Nomad Old Farts' Guestbook

21st May 2024

Fantastic travel
Travel fills the soul and broadens the mind. Churches on stilts and people living the daily life. What a fantastic experience.
From Blog: More than Magic
18th May 2024

West Africa
Sounds like a very interesting off the beaten track destination. .... and they sang you happy birthday. Thanks for the travel hints - I'd also have worried about security and health, but sounds like it was a bit of a non event. Assume the illegal (?) still was well out of Muslim territory?
19th May 2024

Voodoo and Fetishes
Yeah, the Muslim territory is very clearly defined and I doubt harboured any secret stills! I've just published a further blog contributed by one of my fellow travellers that I hope you might enjoy.
18th May 2024

The slave trade
That is all just so ridiculously sad.
15th April 2024

Dark History
Well done blog. Thanks for the details. You are very well traveled. Have you thought of joining the Travelers Century Club? Thanks again for sharing your stories.
16th April 2024

Travelers Century Club
I have looked at this concept from time to time but I don't consider it an accurate description of countries visited, eg Australia counts as four on the TCC database. To my mind, a true reflection of visits is how many of the UN-accredited countries you have visited, these being around 195 countries (and a couple under debate). Of the latter, I have visited 110 countries but if you use the TCC list, that number jumps to 140. Other discouragements are the fees, which are not cheap, and the fact that we live in an isolated country town, so there are not likely to be too many reunions held here! To be honest, I get enough enjoyment out of reading other's blog on this site (including your own) and our periodic 'discussions' such as this one.
31st March 2024

Kings and ceremonies
You are experiencing a variety of things. What a marvelous trip. .... and eager to hear about voodoo.
31st March 2024
The class that sang 'Happy Birthday' to me

Marvelous and unexpected
As you said, the unexpected can really add to our travels. I'm sure they loved singing for your birthday.
31st March 2024
The class that sang 'Happy Birthday' to me

Yeah, I don't get emotional about much these days but this was so unexpected as even the background and instructions to the kids were given in French, so I didn't know it was happening until they started singing!
30th March 2024

We've been looking at some off the beaten track African countries and this one has been recommended by some friends. Thanks for sharing your experiences.
30th March 2024

I think the movies have told me that the Ashanti were much feared. Happy funerals, slavery background, voodoo. Incredible.
30th March 2024

I suspect these days they are getting old and mellow - a bit like the rest of us!
30th March 2024

Floating Village
Never heard of this place and sounds fascinating. Floating village in the middle of a previously thought to be haunted lake. Hmmm.
30th March 2024

Floating Village
It's actually the second village of this type that I've visited. There is very similar on Tonle Sap, a lake in Cambodia near Siem Reap, home of Angkor Wat. I recommend getting up there to see that if you haven't already - a much cheaper air fare too!
23rd March 2024

Circumcised at 30, and not allowed to scream the house down. No thanks.
23rd March 2024

Woah! Women falling into trances and collapsing. Sounds like something straight out of a Bond flick. Sounds like a very "interesting" part of the world!
23rd March 2024

Yeah, that region certainly has its own culture based around the themes of voodoo, fetishes and the old slave trade. It’s a long haul from Oz however, travelling cattle class, or maybe I’m just getting old!
16th March 2024

Travel nightmares
Sounds like you've experienced two of our travel nightmares in very short order - camera giving up the ghost, and non functional credit and ATM cards. Sounds like it probably improved from there!
16th March 2024

Travel Nightmares
You're not wrong, guys! Add to that the feeling like shit on the very first day I met my fellow travellers and I have had better starts to a trip. Fortunately, as you suggest, it improved from there but I'm still disappointed with the quality of my new, somewhat cheap, camera as I've always prided myself on my photography. Still life goes on and I have some great memories from the trip.
12th March 2024

Thank you for your summary of your adventure to West Africa.
I'm pleased it went as well as it did. I'm 74 and find that the issues with trips to under-developed countries are beyond my ability to cope. I wish that Joan's vision problems can be remedied.
12th March 2024

Thanks Bob. By coincidence, I had just finished reading of your February adventures in the Caribbean because we did a similar trip, albeit starting in Barbados, just prior to Xmas in 2017. I also enjoyed reading your life's history on your cover page. As I've mentioned before, it's a pity you guys are no longer in Virginia as I suspect we have a lot in common - sounds like we could even discuss each other's medical problems! In the meantime, enjoy your further travels and one never knows where they might end up one day.
11th March 2024

Salesforce course in hyderabad
This is an awesome post. Really very informative and creative content. Thanks for sharing!
4th March 2024

Ethnic Groups
You've gone deep into these countries and given us a glimpse of the life. Thank you for sharing.
4th March 2024
Getting into the swingat the voodoo ceremony

Great photo
I love watching the locals dance.

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