, just not the same as back home worrying over jobs, commutes, dinners and ... read more
Gates of Hades
Kristy in a field of flowers

Asia September 26th 2010

March 9th - September 26th, 2010. 200 days spent living out of our rucksacks. Our journey started off with a general plan of what we wanted to see, where we wanted to go, and a basic route. This plan has been re-worked numerous times to the point where we find ourselves in Greece, a place that wasn’t even on our map of destinations to see As this is our 200th day of travel, and we are nearing the end of the first leg of our long journey we felt a need to celebrate with a special blog. Instead of taking the usual route and describing things we have seen, done, eaten, etc. I’m going to leave you with a few (interesting?) facts, and let the pictures do most of the talking. Countries visited: 9 Number of ... read more
Making New friends
Amazing sunsets
Deserted beaches

Europe » Greece September 20th 2010

Road trip part two: Day 6: Ancient Olympia - Kyparissia Sept.12 Drove 59km Greeks like to party late! We stayed at a cute little campground run by a super friendly older gentleman. Unfortunately it was right next to the Olympia music center/theatre where it just so happened that there was a Greek concert playing that night. We were up until 3am listening to some Greek man belting out his tunes with passion to wild applause from the crowd. After an early morning and packing the tent up we set out to see Ancient Olympia where the Olympic games originated over 3000 years ago. The ruins were amazing, some still very well intact; the gymnasium where wrestlers, boxers and long jumpers practiced, a priests house, quarters for the officials and judges, a Temple of Zeus, a stadium ... read more
the "Philippeion"
Overhanging cliffs on the drive through the Langada Pass

Europe » Greece September 12th 2010

Total days: 25 Total distance: 3672 km's Campsites stayed at: 12 Hotels: 1 Longest day: Korinthos to Thessaloniki - 715km Day 1: Athens - Malakanda via Kymi Sept.7 Drove 320km We picked our car up at noon from Avis. We got lucky and they bumped us up from the Toyota Yaris to the Ford Focus level (extra trunk space) for free. We wound up with a lovely Opel Astra. After a quick check of the car and dumping our bags in the back we were off. Driving through Athens wasn't too bad; we hopped onto one of the highways that run through the city and headed for our first destination, the island of Evia, just east of Athens. Our plan for Evia was to head for the east coast in search of a small town called ... read more
camping under olive trees
view of Limni
windy roads leading to miles of olive groves and the sea

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